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The 1 Essential Practice for Remote Workers to Achieve Fulfillment, Presence, and Calm

Meditation: a high leverage practice.


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For remote workers, the line between work and the rest of life becomes blurred because when you can work from anywhere, you can work from anywhere.

In today’s modern world, we are constantly bombarded with stimuli vying for our attention.

This leads many of our minds to be active, unintentionally processing this input constantly.

Our thoughts and the way we think (software) dictate how we see reality.

If you are aware of these thoughts, you will be far better equipped to question them and challenge them if they are unhelpful.

If there were one practice I'd recommend to people, it would be meditation.

It's easy and free to practice, improves other areas of your life, and is a lifelong skill.

Ease of Practice

Practicing meditation is extremely easy. It can be done anywhere, anytime, and at zero cost. If you don't like it, you can stop.

If you do the Waking Up intro course, it only takes 10-15 minutes a day.

Improves Life

The ability to become more aware of your body and mind permeates all other areas of your life. Your existence changes texture, and you become less reactive.

Lifelong Skill

The ability to be present or have moments of clarity throughout the day doesn't go away. Once you learn it, you will have this tool until the end.

"The journey is more important than the destination."

Sitting down and meditating isn't for everyone.

Treat advice like a hat-try it for yourself.

The essence of the practice is to build the ability to be more present and aware of your body and mind, so if another activity does this for you more effectively, do that instead.

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