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3 Topics I Am Exploring In My Life Right Now

There are three topics I am actively thinking about a lot these days:

Topic #1: Attention

Attention is today’s most valuable commodity, and learning to attract it at scale is perhaps the skill with the highest leverage.

If you have attention, you immediately have distribution...

I hope that over the next year, as I learn more, I’ll understand the tools, techniques, and considerations for doing this and how to adapt as the world changes.

Topic #2: Writing

I first got interested in writing a few years ago.

I decided to write a guide on setting up a coding project, which I wish I had had before I learned it myself. A lot of people found it helpful and liked it. More recently, I recognized how much writing well can help with so many other aspects: building attention, communication, thinking, and creativity.

Don't fade writing.

Topic #3: Multipreneurship

I am also interested in learning more about finding and solving real problems by building products and systems.

I have been interested in this for a long time, but I have always been too scared, uncertain, and unsure of how I am meant to go about it.

However, I have never felt more confident and in a position of strength. I recently quit my job, but I am feeling something I haven't felt in a while: excited to wake up to attack life with a fire that was starting to die out.

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