Weekend Degen Report - Issue #33

If NFTs are ded, who will read this? lol

Welcome to another edition of the Weekend Degen Report.

What to expect: 958 words a 5-minute read.

TLDR: NFTs are ded, we know this bc Sega is getting involved. Buffalos are coming back stronger in America. Lost Robbies proves cocaine is crazy. Go team USA!

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Creative Corner

GM GM. Hope the bear is treating you all well. Lets get to it.

As some of you may know, I have a podcast as well. I migrated those episode to Substack for those that don’t have an app or want to casually check out podcast, you can do so now in the Substack app to make it easier (link here). New episodes currently being edited right now

I delivered another article to readers later last week on a recap of MoneyNeverSleep Ep. 04. You can read that below. I have another one cooking for this week that you guys will get later this week. If you enjoy this type of content (trying to save you time) let me know below or on Twitter.

Lastly, speaking of premium, there are about five readers that have not missed an article and I am 33 weeks deep, for those of you, you know who you are. I comped you premium as a thank you. And thank you to all who are still here reading and supporting me and my shenanigans.


I collect gold coins and I love me some American Buffalos for collecting. So when this story on National Geographic popped up regarding The Blackfeet people. And how they call their land Nititawahsi, the place where the iinnii (buffalo) reside. I was moved to continue reading.

Here is a quick summary. The colonization period saw the near extinction of buffalo (less than 300 left) and immense suffering among Native populations. After more than a century and a half, the iinnii have finally returned to their ancestral home in the Blackfeet Nation tribal lands. Recently, 49 iinnii where released into the wild at the base of Chief Mountain on June 26 signifying a significant milestone. Here is to hoping we get more Buffalos in America.

NFT Space

It seemed like the past week was pretty chill due to 4th of July but maybe it was just me slacking off.

DesLucrece dropped this beauty below. Which is a piece I have been anticipating the release of for more than a couple months now. Lucrece gave us a look at this piece in his server and the moment I saw it, I knew it was a piece that I wanted and one that is slightly different from his usual stuff.

As someone who loves Keith Haring and his work. This piece as well the the green one that was previously launched, gives me early Keith Haring vibes. And it could be that I have that book on my coffee table and stare at it constantly so I am view it from this lens. But this piece from 1980 tells a story, and it is similar to a comic book and I just get the same feelings when I see Lucrece’s piece. Either way, I look forward to seeing the whole collection with all the colors and to see if there is a story that is being told there.


MoneyClicc announced their July artists with Die With The Most Likes as the reserve artist for this month. Recently we got a preview of the art and a physical that will be up for grabs for owners of the Money Clicc Pass. Goodluck who have a chance to get this epic piece.


Sega (yes that old company) is getting into web3. The creators of Sonic The Hedgehog are recreating one of their popular web2 properties/games and transforming it to be ready for web3, the game is called Sangokushi Taisen. I personally did not play that game so I cannot speak to the quality of addiction aspect of it, but it is nice to see another well known company and name get into the space.


Notable Sales

This piece of prosciutto/an image of an ear canal went for over 175eth. The story around this is pretty cool, but not sure how well this would do in my household haha.



It looks likes the Vulcan team is working on something spicy based on these images. You can see this in action in the Xcopy server. Is this the prelude to a marketplace?

Partyskullz is dropping his Async art drop this week and I am hoping to pull this Xcopy tribute piece below. I am looking forward to seeing more of the collection as it gets revealed.


Lastly, I am looking forward to the next DesLucrece burn in the series mentioned above.

Meme Of The Week

Since people are saying NFTs are ded, this meme regarding the Lost Robbies cracked me up. If a rock, a selfie of an indian dude and this image below can go for high amounts of eth, it may be worth a shot haha (jk).



Have a great rest of you week, go team USA in the Gold Cup!

CIAHOAD-Rick James

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