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airdrop s03rw01

(sojourn 3 resonance wave 01)

this is the code that was used to calculate the rewards for our writers on this first resonance wave of the third sojourn of Anky, where we are collectivelly writing the book of anky.

your mission:

just write. that's the thing.

everything that you will see coming out of this company is just a big set of excuses (with progressive fun-ness attached to them) to invite you to have these 8 minutes as a core moment of your day.

our mission?

that every human in the world ends up saying: today i did my anky. and i can experience peace because of that.

that is the mission that moves us, and this first airdrop is a gift to all of you, early believers.

if you even attempted to write one session, only one.

even if you wrote for 3 seconds,

you will receive your full allocation: 7023 $newen * 24 (the amount of winks -days- that are present in a given resonance wave)

this is a representation of the mirror that anky invites you to look into:

right directly into your core

having that "you-ness" at the center of the exploration in which you embark on every day.

it is all an excuse, that i hope you enjoy.

with love,

the team behind anky

thank you

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