It Is All About U, Z, Entry001

My G-Baby Z Pearl,

I tell you to learn history, So you can question it like Makavenna said in her song Inspired Creative Thinkers. Who tells it and why would they say it that way? Because eventually they slip and tell you that his story is written by the victors. The ones who won. But have they ever been the righteous ones? I just ask, pose a question. That is all. I invite you to get educated and learn what they teach so that yiou can question it too. The more you know the more questions you ask. Until you discover, it is all about you.

What does the song say and how does it apply to you, Z? That is your question. I ask how does it apply to X? Y? and Z? See? I am thinking generations ahead. Observing you, Generation Alpha. I am doing my best to set a roadmap to guide you in as you follow your own path. As for me…

I am learbing how to fly. I catch an ear to conversations about anti gravity and 300 years ahead of what the public knows about our technology. This is real! To me this means so many things are real and hidden by the few. (and why not, those who discover it on their own fear for their lives just pass it down or let it get lost. And then there are the ones who try to control the info who control the info).

They are shouting alien threat meanwhile no one is raising enough concern about this zero point energy, hydro vs electric, real reneble resources that we can each create and share on an open source.

If everyone thinks about that for a moment. Zero cost on electricity. Almost zero cost on transportation. Water sources, if we could each learn how to filter and clean, we could possibly each have a system to collect water from the rain to at least save on flushes and gray water usage from the central source. There are ways to collectfrom the sun without tapping into the grid andwithout using those dangerous products used in batteries at the moment. We can come up with them and share them on open source. The info is out there already and I am giving you these sparks of intrests Z, so that maybe you can succeed in reaching ideas I am working on if you choose and should I not succeed. That is the plan for me.

We can sell our own art and writings as NFTs that can either be sold or passed down to following generations. Each (individual or entity) have their own wallet when they can push their own right numbers to access and save their own codes.

I say this because I am writing to my two year old G-Baby Pearl, who watches me push buttons on (on my ledger). It excites her seeing me do a simple task. It seems to have meaning to her that I have yet to learn and understand. I think in a year she will be ready.

I am starting this series with the music “All About U” Inspired Creative Thinkers Playlist all for you Z and your Generation Alpha. This is my first entry 001, written on this Wednesday 24th day of January 2024. Apparrently I had already created this account and forgot about it when I hit a few unanswered questions. I left this whole project alone as I went off to learn more about cryptocurrencies by joining the ARC team and program. Apparently I created a new account and everything. I have worked on several projects since. From DistroKid to WordPress. I continue researching and trying out the things that I work on. I feel the need to try out everything I create as a buyer and investor also. That way I understand completely what steps need to be taken so that when I reach an agreement with another investor, I know the entire process. Many times I will have to teach the process, so I need to write down the steps and be prepared to educate.

I usually think of myself teaching you all this stuff as soon as you start asking. So I am trying to stay ahead, although there is so much to learn and I am doing my best to keep up with you. Take care and talk soon. Love you Baby Pearl


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