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Agorist accelerationism

Deregulation and the state arms-race each other into cyberspace

The United Kingdom is heading towards authoritarianism. I would know, I live there. Now should be a good wake-up call for agorists everywhere to put on their metaphorical hardhats and start building.

We have long passed the point of no return, and now, there is no way but through.

The force behind Progressivism, or as Mencius Moldbug calls it, the Cathedral, is driving the world as we know it to collapse. Once you see it, you can never unsee it.

It's a memetic environment that rewards conformity, attracting those driven to power and giving them prestige, and gradually expanding the scope of government.

It's a decentralized anti-conspiracy with no leader or central point, operating through the media, through government, corporations, universities and nonprofits.

It's an informal oligarchy of journalists and professors. It stands above governments, holding them accountable, while being unaccountable itself.

It's the intellectual institutions that stand at the center of civil society, just as the Church was the intellectual institution at the center of medieval society.

And it enforces its Orwellian mind control by use of social ostracism and control of the media, with physical violence for thoughtcrime being switched on in the United Kingdom and likely spreading elsewhere in the future.

But when the state flexes its power against the citizenry, recognize that it's a sign that it's getting weaker. I offer you an actionable plan on how to fix the world.

The current world order isn't making it to level-two.

Years of Keynesian debt-fueled government spending has sent the US national debt to the trillions, with interest payments being more than the defense budget. The Pentagon continues failing audits, with large amounts of money going missing. Western governments grow more and more incompetent by the year. More and more policies aimed to seize wealth from those who create it, but which end up destroying it in the meantime.

Your job is to accelerate this process while building a new order that can pick up from where it falls.

Modern technologies favor decentralization, with innovations like 3D-printed guns, kill-drones, electronic money, and decentralized finance becoming accessible to talented hackers and, soon, the general public.

This is agorist-accelerationist praxis in action – recognizing the nature of the current order, accelerating its demise by starving it of tax revenue and putting tools of war in the hands of the average layman, while building systems to become ungovernable and hide your activities in the shadows.

Brace for impact.

I have learned to walk: since then I have run. I have learned to fly: since then I do not have to be pushed in order to move. Now I am nimble, now I fly, now I see myself under myself, now a god dances within me.

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