
Agga Capital (a.k.a "Agga") is a digital asset investment firm. Founded in 2018, Agga has grown from providing active trading strategies to offering index products with passive exposure. As the nerds we are, we have focused on our work internally, but we know it’s time to change and share our vision outwards.

In that line and despite the current bearish sentiment across investment and tech in particular, we are still very positive on the long-term potential of digital assets. We also notice our clients remaining committed to a future where digital assets add value to their portfolios. So why are we so optimistic?

Why invest in digital assets?

Digital assets are a paradigm shift in the way we as humans collaborate together. The basis for our society is organised information: who owns what, who lives where, who offers services to whom. The utilization of blockchain technology makes it possible to exchange sensitive information and value digitally, without compromising privacy and security.

This means it is now possible to define digital forms of property and provide digital services through publicly accessible networks, as complex agreements can be defined and enforced purely through computer code. Such networks are more robust, reliable and efficient than centralized forms of organisation, as they are composed of individual agents that are financially incentivized to contribute to the network.

Digital assets can be made scarce despite being digital, can represent economic activity or have a very specific meaning, like proving membership of a community.

Examples we see today are Bitcoin as a store of value, Ethereum as a cloud computer for online services and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) proving someone's ownership of pieces of art, music, community membership or other unique elements of value. These networks of digital assets have value because of the economic activity that takes place on top of them in combination with digital scarcity.

Although adoption is growing fast, the implications of these decentralized ledgers of information - blockchains - are still poorly understood, which presents a large opportunity for investment in digital assets today, as decentralized blockchains will replace more and more centralized services.

What will we share here?

We will share our investment thesis, market insights and our thoughts on specific topics in digital assets, free for anyone to see. We want to share our vision with the rest of the world and interact with everyone out there to receive feedback and learn. We are on a mission to provide systematic and properly informed exposure to the digital asset market. Join us in discovering this new paradigm full of financial, social and cultural opportunities and ride this technological wave to a better future.

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