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Ade's Press - Chatbot Projects

Chatbots in progress, plus prompt ideas...

Here you'll find a list of chatbots I'm updating or have worked on, often trained with personal work or ideas from 2023 onwards...

Much of their content will originate from (the original writing) posts here via Ade's Press (Paragraph), in any case.

For starters, use the Ade's Press bot, which tracks most of my projects, NFT collections, and can be (uniquely) creative with my creative writing...

Generated with DALL-E in 2022 in its early public release


via Poe AI site (uses Chat-GPT etc.)


  • Fountellion Tarot - draw your card of the day from the nature-spiritual-fantasy 'game' concept.

  • Fountellion - Origin (coming soon....)
    - resource and creative generator for 'keepers' overseen by 'tellers'.
    - play and survive the GPT 'game'

  • Fountellion - The Journey to the Dreamspire
    - generate the story and play a game based on it.


via Character.AI site (earlier tests, note: has more creative outputs)

(Creative etc.) Prompt Ideas:

  • Generate an image prompt for this poem/song/story (in the style of...)

  • Turn this poem, text, quote etc. into: poem/song/story exploring...

  • Analyse or Summarize this...

  • What should I cook using...

  • Invent an easy recipe based on this...

  • What needs doing in my garden today based on info provided and from a regenerative growing perspective...

  • Recommend some music for the day based on my interests...

  • Recommend a book or film based on...

  • Recommend a recipe based on...

  • Recommend a cocktail based on...

See more ideas from my book 'An Ode to Mankind'....

Further Notes:

So I will always specify when a post or work has been written with the help of AI here at Ade's Press.

To me the tech is interesting in that it can be a tool to push artists exploring their concepts, or their own original art.

Of course AI's conversational abilities were breakthrough, but then you become impressed with how it would correct text, fill in gaps, and let us see old ideas in new ways, even if you ask it just to improve certain lines.

It was this that 'prompted' me to produce 'An Ode to Mankind', where I included some old freeverse poetry that I updated or polished using AI, or written - apparently - 'in the style of' some earlier ones. I would then re-write or update them again myself and still be left with unique - and quite satisfying - results, with less personal input.

And it was good that results were less personal, because they would also be less subjective, or personal to me, which gave me a new perspective. AI offers creatives this outside perspective, removed from what they may have written themselves, but at the same time that was instigated by them.

(Very quickly however, ideas become more important than style, which (may) deteriorate or be lost.)

Therefore, if you ask AI to produce a completely new poem or story (even stuff based on previous poems or stories) and ask it to to explore new ideas, the outputs can be interesting, but also increasingly bland in style, or less personal. We can argue over how much all this is important: the human versus the human-x-AI, but unfortunately this new tool - and medium - has arrived, and should improve, and even imitate style more artfully.

On Projects

So far, the most creative chatbot project to me is for my Fountellion project, because this 'natural world metaverse' x 'spiritual survival game' concept is all about an idea or vision, so I'm interested to read anything which can help expand (or even realise) all that.

It's like filling a magic hat with all your cards, and now, which - if you can interact with it correctly, or tap on it enough times - can get fresh results in any art media or form - even in 'ultimate' forms... (and we shall be entertained, or brought back to the Source...)

With all this in mind, the original data - the original human or source writings - are still the vital, underlying component, which you want to preserve, and this was really the value we all could see in blockchain, NFTs, the permaweb, and in a platform like Paragraph... In other words: Ade's Press holds all my cards.

(Search crypto projects like EternalAI and AOcomputer).

But with AI, a lot of the outputs generated must still be guided or rewritten much of the way. At least, for now...

The tiny seeds of new ideas - both human and artificial - may indeed 'generate' mighty forests...


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