It is All About U, Z, Entry005

My G-Baby Z Pearl,

Entry five of All About U, original written date on paper was 12/28/23

As the year ends I sit under the sun enjoying raays looking back at all I have done. I look forward with gleam and gratitude for what’s to come. I remember when Baloo came to visit Tati and I. He told us how to look at bars and the basiic rules. This one song I practiced it on different beats with different styles trying to find the best combination to use. Shartening the poem and adding words where needed. I remember practicing this song as I sat at the bus stop waiting for Tati to come home from school. For some reason this beat popped up one day and I recorded the first version.

I took the lyrics that my eighteen year old self wrote and gave it energy from all the lessons I learned after writing these words the first time. But even then, that poem itself was a snippet of what the entire book represented into one compiled poem entitled “All About U”

When I actually decided to record the song I had several agendas. I needed my daughter, Tatianna Pearl, that if she wants to do anything she can. I needed to show that I did it and now we can too. I needed the message to be just as powerful as the two of us jump into this journey together to fulfil her dreams of rapping. I also needed to show myself what I was trying to show my daughter and that my eighteen year old self alredy knew, that it is all about you. I gave the recording this passion of a father talking to his little girl saying if you can dream it, you can do it.

These stories told to you

Written and printed for you to read as you grow up.

Little did I know that I would get to meet you. Even when I wrote this poem I thought so far into the future and thought about you and any other decendents that will come long after me. I was only a teenager, out to conquer my dreams after breaking away from a reign that never sat well with me. Taxation no representation. I am not talking about another nation though, this is the family. So here I am a free man out to fulfil all that I set out to accomplish. You take the time to think about many things including how will you raise your own family. Or at least that is how it was for me. From what I can recall, your mom had the same feeling. It was a rude awakening to end up at her mom’s apartment for the first time in her life. At the time it did not seem planned, but I suggested to have her go during the summer. This did not stop her mom from trying and she put her influence on everything for real.

I believe very strongly in karma and believe we are all living the consequences of our actions, good or bad. And like ICT - Makavenna says in her song Bad Cause We Brown “good or bad is just what we tell ourselves. I enjoy how we mixed such knowledge, feelings, power, English and Spanish, and a connection with the universe. This is the lesson Baby Pearl, you pay for your mistakes, eventually the consequences come back to you. I am lucky I survived a near death experience and feel I possed the same danger to many before it happened to me. Watch what you wish for and watch what you say. Be careful what you write because it all has power to manifest. Take it from me, who wrote myself into such greatness and legendary type of stories and into such disasters and turmoil that I could have just avoided, had someone told me what the power of the pen true has.

To put it to you in some perspective. We live in the house that I manifested in writing and drawings while I was working in a drafting job. I ended up losing that job and my red who still lives in Ireland to this day. All things I manifested accidentally with such strength and power with my emotions and I did not know it. And this is what I desire to stress to you with much importance. If I tell you to think of life this way it is because it will help you. It is all about you!

It is necessary you truly understand that statement, poem, song and quote I wrote. Because what you think of with much energy and emotion manifests for you. Anger gives one of the biggest powers to manifest the words that come out at that particular moment. So those are the ones you need to watch out for the most. With my mother and father being so opposed to everything I desired to do with my life, I was always angry with them since I was an early teen. A preteen too maybe. Angry and in my head I alway thought that one day I would show them I can be successful. I used that anger many times to get me through and push me harder than any other force possible. It was my biggest downfall too. I wished for my demise at age sixteen, not being able to see longer than that age killed, along with my dreams. Did I die and come back to a second life? Some people believe so. I believe if so then I will live my life to the fullest. No gang, family or cult leader will have me follow blindly. I am moving to the beat of my death and rebirth, writing my telling my story with several lines, circles, verbs and nouns. Words so profound, but they say pictures tell a thousand words. Sacred geometry and hidden messages involved in the entire packaging of the story All About U because at the end it is true, it is about you and only you.

This is just one song. Tatianna Pearl and I did several for you and for me. For her and for Alex. For all of us and many more. For anyone who feels they need a little uplifting. Encouragement. The outcasts, blacksheep, troublemakers, and any other words that poeple label people like us. Now they call our children autistic and dysfunctional in a way that they profit by giving them what big farma label “legal drugs” at your local drug store such as Wall this and CV that. Do we question that? If you want to do what you think you should be doing with your life, I say it is all about you. That is all I can really say. When you seek answers, look internally not externally. All you desire to know is within you. When we ask someone outside, we are just looking for affirmation to what we already know or decided to do. Think about that for a second.

Ask someone, “should I do a song?” If you get a yes, then it helps you pursue that task. If they say no, you might doubt yourself and not get it done. Without asking you just do what you want. When you are used to your elders telling you that something is wrong then it seems right for some reason. I am not telling you to do wrong or go against everything. I am just saying, G-Rated family and friends, to follow your heart. Follow your instinct. Follow your own hero’s journey. Question everything and keep learning with an inquisitive mind full of awe and wonder having a wonderful awesome time. Be sure to learn lessons from what life gives you and share the knowledge with as many people as you can.

Two teach four teach forever more!

I am writing that statement quite a bit because we will be using it more in the future. It has large significance that I might not even be calculating. It all depends on how far I take it, how far Tati Pearl goes with it and how far Z Pearl does too. The fourth member of our team is Alezandro Flores. This is the initial G-Rated family. It started with two and now it is four of us helping each other out and working as a family as a team and as a community.

We hope to inspire with us being ourselves and documenting what we would like to while having fun living life and creating art and stories to go along with our journey of life. Remember it is all about you.

I am starting this series with the music “All About U” Inspired Creative Thinkers Playlist all for you Z and your Generation Alpha. This is my fifth entry 005, written on this Wednesday 24th day of January 2024. Apparently I had already created this account and forgot about it when I hit a few unanswered questions. I left this whole project alone as I went off to learn more about cryptocurrencies by joining the ARC team and program. Apparently I created a new account and everything. I have worked on several projects since. From DistroKid to WordPress. I continue researching and trying out the things that I work on. I feel the need to try out everything I create as a buyer and investor also. That way I understand completely what steps need to be taken so that when I reach an agreement with another investor, I know the entire process. Many times I will have to teach the process, so I need to write down the steps and be prepared to educate.

I usually think of myself teaching you all this stuff as soon as you start asking. So I am trying to stay ahead, although there is so much to learn and I am doing my best to keep up with you. Take care and talk soon. Love you Baby Pearl


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