It is All About U, Z, Entry007

My G-Baby Z Pearl,

Entry seven of All About U,

I enjoy listening to the beats of ICT - Makavenna as I read. Z, why do I say it is all about you? Because it is true. At the moment I have generational wealth, knowledge and wisdom that I would like to pass down to you Generation Alpha and all the generations that preceed you. We could continue to a golden age together or we can let ourselves be pushed back again and again. It has been predicted this should be a surviving era not going through an entire reset.

The way I think about it, if it is close to being true, all that is being asked of you is that you find your passion, your purpose that aligned with you and your mission. Life you life and give pure love. No need to conquer and enslave anybody. No need to suppress and destroy anything. Although, some are born to be sharks and that is their nature. Do what you enjoy doing and the success will come to you when you are truly passionate about your dream and your reality.

It is funny that I would end up on this platform writing these entries. For a while I have been gearing to stories about Gen XYZ. And last year I started a mini series of stories that I called XYZ Travels.

012624 09:01 Starting back after a pause. Tatianna Pearl had two clients yesterday and I had to babysit you twice. It is a pleasure spending time with you but having to take care of you mostly alone can be tiresome. You are at an age when you are almost able to speak words we all use around you. Currently you understand what we tell you when we demand you chill and listen to your elders. Most of the times you play off not understanding so you can keep requesting what you want. Your mother was as clever as well, and is why I can recognize your cleverness too. It is all good. I enjoy watching you and learning from you as I learn about you.

Much of what I do is all for you. So it is important for me to take the time necessary to take care of you. I need to know you. Know what you like and what you imagine in your life. I am grateful that you invite to your imagination world, your own Z properties.

What I say is true, it’s about you and only you -  All About U

Did I know I would be talking to you now? You are the blessing that we needed to keep us working together towards something greater. Your future. The Generation Alpha will be the children of 2040. This is when you are set to turn eighteen years old. Currently your mother is eighteen and I have been there with her since one year old, raised her as a single father. I am not sure how that number sits on people but for me, it is not a long time. Yet there are many situations going around the world that must be changed for you to have a better future. Not just individually but also in the environment, air quality and community. In my mind it seems what good would it be to make you billions of dollars to live in a planet destroyed by our ignorance.

Most people, like your great grandparents feel that they have to judge me so it is difficult for me to look at them and tell them to change their ways or anyone else in that matter. Everyone needs to seek their own path to the light and will have a different experience. At the moment I am in the implementing and testing phase of my projects, meaning I will begin creating in the physical what I have seen working in my mind, to use renewable resources. Not only that, there are people around the world using some sort of renewable resource that is similar to what I am working on. I challenge myself to create it as I have seen it in my mind and see where I would need to make adjustments. I am making a point that my challenge to make better ways for us for 2040 and beyond is one I take on mostly myself. But I believe people will help in pieces until we have a great working system and eventually these ideas might start getting used to help our environment. I have sat and thought of doing what I can around our home so that our home will be prepared for 2040 and beyond. You will only be eighteen on this year. I have plans to see you become a grandmother too. It is a blessing seeing your grandchildren grow.

This is the thoughts and the ideas that I have when I sit there with you at age two playing and asking for my attention. I give you as much as I can, enjoying your company and attention now. So it is the current present, our current reality that I live in and breathe in. I desire the same for you so I plan for your future. At least to provide knowledge and wealth that you can obtain when you are ready for them. I also work on lessons that I will teach you as you reach one level, you rise to the next level. I predict you will be above public education your entire life. I look to the past, from the past when I was a child, teen and young parent. I search for what I learned.

One of the major points I have observed in raising Tatianna Pearl, is that being as honest as I could possibly be was one of the best things in parenting I did. Most of the time my response was somewhat age appropriate. I could have done without too much unnecessary foul language but it is still who I am. I make it a point to be more careful now with the words I use. I understand now how powerful words are to you and to me. If I speak highly with encouragement, both your body and my body are affected by it. The mind does not know who you are talking to, it is just listening to the noise and assuming it is a message to you. So I write these stories of the past events as best as I can portray them for you to listen or read and understand that you are not alone. If you find yourself in a situation where you feel alone, you might find a time when I felt the same in my writing. My point is not that it is so unfair. My message is that it happens to all of us, but it is necessary to carry on and keep believing in yourself, even when it seems nobody else does. Follow your heart, follow your instinct.

So there will be several people who might find some of my writings dark. I am recollecting events that happened as sad and painful as they may seem but the ultimate goal is to persevere throught the toughest situations in life. Because I can predict certain cycles that are possible in occurring and reoccurring. And we can teach you to be a person with what we believe are good morals. You have the choice and freedom to live the life you desire but we must all answer to the universal laws. What you give you receive. If you give low frequency vibrations, you receive it back. And if you operate at a high frequency vibration, you receive more high frequency.

You have brought joy to all of our lives. I am grateful for both you and your mother, both middle name Pearl, who have saved my life several times. I am grateful for you always. There has been several times when it seemed that there is no way to get ahead unless you give into something not so correct, if you will. Not saying evil or bad or anything like that, although those thought ponder sometimes too. One can find lawyers, doctors, accountants, judges and more taking payments and making agreements under the table to suit a party in particular over and over again. The pursuit for money can sometimes lead you to choices where you could accept to do right or wrong. It is the reality of life. That does not mean money is evil or bad. Nothing more than energy exchange. I believe the pursuit of it for some external purpose can sometimes drive us to make bad decisions. Sometimes very bad decisions. It is the nature of the system. It is the world that we live in.

Search for happiness but it’s harder than it seems -  All About U

Be sure to stay true to yourself and remember because some choices will get harder and harder. Look inside yourself for the answers and listen. If your inner self is telling you to follow a different path or be patient, your time will come, then it is best to follow your own advice. Only you and you will care most about you and only you. I have watched you grow, soon to be three years old. And I have observed how kind and loving you can be. Also how attuned you are as well, and when you sense something wrong with somebody, you will distance yourself and will show you are uncomfortable right away. Does not matter who it is, like your great grandpa. And when a stranger gives off positive energy, you are friendly and welcoming, talkative and giving.

We must all follow our own path. I am excited to see what you choose as you get older. It has been such a beautiful journey already seeing you as a tiny baby that fit in my arm to the beautiful person you are at two almost three. I hope that my writings reach you and help you along your journey. The road can seem rough sometimes and lonely, but life is the experience we make it to be. The more I program this to you now the more it will be part of your hard wiring. I want you to know the power of writing, reading, sharing, teaching and learning.

We have created several blank pages, journal, notepad and forms of expressing yourself with the touch of Pearls on it. Soon we will have the ABC book published in time for you to start learning them and writing them. The future is exciting. I feel there is so much more planning I need to do for the methods of teaching and lessons to teach you. I think you will master your ABCs in the year of three. We have to start preparing for the next book of 1,2,3s as well. Finances have been kind of slow but everything seems to be at the right time. Even though many times I feel anxious and want to see some of these projects complete. It is a feeling I have felt many times. I still have my first copy of the Airtek Magazine, long before the G-Rated Magazine, and how anxious to see the first copy. Looking back, I should have put more effort on the art I created, but I was still learning, everything.

Same with the poetry book, All About U. I put so many years into that piece of work. And by so many years I mean probably two to three. But after being stabbed at sixteen and writing all these poems to publish into a self published book through my teens, it seemed like a lifetime. After all, I was a teen. So we must understand at our older age that in those years, that is our span of our lifetime, the teenage years. So to publish that poetry book at age nineteen was a huge accomplishment, but getting there brought about many moments of anxiety and pressure on myself to get it done.

I feel that same pressure once again. Last year when all the ideas came to my head, I told my friend and children’s illustrator all my ideas as if I had the resources to make them happen instantly. It has taken a year to accomplish one small payment for the first ABC book, and do not have a financial plan at the moment to pay for the future projects that I have, but I feel I have to keep going and trying to accomplish them because they are projects that I am creating to teach you and I need to try to keep ahead. So I continue working on the entire scope of the project with focus on one or another project only an almost full picture in my head. I choose to imagine myself co-creating these ideas with the divine source, so the answers on how to pay for these ideas will come when it is their times to be. My job is to keep being me, keep creating and writing these ideas and believe that I can make them come true in time to teach you.

Two teach four teach forever more!

I am writing this series with the music “All About U” Inspired Creative Thinkers Playlist all for you Z and your Generation Alpha. This is my entry 007, written on this Thursday 25th day and Friday the 26th of January 2024.

I usually think of myself teaching you all this stuff as soon as you start asking. So I am trying to stay ahead, although there is so much to learn and I am doing my best to keep up with you. Take care and talk soon. Love you Baby Pearl

Index and Outline of chapters to come. Thank you for being a part of a great journey.

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