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Welcome to another edition of the Gramajo Pintxo’s Newsletter.
What to expect: 955 words a 7.3-minute read.
TLDR: Vote on if I should do an OE or 1/1. How often should you get your garage door maintenance? TicketMaster and JPMorgan Chase file trademarks. Cowabunga. Rektguy burn?
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Hello again from Guatemala. This week I took the time to enjoy being with family but also taking some pictures while out here. I have a couple shots I am excited about that are outside of my other project I am working on (sneak peek at one below). I left a poll below to get some feedback from you all.
Volcán de Agua, which translates to water volcano
Lastly, this past week I began the process of creating an LLC for my creative work including this newsletter so I will report back on the process and happy to help any artist if I can.
This week bit of knowledge I learned is what are the signs your garage door needs to be inspected or it needs maintenance?
Now I am not an expert, so definitely consult with someone. But if your is doing any of the following, address it ASAP:
Garage door is making weird sounds
Slow or doing jerky movement
Has any bent or damaged parts
Doesn’t open or close all the way or cannot stop at different intervals of closedness (25%, 50%, 75%)
How often do you need to do tune up? Allegedly, every other year but as recent homeowner in a brand-new construction, I can report back in a year or two. Of all the things I made a note of to keep an eye on, one of the last things that crossed my mind was the garage door opener haha.
Feel free to read this article on how to do the tune up yourself or want a more in-depth explanation.
The pace this space moves at is sometimes mind boggling. It was what motivated me to start this newsletter. For some of us who are in it week in and week out, it is still a ton to digest. But if you are casually in this space or take a week off, it can be hard to catch up on what the hell happened.
With that said, both JPMorgan and LiveNation/Tickermaster both trademarked some form of web3 assets. JPMorgan tradermarked “crypto currency payment wallet”. LiveNation trademarked “virtual goods, digital collectibles” and more. It is hard not to be bullish when JPMorgan is the 5th biggest bank in the world. And LiveNation is one of the biggest promoters and ticket operators in the world.
Bitcoin Magazine @BitcoinMagazine
JP Morgan has trademarked a "cryptocurrency payment" wallet #Bitcoin 👀
Chimpers dropped some bombshell news this week. As a 90s kid, who grew up watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, this collaboration has me giddy. I am excited of what is to come as a holder. We are going to need a ton of pizza if we ever have an in person event.
The last bit I want to make a call out is the new changes to MetaMask. It seems they are going to move forward to collecting our IP addresses whenever we transact and use MetaMask. I would use a VPN if you plan on continuing using MM. But I am hoping the team can also work on creating a .onion node or just not move forward with this. I get it that they might be getting pressure to do this from a taxes perspective but in other countries, this type of data can be aggregated to do more malicious things. Stay safe out there.
Crypto Snooper 🔎 @CryptoSnooper_
🚨 MetaMask Tracking IP Address 🚨 Consensys, the company that owns MetaMask, just updated its Privacy Policy to state that they are collecting your IP ADDRESS and your ETH ADDRESS when you send a transaction. Source: Your options 🧵 ↓ 1/4
OSF dropped a hint recently but what does it all mean? I see a little flame logo on this rektguy, but not sure if that means we are going to have a full-blown burn or what kind of mechanism or idea OSF has in mind for us. But I will definitely be paying attention.
I also wanted to call out to my readers that I hope you are attending these daily Twitter spaces with Ryan Carson. They are doing POAPs for each one you attend that will help with his upcoming project later next year. It has been entertaining and I have been trying to connect with more like-minded people. Usually over 1k people attend and if his project with his new fund ends up being as a big as Moonbirds you are going to wish you at least tried to get a WL (NFA).
This beautiful collage by indiorobot#0001 on the Monster Server.
Till next week CIAHOAD-Rick James
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