Coinbase & Safe Onboarding The Masses To Ledger Invading Your Privacy| Issue #51

Welcome to another edition of the Weekend Degen Report.

What to expect: 1302 words a 7-minute read.

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Creative Corner

GM GM. A buck wild week this past week. Let’s dive in!

Last week I dropped a new premium article on KAWS and his impact on art, collectibles and why I think the news KAWS will come from within web3. In case you missed that, you can read about it below.

I’ve been waiting on gas to go down so I can mint my next onchain piece of photography. I am also working on some pieces for holders of C41 for the new year. Hoping to have those ready soon enough for those collectors.

Lastly, I have a podcast episode and a couple more pieces of content for the remainder of the year but they will drop not on my usual schedule as I will be celebrating my daughters 1st birthday and travelling abroad as well.


I’ve been in a somewhat distracted phase right now. Haven’t been doing any crazy learning other than I am deep in the learning how to mod a gameboy color. I want to do next spring so mostly spending time on that. Also spending a decent amount of time researching Pokémon cards I want to acquire when I get my next bonus. Nothing to report on this segment this week.

NFT Space

Coinbase launched an epic update this past week to get more users onboarded to crypto. You can now create a claim link from Coinbase Wallet and send via iMessage, WhatsApp and more. I am still waiting to see if scammers will find a clever way to trick people with this new method of sending money, but still an exciting bit of news.

We typically dont cover PFPs here too much. But had to share this. It appears Kevin Rose, the CEO of Proof who are the creators of Moonbirds may be exploring options on replacing him. I suspect if this went down, KRO would move to chairman of the board or something alone those lines with a new CEO being more the day to day operation person. Some people are happy, others are pissed regardless.

NFTs as a whole are pumping right now, but things are way spicier on the Solana and Ordinals side of the world. Sotheby’s this past week announced they are dipping their toes into the BTC Ordinals side of the world. With Bitcoin Mushrooms being the first collection. I also have it on good authority that they are speaking to some popular artists on eth that they have worked with in the past to drop an ordinal piece as well.


Staying on the BTC side of the world. Stacks a L2 for Bitcoin just announced some major news where Figment will start supporting Stacks. Figment is the complete staking solution for 250+ institutional clients including asset managers, custodians, exchanges, & more to earn rewards on their digital assets aka the big bucks.


Do Kwon, fucked around and found out. Adding another founder to the list of people who are going to jail this bear market. CIAHOAD. The founder of Terra Luna has been arrested and is being extradited to the USA. He is being charged with a multi billion dollar fraud scheme.

Terra's Do Kwon Faces Fake Passport Charges From Montenegro: Report

Safe launched Recovery Hub a new feature to get access back to your smart wallet. This is something that has existed before with Argent wallet for example. You can designate who/what can help you socially recover your accounts and add a cooling period and more. What is different here is that you can also designate a 3rd party service provider as one of your recovers as well. Pretty interesting feature and anything that helps us stay safe and secure is note worthy in my book.


Pudgy Penguins have been on a tear recently. But I am not here to talk about their floor price. I have been enjoying this new world of connecting the digital world with our physical world. IYK has been doing some great work on helping teams accomplish this and over this past week, they launched these shirts with the Pudgy Penguins team.


Rug Radio is merging with Decrypt. Rug Radio is a web3 podcast and media company. Decrypt is another web3 media company mostly focused on writing an articles. Congrats to both sides! It will be interesting to see how the previous Rug Radio tokens are handled and overall merging. It does appear that media companies are merging left and right.


Lastly, I wanted to cover the fine work by REKTBuildr. They were able to see over 300+ ways we are being tracked when using ledger live. And yeah they might claim that it is deanonymized and shit, but this is completely nuts. If you read the thread by REKT, the amount of tracking and what is being tracked is absolutely insane. It also makes me skeptical of what else they are tracking us with. Trezor did not have a great response when asked if they do something similar. Privacy is one the biggest things I care about and something I take serious. I hope that our hardware wallet providers can just go back to doing that; great hardware wallets that dont invade our privacy when we happen to have the app or extension on/open.


The word for this weeks read is, “decrypt”. Make sure to get in on the fun and giveaways.

Notable Sales

Searching for God by Clapis sold for 44.7 ETH (~$180k USD).


Casa Roja sold for 19.9eth to FLAMINGO DAO by Grant Yun.

Null by ZeroX sold privately for 2.35eth.

'null', empty


Things I am looking forward to this week.

ACK dropped a super high res preview of his next few pieces (I am assuming) Triptych of Relativity. From his tweets it appears there will be a physical component as well.


BatSoupYum seems to be up to something. We got a cryptic tweet from RedLion this past week. For those not familiar with RedLion they work on a magazine and do some other media work as well. Think of a web3 magazine of sorts. What makes it more intersting is BatSoupYum will also be on OG’s show this week. So I will be definitely tuning in to see what is going on.

This piece by Richard Nadler drops on December 14 on verse and it is epic. Inspired by The Great Wave I am assuming, this is an epic piece. I found this thread by Suzanne giving an intro to the artist a great recap for those not familiar with Richard.


Ripcache minted this amazing piece by the hairs of his chin. Neutral is the latest onchain 1/1 piece. I really love this collection by Ripcache and I am excited to see if it gets listed and who will acquire it.


Pindar keeps teasing us with these physicals from his latest drop and man these are amazing to look at. Looking forward to seeing the final version of these.


Meme Of The Week

With Miami Art Basel and the infamous Tezos Pole happening this past week. This seemed appropriate. Credit to fingacode.



Have a great rest of your week!

CIAHOAD-Rick James

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