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Guide to the Undrgrnd

A simple introduction to the Undrgrnd

Undrgrnd, in its own words, "Not just a platform but a Lifestyle!"

To note - "I do not have any affiliation with Undrgrnd other than being a fan of the project. I wanted to create a write-up for my community, as well as for any others that may not have been exposed to this fantastic group. If anything is wrong, please address it with me and I will correct any mistakes/errors. But with anything in life, please, DYOR. This is not financial advice."

A little informal introduction...

Undrgrnd is a one man publication, and media company that is seeking to celebrate artists of all types. The Founder Joe. (@nftjoe - Profile name on WC, X) empathizes a focus on finding our AMAZING friends, that may not be noticed in a world full of noise, and big names.

No matter if its music, art, photography, or even movies. All are welcome to this way of life, that is being offered. The project inspires to bring people in that drive culture progress within their own communities, and that are always willing to go forward while pushing the boundaries of innovation within Web3. From what I have seen, Joe is friendly to all that engages, and is looking to build his community on WarpCast, Twitter, as well as Alfafrens.

Undrgrnd also host Farhouse, and some Twitter Spaces. Which honestly is the best way to connect, and to learn the platform/project. Which I think spaces are running on Thursday morning eastern time on Farhouse. So definitely be ready frens.

Joe the Founder, also purchases artworks listed on Zora, using the project token $GRND , and features varying works on his site "Undrgrnd Digs."

Listed on UniSwap, and best used on Coinbase Wallet. Currently as the time of the writing the only way to view token amounts was on UniSwap interface. But Undrgrnd is continuing to evolve, and I can imagine the mechanics could change, while it continues to grow. The entire ecosystem of Undrgrnd revolves around $GRND

  • Ticker symbol - $GRND.

  • Paired $GRND/$Degen

  • Contract Address for $GRND:

  • 0xD94393cd7fCCeb749cD844E89167d4a2CDC64541

I feel personally that the founder is wanting to open the doors for everyone that has a dream for something greater than our everyday lives. While constantly pushing the envelop on what his platform can do. Pretty cool, in my opinion. Joe seems down to earth in the spaces I have listened to him in, and the limited chance I had to visit with him in a space.

Undrgrnd has a strong social media presence, and is actively doing tip giveaways, tip reimbursements, art buys on $GRND on Zora market, and much more to keep you coming back for something new, and exciting. Joe is being creative, and staying with the vision of giving back to the creators. Link to his AlfaFrens channel for Alpha, and more.

I will not go into complete details on the Tokenomics of $GRND. Please view that from the official link provided by Undrgrnd. But here is a quick overview chart from Undrgrnd website shown below. Do take the time to view the website to learn more. Links will be provided at bottom of write-up!

Earning & Tipping - $GRND

Below are some of the ways that it may be possible to earn $GRND. This list is just what I have experienced. I could imagine it changing, or frequency of tipping amounts, or tipping in general could be varying as time moves on. From what I have seen though, Undrgrnd stays true with what it says it will do. Cheers to that! Remember that Undrgrnd has to be tagged for them to know. Do sub to his channel "/ undrgrnd" on Warpcast to stay up to date.

ā–¼Ways to be tipped

  • Engagement with Undrgnd possible to receive tips

  • Creating Content for Undrgrnd/GRND

  • Tipping Reimbursements

  • Pay bot tipping - Definitely the way to tip from you to someone else!

  • Listing NFTs on Zora using $GRND (For the month of May, NFT listed with $GRND will be purchased by Undrgrnd.)

  • Subscribing to the newsletter (Make a cast after to receive $GRND)

Remember to tag Undrgrnd for that he is aware of these actions taking place. Be creative, have fun, and be engaging his content. But, please don't spam, and keep it fresh, and on topic. Fresh, clean content always wins the day frens.

Tipping Others - $GRND

I enjoy tipping in $GRDN and my preferred method is using the PayBot on my reply cast to the person I want to send Tip to.

Example: type "@autobot 10000 GRND @undrgrnd" on your reply cast. Set your own tip amount.

Once you hit cast, you will be prompted to "Approve" a minuscule Base transaction fee on your connected wallet to airdrop token to tip receiver. This will be verified with a follow-up cast by the PayBot indicating transfer. Nice thing about this way is it is fairly instant and with the bot replies you know you have done it right.


Second option that works well is using the PayBot action button. Using this option is independent of casting a reply, as you have to click the action tab on the cast you are tipping. So while this one works great! It is a extra step if you are wanting to make a reply, or to tag Undrgrnd.

There may be other ways to tip a person that I am not aware of. But these options are really user friendly. Plus you get the added engagement with the follow-up bot post. Some may cringe at them, but utilize them as a marketing tool as eyes on brand is a good thing. Always use the tools given.

Listing NFT's with $GRND on Zora

ā–¼Steps to Mint

  • Create account on Zora, unless previously completed.

  • Create collection

  • Choose Base for the currency

  • On Price window, click dropdown window.

  • Insert $GRND Token Address and press enter: 0xD94393cd7fCCeb749cD844E89167d4a2CDC64541

  • You are now listing on $GRND Token for just that created collection. Repeat process for any new collections if you desire to list on the $GRND.

  • Add NFT price.

  • Click window to upload image to create NFT.

  • Once you have your NFT set, double check your work, then click create.

  • Congrats, you just minted on the $GRND token!

  • Now go celebrate with a cast to share with your communities and relish in your accomplishment!

Speaking of NFT's, Undrgrnd will be minting their - "Never Sellout - Season 1 Pass" starting May 30th! Something to keep an eye on! Minting at 5 million $GRND

Ultimately IMO, Undrgrnd is about community, and building something from the ground up. Without the use of promo dudes/gals and to go the route of the paid shill. That is something to speak of on its own friends.

But instead, Joe is standing on his own, with a circle of support pushing his dream for us all too enjoy! For one, I think it is awesome, and I am glad to have connected! I look forward to what the future holds, not just for Undrgrnd, but for us all!

Cheers to you all! Please take the time to view the links provided below.

If you enjoyed this Paragraph, please take the time to subscribe to my page for more works in the future.

Undrgrnd Website:

Sub to their Paragraph channel:

WarpCast Profile:

WarpCast Channel:

Etherscan for GRND:


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