A Breakdown of the AI-Web3 Infrastructure Stacks

Stephen King, The Indexing Company

The following is a year's worth of AI-Web3 infrastructure notes that I turned into a quick resource for those entering into the space. If people get value from it, I am happy to open-source it so anyone can edit/add to it over time. If you have edits/comments, please feel free to ping me on Warpcast: @stephenking

I . AI Infrastructure

A. Large Language Models

General Purpose Models

General purpose models, developed by OpenAI, Google, and Anthropic, are pre-trained on massive datasets, enabling them to perform various tasks. Accessible through an API, they offer quick deployment for developers. They excel at general-purpose tasks like writing, translation, and code generation, making them a valuable tool for businesses looking to integrate AI functionalities into their applications.

  • OpenAI's GPT-4: A language model by Open AI known for its versatility and depth, GPT-4 offers APIs that facilitate easy integration and fine-tuning. Its capacity for natural language understanding and generation has made it a go-to choice for diverse applications, from conversational agents to complex data analysis.

  • Google's Gemini: Gemini is Google's latest and most powerful large language model, designed to understand and work across different formats like text, code, and images. It's built to be adaptable, running efficiently on various devices from data centers to smartphones. This makes it a versatile tool for tasks like writing, coding, and data analysis.

  • Anthropic's Claude: Claude is a family of large language models, similar to Gemini. They focus on safety, security, and helpfulness. Claude can handle various tasks like writing, translating languages, and answering questions, all while aiming to be reliable and unbiased.

Open Source Models

AI's open-source community offers a wealth of resources, granting builders and entrepreneurs an array of choices to suit their needs. This ecosystem includes comprehensive repositories like HuggingFace that host a diverse range of open source large language models. These repositories are invaluable for those who prefer to train models from the ground up, offering flexibility and customization to meet specific project requirements.

Llama 2

  • Strengths: Llama2 is particularly adept at creative tasks such as generating poems, code, scripts, and emails. It's a versatile model that balances creative writing with the ability to answer informative and unusual questions.

  • License Considerations:

    • Academic

    • Commercial


  • Strengths: BLOOM's prowess lies in its capacity to generate coherent text across 46 languages and 13 programming languages, making it a highly versatile tool for multilingual text generation and code writing. Its autoregressive nature allows it to produce text that closely mimics human writing. BLOOM can also handle a variety of text tasks it hasn't been explicitly trained for.

  • License Considerations:


  • Strengths: MPT-7B excels in processing large volumes of English text and code, having been pretrained on an extensive dataset. Its strengths lie in text generation, language understanding, and code-related tasks, making it a robust option for applications requiring in-depth analysis and generation of English language and programming-related content.

  • License Considerations:

    • Academic

    • Commercial

Comparing Open-Source Vs Close-Source

Source: https://datasciencedojo.com/

Open Source Repos


  • This platform stands as a beacon for the open-source community, offering a vast repository of large language models. It’s a treasure trove for developers and researchers alike, providing resources to not only download pre-existing models but also to train them from scratch. This capability is pivotal for those looking to tailor AI solutions to specific needs or to explore new frontiers in AI research.

B. Vector Databases

Source: https://datasciencedojo.com/

Scaling Data Retrieval 

A vector database is designed to store, manage and index massive quantities of high-dimensional vector data efficiently. Unlike traditional relational databases with rows and columns, data points in a vector database are represented by vectors with a fixed number of dimensions, clustered based on similarity. This design enables low latency queries, making them ideal for AI-driven applications.

A. Embeddings

  • Embeddings are representations of items like words, sentences, or even entire documents in a high-dimensional space. This space is usually a vector space. Each item is represented as a vector, a list of numbers, in this space. These vectors capture the essence of the items' relationships and properties. For instance, in word embeddings, words with similar meanings are often close to each other in the embedding space.

B Indexing for Speedy Searches

  • Traditional databases struggle with high-dimensional data. Vector databases address this with specialized indexing techniques. Similarly, vector databases create indexes based on the relationships between vectors in this high-dimensional space.

C. The Power of Similarity Search

  • The core strength of vector databases lies in their ability to perform fast similarity searches. Given a query vector (e.g., words that have similar meanings), the database efficiently retrieves the most similar vectors (other similar images) from its vast collection.

Source: https://weaviate.io/blog/what-is-a-vector-database

Think of it like this: Imagine searching a library not just by title, but by a combination of genre, author style, and themes. Vector databases allow similar searches in the high-dimensional world of AI data.

Here's how these databases achieve fast similarity searches:

  • Metric Selection: They use appropriate distance metrics (like cosine similarity) to calculate closeness between vectors in the high-dimensional space.

  • Approximate Nearest Neighbors (ANN) Techniques: Instead of checking every vector, these techniques explore likely neighborhoods within the index, significantly reducing search time while maintaining good accuracy.


  • Pinecone: A managed service offering a user-friendly interface and automatic scaling for cloud deployments.

  • Faiss: Faiss offers a range of optimized indexing methods for quick nearest neighbor retrieval, supported by GPU acceleration and a Python interface. This versatility makes it an effective addition to NLP pipelines, standing out for its performance, flexibility, and ease of integration across various machine learning applications, especially in similarity searches.

  • Weaviate: Weaviate integrates graph database features with vector search, perfect for NLP applications needing advanced semantic understanding. Its user-friendly RESTful API, client libraries, and WebUI streamline integration and management. The API standardizes interactions, client libraries simplify complexity, and the WebUI provides an intuitive graphical interface, making Weaviate an efficient choice in data management for NLP.

  • DeepLake: DeepLake is an open-source tool excelling in embedding storage and retrieval, focusing on scalability and speed. Its distributed architecture and support for horizontal scalability make it suitable for large NLP datasets. The implementation of an Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) algorithm, using Product Quantization (PQ), ensures fast and accurate similarity searches, positioning DeepLake as a high-performance solution for large-scale NLP data handling.

  • Milvus: Milvus, an open-source vector database, focuses on scalability and GPU acceleration. Designed for distribution across multiple machines, it's well-suited for large NLP datasets. Milvus integrates with libraries like Faiss, Annoy, and NMSLIB, offering varied data organization options and enhancing vector search accuracy and efficiency. It represents the diverse landscape of vector databases, providing developers with tools tailored to specific NLP and machine learning needs.

Vector databases unlock the power of high-dimensional data by enabling efficient searches, ultimately leading to better image recognition, personalized recommendations, and more.

C. Training

Training LLMs involves feeding massive amounts of text and code data into a complex program. This program analyzes the patterns and relationships within the data, allowing it to generate similar text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way. The process requires significant computing power and specialized tools to handle the vast amount of data and complex calculations involved.

While TensorFlow, PyTorch, and JAX are popular frameworks for building and training AI models, their true power lies in how they handle data throughout the training process. 

Let's explore some key functionalities:

1. Data Pre-processing

Data needs pre-processing before feeding it into a model. These frameworks offer functionalities for:

  • Normalization: Scaling data to a common range to prevent certain features from dominating the training process.

  • Cleaning: Handling missing values, outliers, and inconsistencies within the data.

  • Transformation: Applying transformations like one-hot encoding for categorical data or feature scaling for better model convergence.

2. Data Augmentation

Just like a chef can experiment with different ingredients, data augmentation allows us to cook with variations of the existing data. This helps improve model robustness and generalization:

  • Image Augmentation: Techniques like random cropping, flipping, or adding noise can simulate real-world variations in images, making the model perform better on unseen data.

  • Text Augmentation: We can introduce synonyms, paraphrasing, or random word substitutions to enrich the training data and improve the model's ability to handle variations in language.

3. Data Loaders and Pipelines

These frameworks provide tools to efficiently load and manage data during training. 

Data loaders:

  • Batching: Split the data into manageable chunks (batches) for feeding into the model during training.

  • Shuffling: Randomize the order in which data is presented to the model to prevent overfitting to specific patterns in the data.

  • Multithreading: Utilize multiple processing threads to load data in parallel, accelerating the training process.

4. Data Versioning and Rollback

Experimentation is key in AI development. These frameworks allow managing different versions of the training data. 

  • Version control: Track changes made to the data for reproducibility and future reference.

  • Rollback capabilities: If a new data version leads to worse performance, the framework allows reverting to a previous version for a successful training run.

Here's a quick comparison of data handling in these frameworks:

  • TensorFlow: Offers a comprehensive data pipeline API with features like dataset transformations, prefetching, and automatic dataset creation from various sources.

  • PyTorch: Provides a user-friendly data loader API with built-in support for common augmentation techniques and transformations.

  • JAX: Leverages NumPy's functionalities and encourages user-defined functions for data pre-processing and augmentation, offering more flexibility but requiring more coding expertise.

Introducing New Data to Trained Models

Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) is the process of optimizing the output of a large language model, so it references an authoritative knowledge base outside of its training data sources before generating a response. Large Language Models (LLMs) are trained on vast volumes of data and use billions of parameters to generate original output for tasks like answering questions, translating languages, and completing sentences. RAG extends the already powerful capabilities of LLMs to specific domains or an organization's internal knowledge base, all without the need to retrain the model. It is a cost-effective approach to improving LLM output so it remains relevant, accurate, and useful in various contexts.

These frameworks are more than just model building tools. Their functionalities for data handling, from cleaning and augmentation to versioning and rollbacks, streamline the entire training process, allowing you to focus on building innovative AI models.

D. Provenance

AI systems are trained on massive amounts of data. Provenance helps us understand:

  • Origin: Where did the data come from? Was it a news article, a social media post, or a scientific paper?

  • Journey: How was the data transformed? Was it summarized, translated, or used to create new text formats?

  • Final Form: How did the data ultimately influence the LLM's outputs? Did it shape its writing style, factual knowledge, or ability to generate different creative text formats?

    For example, consider an image that is generated by a machine-learning model based on a text prompt. Provence includes details on the sources date, time, location, prompts, feedback, etc.

Here's why provenance is important for LLMs:

  • Trustworthiness: Knowing where the data comes from helps us assess the reliability of the information the LLM generates. Was it trained on reliable sources, or might there be biases or misinformation mixed in?

  • Transparency: Provenance allows us to understand the LLM's thought process. By tracing the data journey, we can see how the LLM arrived at a specific answer or generated a particular creative text format.

  • Fairness: Provenance helps identify potential biases in the training data that might be reflected in the LLM's outputs. This allows developers to address these biases and ensure the LLM is fair and unbiased in its responses.

Think of provenance as a way to hold the LLM accountable for its outputs. By understanding the data that shaped its learning, we can build trust in its capabilities and ensure it's used responsibly.


While Apache Atlas and DataHub are both data cataloging tools, they offer functionalities specifically suited for meticulously recording the origin, lineage, and transformations of data used in AI models. This data provenance is crucial for building trust and responsible AI by:

  • Ensuring Data Quality: Provenance tracking allows you to trace data back to its source, identify potential issues like missing values or inconsistencies, and pinpoint where these issues originated. 

  • Identifying Potential Biases: By understanding how data has been transformed and manipulated throughout its journey, you can identify potential biases that might have been introduced. This allows for mitigation strategies and fairer AI models. 

  • Enabling Model Reproducibility: Reproducibility is critical for scientific validation and debugging AI models. Provenance tracking provides a detailed audit trail of all data used and transformations applied, allowing you to recreate the exact training environment for future reference.

Here's how Atlas and DataHub achieve this

  • Lineage Recording: Both tools capture the lineage of data assets, recording how they are created, transformed, and used in AI model training pipelines. This lineage information can be visualized as graphs, making it easy to understand the flow of data.

  • Metadata Management: Atlas and DataHub capture and store metadata associated with data assets. This metadata can include details about the data source, collection time, transformations applied, and even information about the data quality checks performed. 

  • Integration with AI Frameworks: Some advanced versions of these tools integrate with popular AI frameworks like TensorFlow or PyTorch. This allows for automatic capture of data lineage information directly from the training process, reducing manual effort and improving accuracy. 

Choosing the Right Tool

  • Atlas: Offers a mature and feature-rich solution, well-suited for large enterprises with complex data pipelines. It integrates with various big data technologies and provides robust security features.

  • DataHub: Focuses on user-friendliness and offers a more modern interface. It may be a better fit for smaller teams or organizations seeking a more streamlined approach to data provenance.

Limitations to Consider

  • Data Source Integration: Ensuring all data sources feeding into the AI model pipeline are properly integrated with the chosen tool is crucial for complete lineage capture.

  • Data Quality of Metadata: The accuracy of provenance information ultimately depends on the quality of the metadata captured. Incomplete or inaccurate metadata can hinder the effectiveness of the tool.

  • Standardization: Data provenance standards are still evolving. This can lead to interoperability challenges when working with data from different sources or tools.

E. Indexing

Large Language Models offer a wealth of knowledge, but accessing that information efficiently has been a challenge. Here's where Llama Indexing and LangChain come in, acting as powerful tools for indexing and querying vast amounts of information within LLMs, significantly improving their usability.

The Challenge of LLM Knowledge Access

Accessing specific information within an LLM often requires lengthy prompts or trial-and-error interactions.

Llama Indexing

LLamaIndex emerges as a pivotal tool, enabling the creation of structured data indexes, leveraging multiple LLMs for varied applications, and refining data queries through natural language. Its standout feature is the data connectors, which directly ingest data from original sources, promoting efficient retrieval and improving LLM data quality and performance.

The engines of LLamaIndex foster a seamless interaction between data sources and LLMs. This synergy opens doors to applications like semantic search and context-aware query engines, providing customized, insightful responses.

Key Features of LLamaIndex

1. Data Connectors: These connectors facilitate the direct integration of diverse data sources into your repository, eliminating cumbersome ETL processes. They enhance data quality, security, and performance, reducing maintenance needs.

2. Engines: At the core of LLamaIndex, these engines bridge the gap between LLMs and data sources. They support natural language query comprehension, enabling efficient data access and enriching LLM applications with added information and optimal model selection.

3. Data Agents: These LLM-driven components manage various data structures and interact with external APIs. Adapting to changing data environments, they allow for sophisticated automation in data workflows, compatible with OpenAI Function and ReAct agents.

4. Application Integrations: LLamaIndex's strength is amplified through integrations with tools like Pinecone and Milvus for document search, Graphsignal for operational insights, and Langchain and Streamlit for application building and deployment. Its extensive integrations enhance data agent capabilities and offer structured output formats, advancing the consumption of application results.


LangChain stands out as a versatile, modular tool, empowering developers to integrate LLMs with diverse data sources and services. It excels in extensibility, allowing operations like retrieval augmented generation (RAG) for LLMs to use external data creatively, offering tailored outputs to meet specific needs.

Key Features

1. Model I/O: This module simplifies LLM interactions, offering a standardized process for incorporating LLMs into apps. It supports multiple LLMs, including OpenAI API, Bard, and Bloom, and transforms user input into structured formats for better LLM understanding.

2. Retrieval Systems: A highlight is the RAG feature, which incorporates external data in the generative phase for personalized outputs. Other components include Document Loaders for diverse document access, Text Embedding Models for semantic understanding, and Vector Stores for efficient data storage and retrieval, plus various retrieval algorithms.

3. Chains: This component builds complex applications requiring sequential multi-step execution. Chains can combine LLMs with other elements, offer a standard chain interface, or use the LangChain Expression Language (LCEL) for composition. LangChain supports both pre-built and custom chains, with an Async API for asynchronous operation, and the capability to add memory to Chains for conversation continuity and progress tracking.


When assessing LLamaIndex and LangChain, their complementary strengths in enhancing LLM capabilities become evident. LLamaIndex excels in data indexing and LLM augmentation, ideal for tasks like document search and content generation. LangChain, conversely, shines in creating robust, versatile applications across domains such as text generation, translation, and summarization.

LLamaIndex: Specialized in Search and Retrieval

Tailored for efficient indexing and organizing of data.

Simplifies querying LLMs, boosting document retrieval efficiency.

Optimized for high-speed, accurate search and summarization tasks.

Handles large data volumes effectively, ideal for search and retrieval-focused applications.


Offers a comprehensive, modular framework for diverse LLM-powered applications.

Flexible structure supports various data sources and services for complex application assembly.

Tools like Model I/O, retrieval systems, and chains provide granular LLM integration control.

Deciding on which framework to use:

  • LLamaIndex: Ideal for semantic search, where it enhances speed and accuracy, and indexing where it efficiently interacts with data through question-answering. Select LLamaIndex for projects focusing on search and retrieval efficiency, especially with large datasets.

  • LangChain: Ideal for building context-aware query engines and applications requiring nuanced context understanding. Choose LangChain for complex, flexible LLM applications requiring custom processing pipelines and adaptable performance tuning.

F. Libraries & Tooling

Ops & Repos

  • Google's Vertex AI: Vertex streamlines the entire ML lifecycle - from data preparation and model training to deployment and monitoring - into a single, user-friendly environment. This simplifies the process for data scientists and ML engineers, saving them time and effort.

  • Amazon’s SageMaker Similar to Vertex, SageMaker offers a user-friendly interface and pre-built algorithms.

  • Hugging Face Transformers: An open-source library built on top of TensorFlow or PyTorch, providing pre-trained models, tokenization tools, and fine-tuning functionalities specifically for natural language processing tasks. It simplifies the process of using and adapting pre-trained LLMs for your specific needs.

  • Megatron-Turing NLG (Natural Language Generation) Library: A research library from Nvidia, offering tools and techniques for training large generative models with a focus on efficiency and scalability.

  • FairScale: A library developed by Facebook AI Research, providing tools for training LLMs on large datasets across multiple GPUs or TPUs efficiently.

Data Management

  • Data Ingestion: Apache Airflow, Luigi, Prefect - workflow orchestration tools for automating data pipelines.

  • Data Storage: Apache Spark, Ray - distributed processing frameworks for handling large datasets.

  • Data Storage (Cloud): Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob Storage - scalable cloud storage solutions for data lakes.

Compute Resources

  • Hardware: NVIDIA GPUs, Google TPUs - specialized hardware for accelerating AI training.

  • Resource Management: Kubernetes, Apache Mesos - container orchestration platforms for managing compute resources efficiently.

Serving Infrastructure

  • Model Deployment: TensorFlow Serving, PyTorch Serving - frameworks for deploying trained models for production use.

  • Model Management: Kubeflow Pipelines, MLflow - tools for managing the model lifecycle, including versioning and deployment.

Monitoring and Optimization

  • Metrics and Logging: Prometheus, Grafana - tools for collecting, storing, and visualizing performance metrics.

  • Explainability and Fairness: LIME, SHAP - libraries for understanding model predictions and identifying potential biases.

Additional Considerations

  • Security: AWS Security Hub, Azure Sentinel, Google Cloud Security Command Center - cloud-based security platforms for protecting AI infrastructure.

  • MLOps: Kubeflow, MLflow - platforms to automate and manage the machine learning lifecycle.

Training Frameworks & Tools

  • TensorFlow.js: Enables developers to train and run lightweight machine learning models directly in web browsers, facilitating on-chain AI functionalities.

  • PySyft: A Python library specifically designed for secure and private federated learning, promoting collaboration without compromising user data.

  • Web3.py: A Python library for interacting with Ethereum smart contracts, allowing developers to integrate AI functionalities with blockchain applications.

G. Building with AI

Steps to building with AI

  1. Data Preprocessing and Legal Considerations: Focus on collecting and cleaning relevant data. Address ethical and legal concerns, such as user consent and preventing biases.

  2. Selecting a Relevant Model: Choose between using an existing model like GPT-4 or pre-training your own. Consider factors like license and certification.

  3. Training the Model: Employ techniques like prompt engineering, fine-tuning, and caching to refine the model for specific project needs.

  4. Reinforcement Learning: Use human or AI feedback (RLHF or RLAIF) to align the model with human values and expectations.

  5. Evaluating the Model: Test the model with unseen data and evaluate using metrics like BLEU, GLUE, and HELM. Ensure adherence to ethical standards.

  6. Model Optimization and Deployment: Optimize the model for your application environment, reducing size and enhancing speed. Deploy with a focus on integration and smooth operation.

  7. Model Monitoring and Building LLM Applications: Continuously monitor and update the model post-deployment to adapt to evolving requirements and build robust LLM applications.

II. Web3 Infrastructure Stack

A. Decentralized Databases 

Let's dive deeper into popular DApps like IPFS, Filecoin, and Arweave, exploring how they help with data storage by distributing it across a network of computers, ensuring data security, accessibility, and persistence.

Moving Beyond Centralized Databases & Storage

Traditionally, data resides on centralized servers controlled by a single entity. This raises concerns about data breaches, censorship, and vendor lock-in. DApps offer a solution by:

  • Decentralization: Data is not stored on a single server but gets sharded (broken down into smaller pieces) and replicated across a network of independent computers (nodes).

  • Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Network: Nodes communicate directly with each other, eliminating the need for a central authority to control data access or manipulation. 

Fault Tolerance and Data Persistence

Data achieves resilience through:

  • Replication: Multiple copies of each data shard are stored on different nodes. Even if some nodes fail, the data remains accessible from other replicas.

  • Incentive Mechanisms: Networks like Filecoin and Arweave use cryptocurrencies to incentivize nodes to store data reliably and participate in the network.

Decentralized Storage Networks

  • IPFS (InterPlanetary File System): A P2P network for storing and retrieving data. IPFS excels at efficient content distribution and data retrieval through a content-addressing system (think unique identifiers for each data shard).

  • Filecoin: A decentralized storage network built on top of IPFS. Filecoin incentivizes nodes to store data long-term using its cryptocurrency FIL. 

  • Arweave: A permanent storage solution offering a pay once, store forever model. Arweave utilizes a unique proof-of-work system where miners compete to store data permanently on the network.

Economic Incentives and Network Sustainability

FIL for Filecoin and AR for Arweave are used to:

  • Reward Storage Providers: Nodes earn tokens for storing data and participating in the network.

  • Pay for Storage: Users pay tokens to store data on the network.

  • Maintain Network Security: Cryptographic mechanisms secure the network and incentivize honest behavior.

Benefits of Decentralized Data Storage

  • Censorship Resistance: Data is difficult to remove or censor due to the distributed nature of the network.

  • Data Security: Data breaches are less likely due to the absence of a single point of failure.

  • Increased Availability: Data is more readily accessible due to replication across the network.

  • Transparency and Trust: Users have more control over their data and can verify its persistence.


  • Storage Costs: Decentralized storage can be more expensive than centralized options.

  • Scalability: Scaling storage capacity and retrieval efficiency across a large network can be challenging.

  • Network Effects: Attracting enough users and storage providers is crucial for network viability.

B. Smart Contracts

Smart contracts, the self-executing code on blockchains, offer a powerful tool for managing data access control in Web3 applications. Let's explore how they go beyond simple transactions to govern data ownership, define granular access policies, and restrict unauthorized access.

Traditional Data Access Control

Centralized systems often rely on access control lists (ACLs) to manage data access. These lists specify who can access what data. However, ACLs can be cumbersome to manage and lack flexibility.

Smart Contracts for Granular Access Control

Smart contracts provide a more sophisticated approach to data access control, offering several advantages:

  • Programmable Permissions: Smart contracts can be programmed to define complex access control rules based on various factors. Imagine setting access permissions based on user roles, specific data attributes, or even time-based restrictions.

  • Decentralized Management: No single entity controls access. The code itself dictates the rules, ensuring transparency and immutability. Think of having self-governing rules for accessing library books, eliminating the need for a central authority to grant or revoke access.

  • Fine-Grained Control: Smart contracts can define access control at a granular level. Permissions can be set for specific data fields, actions (read, write, modify), or even specific user attributes. Imagine controlling access to individual chapters within a book, or restricting users to only reading certain sections.

Data Ownership and Enforcement

Smart contracts can act as custodians of data ownership

  • Data Tokens: Data can be represented as tokens on the blockchain. Ownership of these tokens signifies ownership of the data.

  • Enforcement of Usage Policies: Smart contracts can be programmed to enforce usage policies associated with the data. 

  • Audibility and Transparency: All interactions with the data are recorded on the blockchain, providing an immutable audit trail. This ensures transparency and accountability in data usage.

Examples of Usage

  • Decentralized marketplaces: Smart contracts can control data access in marketplaces where users can buy or sell access to specific data sets.

  • Healthcare data management: Patients can control access to their medical data using smart contracts, granting access to healthcare providers only when needed.

  • Supply chain management: Track and control access to data about the origin and movement of goods within a supply chain using smart contracts.

Benefits of using Smart Contracts for Data Access Control

  • Enhanced Security: Granular access control and immutability of the blockchain make unauthorized access difficult.

  • Reduced Friction: Eliminates the need for central authorities to manage access.

  • Increased Trust: Users have more control over their data and can trust the enforcement of access policies.


  • Complexity of Programming: Developing secure and efficient smart contracts requires expertise in blockchain development.

  • Limited Flexibility: Once deployed, smart contracts are difficult to modify. Careful planning and consideration are crucial.

  • Potential for Exploits: Security vulnerabilities in smart contracts can be exploited to gain unauthorized access to data.

Smart Contract Programming Languages


The primary language for Ethereum smart contracts. It's an object-oriented language inspired by C++, Python, and JavaScript.

Pros: Widely used and well-documented, making it easier to find resources and community support. Compatible with Ethereum, the most widely used blockchain for smart contracts.

Cons: As it's specific to the Ethereum blockchain, portability can be an issue. Some criticize it for having security vulnerabilities, although these are often due to poor coding practices rather than the language itself.


An alternative to Solidity for Ethereum smart contracts, designed to be more straightforward and secure.

Pros: Focuses on security and simplicity, reducing the risk of vulnerabilities. Syntax is similar to Python, which could be more accessible for those familiar with Python.

Cons: Less mature than Solidity with fewer resources available. Not as feature-rich, which can limit complex functionalities.


A multi-paradigm programming language focused on performance and safety. Used in blockchain platforms like Solana and Near.

Pros: Emphasizes safety and performance, with powerful concurrency capabilities. Growing in popularity in the blockchain space for its efficiency and security features.

Cons: Steeper learning curve compared to Solidity or Vyper. Less mature in the blockchain space, with fewer dedicated resources and smaller community.


A language for smart contracts on the Stacks blockchain, which is connected to Bitcoin. It uses a decidable language, which means you can know, with certainty, what a program will and won't do.

Pros: Decidability offers a high level of security and predictability. Direct connection to Bitcoin's security and stability.

Cons: Limited to the Stacks blockchain, which is less popular than Ethereum. Unique language features may require more time to learn and adapt to.


An open-source programming language created by Google, known for its efficiency and scalability. Used in some blockchain platforms like Hyperledger Fabric.

Pros: Efficient and scalable, suitable for large-scale and complex systems. Strong support for concurrency and networking.

Cons: Not as dominant in the blockchain space, leading to less community support for smart contracts. May be overkill for simpler smart contract applications.


The language for smart contracts on the Tezos blockchain. It's a low-level stack-based language.

Pros: Designed to facilitate formal verification, enhancing security and correctness. Integral to Tezos, which offers on-chain governance and formal upgrade processes.

Cons: Low-level nature makes it more challenging and less intuitive for developers.. Limited to Tezos, which, while growing, has a smaller ecosystem compared to Ethereum.


Pros: Move is the native smart contract language developed by Facebook. What sets Move apart is its ability to define custom resource types with semantic restrictions that prevent them from being duplicated, discarded, or accidentally sent to the wrong address. This is particularly useful for representing assets where such guarantees are vital.

Cons: While the resource-oriented approach of Move is innovative, it also means that it might not be as straightforward or suitable for all kinds of smart contract applications. Developers might find it more challenging to adapt Move for scenarios that do not revolve around asset management.

C. Consensus

Part of Bitcoin and Ethereum’s differences lie in how they handle data distribution and ensure data integrity across a network of computers. Let's delve into these crucial elements

Data Distribution Challenge

How do we ensure everyone sees the same information and that no one can tamper with it in this decentralized setting? This is the challenge of data distribution in blockchains.

Data Distribution Mechanisms

Bitcoin (Proof-of-Work)

Longest Chain Rule: The longest valid chain of blocks is considered the true blockchain. Miners are incentivized to add blocks to the valid chain, making it computationally expensive to tamper with past data. The security of this mechanism hinges on the computational cost of proof-of-work (PoW). It becomes prohibitively expensive to alter historical data because an attacker would need to redo the work of the longest chain and then surpass it, which requires immense computational power, making attacks like double-spending impractical under normal network conditions.

Ethereum (Proof-of-Stake)

Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT): In Ethereum's PoS, validators are chosen to propose and vote on new blocks, rather than miners solving cryptographic puzzles as in PoW. A block is considered finalized and added to the chain when it receives enough votes from validators. This mechanism reduces the energy requirement and aims to increase transaction throughput.

  • BFT Aspect: The BFT aspect in Ethereum's PoS relates to how the network achieves consensus even in the presence of malicious or unreliable nodes. The system is designed to work correctly as long as a certain threshold of validators (usually a supermajority like 2/3) are honest and reliable.

Benefits of these mechanisms

  • Data Integrity: Consensus mechanisms ensure that all nodes on the network agree on the current state of the data, preventing tampering.

  • Decentralization: No single entity controls the data. Anyone can join the network and participate in the consensus process.

  • Immutability: Once data is added to a block and the block is validated, it becomes very difficult to change it.


  • Scalability: Proof-of-Work in Bitcoin can be slow and energy-intensive. 

  • Security: Both protocols are secure, but vulnerabilities can still exist in the underlying code or implementation.

By ensuring all nodes agree on the data and preventing tampering, these protocols provide a reliable foundation for building secure and trustworthy decentralized applications.

Part 2: The Merger

"AI and blockchain are a potent combination. The former simulates human intelligence, while the latter ensures transparency and trust, paving the way for revolutionary applications."

-Elon Musk

A. Training

Federated Learning

AI algorithms serve as tools to encrypt and anonymize data, creating barriers against unauthorized access to sensitive details. These algorithms are also instrumental in identifying and thwarting data manipulation, maintaining the integrity of decentralized networks. The synergy between AI and Web3 technologies promises a more transparent, secure, and decentralized data infrastructure. It paves the way for responsible data usage and sharing in our digitally evolving landscape.

Federated Learning presents a method to train AI models while preserving privacy. Yet, it faces hurdles in secure data exchange. Here, Web3 technologies shine, providing decentralization and trustless interactions that address these challenges.

1. Decentralized Data Marketplaces: Web3 enables the establishment of data marketplaces where individuals can securely exchange data, free from central oversight.

2. Data Tokenization: Within these marketplaces, data is represented as blockchain tokens, ensuring trackable ownership, controlled access, and protected transfers.

3. Privacy-Enhancing Techniques: Web3 introduces cryptographic methods such as secure enclaves and homomorphic encryption, allowing for computations on encrypted data while maintaining privacy.

Projects Leading the Way

  • Ocean Protocol: Provides a decentralized data exchange protocol built on Ethereum. Data owners can define access control rules and pricing models for their data tokens. Secure enclaves facilitate privacy-preserving computations on the data. Ocean enables online marketplace where data owners list their data tokens, specifying access conditions and prices, while computations are performed in secure zones to protect privacy.

  • Oasis Network: Offers a privacy-focused blockchain platform specifically designed for AI and data science. It utilizes secure enclaves for confidential computing and supports data tokenization for secure data exchange. 

  • Federated AI (FAI): This open-source project focuses on building secure and scalable federated learning frameworks. FAI leverages blockchain technology for secure data aggregation and model updates, while employing cryptographic techniques to preserve privacy.

  • Synapse: This Web3 platform facilitates secure and collaborative machine learning across institutions. It allows for federated training on sensitive datasets without compromising privacy. Synapse utilizes blockchain for data governance and secure model exchange, enabling researchers and businesses to collaborate on AI projects without data silos.

B. Agents: on-chain vs. off-chain

On-Chain AI: The Allure and the Limitations

The idea of deploying AI agents directly on-chain using smart contracts is an exciting proposition. Imagine fully autonomous trading bots or decentralized decision-making systems operating on a secure and transparent blockchain. However, before diving in, we need to address the elephant in the room: computational limitations.

Challenges of On-Chain AI

Limited Computational Power: Blockchains prioritize security and decentralization over raw processing power. Executing complex AI models with millions of parameters would be prohibitively slow and expensive on-chain.

  • Storage Constraints: Storing large AI models directly on the blockchain is impractical due to limited storage space. Uploading and maintaining a massive model would be costly and inefficient.

The Case for Lightweight On-Chain AI

While deploying complex models directly on-chain might not be feasible yet, there's still room for lightweight AI agents. Here's a potential approach:

  • On-Chain Logic & Off-Chain Computation: Smart contracts can house the core logic of the AI agent, defining rules and decision-making criteria.

  • Off-Chain Execution: Computationally intensive tasks like training or inference can be performed off-chain on powerful servers. The on-chain agent can then interact with the off-chain engine by submitting data and receiving results.

Benefits of this Hybrid Approach

  • Leveraging Blockchain Advantages: Smart contracts ensure transparency, immutability, and trustless execution of on-chain logic.

  • Offloading Computation: Complex tasks are handled by powerful off-chain engines, improving efficiency and scalability.

  • Security and Decentralization: Core decision-making logic remains on-chain, preserving the benefits of blockchain technology.

Alternative Solutions & Considerations

  • Oracles: These act as bridges between blockchains and the outside world. Oracles can be used to fetch data from off-chain AI engines and feed it back to on-chain agents.

  • Layer 2 Solutions: Scaling solutions like Polygon or Optimism can offer a faster and cheaper execution environment for off-chain AI components while maintaining security through their connection to the main blockchain.

Projects Leading the Way

  • OLAS Network: Olas Network operates as a comprehensive platform for off-chain services within the cryptocurrency ecosystem, powered by its OLAS token and built upon innovative autonomous agent technology. The platform offers various services, including AI, automation, oracles, and more, all facilitated through its core protocol and an array of specialized agents and services. Key aspects of the platform include the ability to build and contribute to the protocol, earn rewards for code contributions, and stake OLAS tokens for potential rewards.

C. Data Bridges

Oracles: The Data Bridges of Web3 AI

AI-powered trading bots are here and will only get better in the coming years. These bots need real-time market prices, but this critical information lives off-chain, on financial databases. Here's where oracles come in, acting as essential bridges for Web3 AI applications, fetching valuable off-chain data and securely delivering it to smart contracts on the blockchain.

The Challenge of On-Chain Data Isolation

Blockchains are secure and transparent, but their data storage is limited. For AI models to make intelligent decisions, they often need access to external data sources like weather data, sensor readings, or markets. This off-chain data is crucial for tasks like:

  • Training AI models: Providing diverse, real-world data for training algorithms.

  • Triggering smart contract actions: Feeding live data into smart contracts to automate decisions based on specific criteria.

Oracles: Bridging the Gap

Decentralized oracle networks like Chainlink and Band Protocol address this challenge by:

  • Data Feeds: Oracles maintain connections to various off-chain data sources like APIs and databases.

  • Secure Data Retrieval: They leverage secure mechanisms to retrieve the data reliably and tamper-proof.

  • On-Chain Delivery: Oracles inject the retrieved data into the blockchain, making it accessible to smart contracts and AI applications.

Ensuring Data Integrity and Trust

Decentralized oracle networks achieve data security and reliability through mechanisms like:

  • Decentralized Network: A network of independent nodes retrieves and verifies data, reducing the risk of a single point of failure or manipulation.

  • Reputation Systems: Oracles within the network are incentivized to provide accurate data through staking mechanisms or token rewards.

  • Aggregation & Consensus: Multiple oracles can be used to fetch the same data point. Consensus mechanisms ensure only consistent data is delivered on-chain.

Benefits of Using Oracles for Web3 AI

  • Enhanced AI decision-making: AI models can access and leverage a broader range of data, leading to more informed decisions.

  • Real-World Data Integration: Enables AI applications to interact with the real world by incorporating off-chain data feeds.

  • Improved Automation: Triggers smart contracts based on real-time data, enabling automated actions within AI-powered applications.

Examples of Decentralized Oracle Networks:

  • Chainlink: A leading decentralized oracle network offering various data feeds and secure data delivery solutions.

  • Band Protocol: Provides a decentralized oracle framework with a focus on scalability and flexibility for developers.

Future of Oracles for AI

As AI models become more complex, the need for reliable and secure off-chain data access will only grow. Oracles are crucial for unlocking the full potential of Web3 AI and fostering a future where intelligent applications can interact seamlessly with the real world.

Challenges and Considerations

  • Oracle Network Security: Vulnerabilities within the oracle network can compromise data integrity.

  • Scalability: Efficiently handling large data volumes and ensuring fast data delivery is an ongoing challenge.

  • Cost of Data Access: Using oracles can incur fees for data retrieval and verification, which might impact certain applications.

Part 3:

Data Tooling, Frameworks & Marketplaces

A. Indexing & Processing

The Indexing Company

  • Functionalities: Provides distributed real-time data and ready-built pipelines.

  • Transformation Layer: Enables real-time processing and unlocks the world's largest publicly available data lake (web3), facilitating streamlined access to training data.

  • Scalability: Chain-agnostic approach, enabling processing with both on-chain and off-chain data sources.

  • Parallelized Architecture: Processing speeds of 100-300ms allow for the addition of new data sources within the same day.

Phala Network

  • Functionalities: Offers a decentralized cloud platform for secure and scalable Web3 applications. Employs Phat Contracts for trustless off-chain computation.

  • Computational Model: Enables complex off-chain computations while preserving the security and decentralization inherent to blockchain technology.

  • Scalability and Flexibility: Supports distributed computing and integrates decentralized AI systems, catering to a wide array of Web3 use cases.

  • Innovation in Web3 Integration: Facilitates account abstraction and trustless MEV for enhanced user experiences and more secure blockchain transactions.

SingularityNET (AGI)

  • Functionalities: Offers a decentralized marketplace for sharing, discovering, and executing AI models. Users can access a wide range of pre-trained models or contribute their own.

  • Model Discovery: Provides a searchable registry of AI models with clear metadata for easy discovery.

  • Execution: Enables secure and reliable execution of AI models on a decentralized network.

  • Governance: Employs a tokenized system for community-driven governance and fair compensation of model developers.

Cortex (CORTX)

  • Functionalities: Focuses on building a decentralized infrastructure for collaborative AI development. Offers tools for training, deploying, and managing AI models in a secure and scalable manner.

  • Collaboration: Provides mechanisms for researchers and developers to collaborate on AI projects in a decentralized setting.

  • Scalability: Utilizes a multi-chain architecture to handle the growing demands of complex AI models.

  • Incentivization: Implements tokenized rewards for contributors to the network, fostering participation.

Fetch.AI (FET)

  • Functionalities: Aims to build an Autonomous Economic Intelligence framework. Focuses on creating a network of autonomous agents that can interact with each other and the real world using AI.

  • Interoperability: Promotes interoperability between different AI models and platforms through standardized communication protocols.

  • Real-World Integration: Envisions a future where AI agents can leverage Web3 technologies to interact with decentralized marketplaces and applications.

  • Decentralized Governance: Utilizes a token-based system for community governance and decision-making within the network.

B. Data Labeling Augmentation


These tools focus on automating tasks like cleaning, transforming, and formatting data for machine learning models. Key functionalities include missing value imputation, normalization, standardization, and feature engineering.

  • Open Source: Pandas (Python), scikit-learn (Python), Apache Spark (distributed processing)

  • Cloud-Based: Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler, Google Cloud AI Platform Dataflow

Data Labeling

These tools assist with labeling data for supervised learning tasks. They can streamline the process of manually assigning labels to data points, allowing AI models to learn from labeled examples. Features might include:

Popular Options:

  • Open Source: LabelImg, Prodigy

  • Cloud-Based: Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth, Google Cloud AI Platform Data Labeling Service

Automated Engineering Tools

These AI-powered tools can automatically explore your data and suggest relevant features for model training. They can help identify patterns, correlations, and create new features that might be missed by traditional manual methods. This can be particularly beneficial for complex datasets.

Popular Options:

  • H2O AutoML: Offers automated feature engineering alongside its AutoML capabilities.

  • Featuretools: Open-source library for automated feature engineering in Python.

  • TPOT (Tree-based Pipeline Optimization Tool): Automates feature selection and pipeline optimization within scikit-learn.

Text Preprocessing Tools

These tools focus specifically on formatting text data for tasks like natural language processing (NLP). They might handle:

  • Tokenization: Breaking down text into individual words or phrases.

  • Stemming and Lemmatization: Reducing words to their base form for better generalization.

  • Stop Word Removal: Removing common words like "the" or "and" with minimal semantic meaning.

Popular Options:

  • Open Source: NLTK (Python), spaCy (Python)

  • Cloud-Based: Google Cloud Natural Language API, Amazon Comprehend

C. Opportunities

This section explores exciting areas where AI and Web3 can converge to create groundbreaking solutions:

  • Tracking Provenance: Traditional AI models often lack transparency in data origin and manipulation. Web3 offers solutions like immutable blockchain ledgers to track data provenance throughout the AI lifecycle. This fosters trust and accountability in AI decisions, especially for critical applications like healthcare or finance.

  • Smart Agents - Transacting on Chain: We are not far away from agents interacting directly on blockchains These intelligent agents could autonomously manage tasks, execute trades, or interact with DeFi protocols. However, securing these agents and their connection to the blockchain and the data they access is crucial to prevent unauthorized actions or vulnerabilities.

  • Deploying Models on Chain: Moving AI models onto blockchains allows for decentralized execution and verification. This enables trustless, transparent predictions and fosters collaboration on AI projects. However, challenges exist in terms of gas fees and model size limitations on certain blockchains. Optimistic Machine Learning (optimistic ML) is a promising approach that offers scalability and cost-efficiency for on-chain model inference.

  • Proofs (Model Training & Inference): Proving the fairness, accuracy, and security of AI models is essential in Web3 environments. Techniques like zero-knowledge proofs (ZK-proofs) can be used to demonstrate these properties without revealing sensitive training data. This enhances trust and transparency in on-chain AI applications.

  • Privacy-Preserving AI (Privacy/Ofuscation/ZK ML): Web3 prioritizes user data privacy. Techniques like differential privacy, federated learning, and ZK-proofs for machine learning can be applied to train AI models without compromising user data confidentiality.

  • Federated Learning Frameworks: Enhance existing frameworks like TensorFlow Federated and PySyft with stronger privacy-preserving mechanisms.

  • Differential Privacy Techniques: Develop new tools that utilize differential privacy to inject controlled noise into data, enabling training without revealing individual data points.

  • Homomorphic Encryption: Explore advancements in homomorphic encryption, allowing computations on encrypted data without decryption. This would empower AI models to analyze encrypted data directly.

Security Challenges

  • Model Tampering: Malicious actors might attempt to manipulate AI models during training or execution.

  • Blockchain Scalability: Current blockchain limitations can hinder the performance of secure AI computations on-chain.

Interoperability Challenges

  • Fragmented Landscape: Different AI tools and protocols often lack interoperability, hindering collaboration and data sharing.

  • Standardization Needs: Standardized data formats and communication protocols are crucial for seamless integration between AI models and marketplaces.

Additional Opportunities

  • Interoperable Data Formats: Develop standardized data formats specifically designed for secure and privacy-preserving AI training on decentralized data.

  • Open-Source Libraries: Foster the development of open-source libraries and frameworks that promote collaboration and interoperability between different AI development tools.

  • Decentralized Governance Models: Explore decentralized governance mechanisms within AI marketplaces to ensure fair and transparent decision-making regarding data usage and model access.

Leveraging Cryptographic Techniques

  • Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMPC): Develop new protocols that utilize SMPC techniques to enable multiple parties to jointly train AI models on their private data without revealing the data itself.

  • Homomorphic Encryption (HE): As HE technology matures, explore its integration into AI frameworks for secure computations on encrypted data, enhancing privacy guarantees.

Creating a Secure & Collaborative Future

By addressing these market gaps and fostering innovation in cryptographic techniques, we can unlock a future of Web3 AI that is:

  • Privacy-Preserving: Individuals retain control over their data and can contribute to AI development without compromising privacy.

  • Secure: AI models and data are protected from tampering and malicious attacks.

  • Interoperable: Different AI tools and platforms work seamlessly together, fostering collaboration and innovation.

This was a years worth of notes cleaned up for your enjoyment. If you would like access to modify/make corrections, please contact Stephen King.

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