Weekend Degen Report - Issue #34

ACK, I volunteer as tribute for a physical haha

Welcome to another edition of the Weekend Degen Report.

What to expect: 1091 words a 5-minute read.

TLDR: Cooking heat with the podcast. South Pole elfs are in trouble. Web3 joins irl art world.

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Creative Corner

GM GM. Another week has gone by, 23 Mondays left to go until the end of year. Lets jump into it.

This week I have been editing two podcast episodes, one which should come out this week on Thursday 3am PST w/ MendezMendez. The following episode is with Ivan Casis Jr. I also went ahead and cleaned up my user name across some platforms and turned on premium for my podcast.

Speaking of, congratulations as well to Mendez on being on the front page of OpenSea. This is his not his first time on the page. An interesting anecdote from Mendez

“To note the difference between a frontage feature last year vs this year. Last year my OS feature generated around 10eth in secondary volume vs 0.4eth this time around between all collections”

An interesting bit of info that highlights the market we are in. I am hoping for green pastures one day and it would not surprise me to see Mendez get on the front again when we are in a bull.

Lastly, I received a piece of mail recently, that I will do an unboxing video for and share with you all once I finish recording and editing.


I recently encountered a thread that sent me down a rabbit hole. Antarctica is facing a serious crisis as satellite images reveal a significant decline in sea ice around the continent, even during peak winter. This unprecedented loss of sea ice, which previously remained stable, is raising concerns among researchers at the British Antarctic Survey. The reduction in sea ice not only affects Antarctica but also has global implications, including accelerated melting of glaciers and rising sea levels. Additionally, the decline poses a threat to the unique wildlife that relies on sea ice for breeding. This phenomenon is not new to most but I think where we are approaching new territory is that this is the first year the ice did not rebuild itself.

NFT Space

DesLucrece continued his burns for Proceed with Caution dropping the purple piece in this new set. We then got a visual of all three pieces together and I must say the set is coming along nicely. I look forward to seeing what color we have in store this week.

As called out in the previous issue, the Vulcan team has launched a new beta feature to make trading easier in Discord servers.


It appears the new meta is physicals and nfts and I am here for it. Zancan recently announced that his print shop has been completely reworked to support demand and all his pieces he has ever made. You can now get any piece of his that you own, printed on demand and sent to you (need to pay extra in case that was not clear). I don’t own anything crazy rare from Zancan but will definitely be keeping an eye out for some deals and getting my lines and circles printed as Hiimdave would say.


ACK has been teasing us with his prints of the color study collection and we finally have some more info. The Pale Blue color will only be an edition of 2. The other colors will be editions of 10 at $2,500 a pop. ACK will be choosing collectors that are interested (hoping to get selected but not sure I will).


Deekay announced his latest drop will be a 1/1 dropping on Monday with AOTM. I am slightly bummed this went from being an edition work to a 1/1 piece but totally understand under this market. It is a glorious piece and I look forward to collecting more of Deekay soon enough.

As a DC comic fan, I was pleasantly surprised to find out the latest film, The Flash is coming to web3. If any of you have ever collected limited edition movies or video games, this is sort of what this model reminds me of. Warner Brothers is releasing the film and “extras” at two tiers and with caps ($35/10k pieces and $100/2k pieces). One can only wonder if they did this with a mega blockbuster film like Batman or others this concept or idea could take off.


Notable Sales

Adam recently traded his extra Skull Of Luci with Snowfro for a beast of a trade. Cryptopunk #2783 + Chromie Squiggle #9791 + Chromie Squiggle #9803 were traded for the skull below. Bravo on both sides, this seems like a W for all.


Two Fidenzas sold earlier this week 71eth and 75eth and immediately sent the floor to 85eth (on Looksrare). As of the writing on this newsletter, this have cooled back down and the floor is now back to 80eth.


Speaking of Lucrece, he recently announced that he will be working Jackson Pollock (through Iconic) which is one of my favorite traditional artist. I am looking to hearing more about how to get in on this physical + NFT drop (edition of 125).


With the current run of physicals being made by artists, I am looking forward to adding some to my collection of traditional art. Let’s see if I can get a dickbutt on the wall and my wife will allow it lol.

Meme Of The Week

In times like these, having a strong community to help you get through the bear is beneficial. The #cooking channel in the Monsters server is still one of those places I always wake up to read and see what others are up to. Usually it is smoking meats. So it was only fitting to include this image as the meme of the week (shoutout Gustav, The Meats).



Have a great rest of your week!

CIAHOAD-Rick James

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