The Art of Being an Artist: A Conversation with OG, Die, and Jake

MoneyNeverSleeps Ep05

There’s an age-old question that's been popping up in the art world, one that we decided to tackle head-on in our recent conversation with artists OG, DieWithTheMostLikes (“Die”), and Jake Fried (“Jake”). The question at hand: does having a background in art help?

According to Die, the beauty of art lies in the freedom it provides, not being constrained by what is traditionally considered art, and pushing one's way through mistakes. Jake, an autodidact who studied art history but mostly taught himself, adds a layer to this by saying that art is spiritual to him. His critique of art school’s structure and the challenge of resonating with weekly assignments may strike a chord with many. Let’s be real - forcing your soul into a school-dictated mould each week is like asking a cat to start barking. It might happen, but it’s not going to be authentic.

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Both artists highlighted the unending desire to create. Not because creating is an obligatory chore on the checklist of life, but because it's an intrinsic need. It's as if everything else in their lives seems like an obstruction to this need. As they mature, the sands of time start to feel heavier, as if each grain is a reminder of the decreasing time they have for art.

When Die asked Jake about maintaining a calm or meditative state despite the hyper-detailed, time-consuming nature of his work, Jake offered a wisdom-filled nugget: maturing and getting wiser is about harnessing energy when needed. He finds his work to be revealing of his inner self, a journey of self-discovery that unfolds with each brush stroke. It's like ageing with your pieces. After all, what could be more 'you' than something that's consumed a year of your life?

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Interestingly, Jake doesn't always know what he wants to create. His pieces evolve with his emotions, almost like an artist's version of a mood ring, but on canvas.


Our conversation took an interesting turn when OG asked about the challenges of operating in traditional art versus the NFT market. Die spoke candidly about his traditional market mostly circling around $200, a stark contrast to his current success in the digital art market. On the other hand, Jake seems slightly bemused by the trad vs digital debate, calling it naive.

The relationship between artist and collector, OG argued, is much closer in the digital space because there are no middlemen. This point feels similar to being able to text your favorite celebrity directly instead of sending a handwritten letter through their agent.

OG advised against being overly dependent on the money or Eth in the NFT space, lest one be forced to do things that wreck the ecosystem. Die shared his strategy for navigating this – when he sees an art style getting overly promoted, he steers clear from it. It’s like seeing a fashion trend overdone, and deciding you'd rather not be the next one wearing those neon leg warmers.

As our discussion came to a close, it became clear that the world of art is just as complex, rewarding, and occasionally, bewildering as the artists who inhabit it. Whether it’s a struggle with the traditional art education system, the dilemma of trad vs digital, or the art of self-discovery through creation, our conversation with OG, Die, and Jake offered valuable insights into the minds of artists and the world they navigate. Just remember – if you ever find yourself questioning your own path, think about Jake's pieces. They're uncertain at the start but always end up exactly how they're meant to be.

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