It is All About U, Z, Entry006

My G-Baby Z Pearl,

Entry six of All About U,

If sometimes I sound redundant, this is a fair warning. Sometimes I write down ideas on paper and sometimes I type without planning anything out. When I transcribe something I wrote, it can sometimes be similar or same as something I wrote or typed before. I channel information and do my best to keep up not thinking of what I had already discussed before. As I explain to you the journey of the story of All About U, it will happen from time to time as I cross timelines traveling through many years as if seeing the past, present and future all together and zooming in to pieces at a time and reflecting what I saw in a short film, story or song.

Now to the transcript of this written passage on my notebook without a date. At times like this my writing is messy and I am in a hurry or barely awake jotting down what I can. So it explains not having a date. Especially since this book jumps from 2022 to 2024 all over the notebook, I do my best to write the date with the notes I am taiking.

To this day (without a date) when I go back to listen, I learn that it still makes sense in my life now and that youngster that wrote those words was wise. It applies to me because my life has always been full of experiences. So when I write or do music or speak, I touch on several topics freely. Most of the time uncensored. I have had this spirit of if you don’t like it I don’t care.

What I did not expect is to find so many people that connected with my peotry at the International Society of Poets convension in 2006. I had several people from all over the world at this event tell me they related to this poem or that one, from my poetry book entitled All About U.

I felt awkward putting it out there sometimes because it was all too personal, my poetry book that is. Experiences. Those were great ones. They are all great ones at the end of the day. As long as we don’t get stuck in a pattern of defeating moments that define us.

These stories told to you

Written and printed for you to read as you grow up.

Life is just another game of chance that we play. To succeed and proceed education is the way. Neither, nor nothing is more significant that your dreams. ICT - DJ Lexo

The point of this entry, this project, poem and song is to remind each and every one of you that it is all about you. Who are you? You are the reader and/or listener. I take on the role of the reader and listener of my works several times. This is one of my favorite songs, poem and book that I will continue to write about telling the story of this song that is currently close to 2.8k plays on YouTube after being out for 4 months. It was released on it’s official date on SoundCloud at least two years prior to the release on YouTube. Either way, it is quite an achivement for me to see the song get played as much as it has and will. It is a great song that continues to inspire me and hopefully you too.

I am following a structure of some sort and have pieces that repeat in each story. The image is in the same place and the ending is the same. It is just the way my mind feels comfortable formatting this project at this time. I. hope that at least you find useful information and knowledge about a song that I wrote for you. I song I recorded for your mom, my daughter, to inspire her to follow her dreams too. She did and she does and as you are here with me I desire the same for you, to give you a spark of ideas to follow your dreams and follow your heart.

Many of the projects, writings and artwork that I create for the familly to pass down is for you, Z. The first daughter of my daughter. Such a beauty to see you and spend time with you now. These days will never come back. I saw your mom at your age grow up to the mother she has become, the inspired creative thinker and leader she has become. I can see you pursue the same goals of being successful just being you and inspiring others. This is the goal I have for you. Meanwhile. I continue to find ways to keep learning and going. My next mission is to be flying. I have been manifesting my visions with my writings, my dreams with my beliefs, my thoughst with actions. So I am most certain to be flying soon. I am enjoying the ride and all the opportunities that life is giving me. It truly is important to appreciate those great moments along with those not so great moments. Some embarrassing moments we would like to forget, but they happen to all of us. I am sure we each have funny stories we don’t always like to share because of the embarrassment it gives us. One day they all become great memories. Those moments you can share with anyone asking if they remember that time…

I hope I teach you much and that you may teach twenty more, then several millions more all around the world. We can be an example of success and family wealth, health, wisdom and youth.

Two teach four teach forever more!

I am writing that statement quite a bit because we will be using it more in the future. This is the initial G-Rated family. It started with two and now it is four of us helping each other out and working as a family as a team and as a community.

We hope to inspire with us being ourselves and documenting what we would like to while having fun living life and creating art and stories to go along with our journey of life. Remember it is all about you.

I am starting this series with the music “All About U” Inspired Creative Thinkers Playlist all for you Z and your Generation Alpha. This is my entry 006, written on this Thursday 25th day of January 2024.

I usually think of myself teaching you all this stuff as soon as you start asking. So I am trying to stay ahead, although there is so much to learn and I am doing my best to keep up with you. Take care and talk soon. Love you Baby Pearl


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