Inspiration does not appear whenever you'd like. You need to pay the price for creativity: the pain of staring at a blank page.
The best inspiration comes from things that bring you joy, excitement, and fascination.
Having a set time every day to sit down and write is the only way for the habit to stick.
Break down goals into smaller milestones. Instead of viewing my goal as "writing for 31 days", I saw it as "writing for 3/5/7 days". Instead of telling myself I need to write a whole page, I said "just one paragraph."
You will count down to the days when you don't have to write again, to go back to the familiar environment that you enjoyed. Every cell in your body will hate writing and tell you to give up.
The fact that you want to say "fuck it, I give up" is a good thing. It's just a test. Get back on the train, and keep going. Being derailed one day doesn't discount your previous efforts.
Negative Voices
Some days you feel like all you've produced is straight trash. Don't try to fight that feeling. Acknowledge the inner critic, but see it for what it is.
The inner critic's words are not based on facts. They are here to create fear and destroy your work.
It wouldn't have been a failure to produce trash or to be ridiculed. It was a failure not to write anything
Lastly, I want to share a hopeful quote for those of us who struggle with self-doubt.
In the depths of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.
Albert Camus
Despair and doubts freeze our minds and cast upon us boney chills. Let them take their course. Within you is a fertile ground for unconditional love and acceptance.