following this tutorial will take you exactly 28 minutes, and you will have everything set up by then.
open a new new terminal window. two. let them be two.
and put them side by side.
on the left (T1) you will run the frontend (nextjs app)
on the right (T2) you will run the backend (nodejs server)
navigate both of them to the place in your computer where you want to store this code. my recommendation:
create a new folder called anky_code somewhere, and navigate into that with both T1 and T2. (mkdir anky_code
- only once, cd anky_code
on both)
on T2, clone (git clone
navigate into the server's folder (cd server-s3
open dotenvexample.txt (nano .env
copy what is inside it
create a new file called .env (touch .env
open it (nano .env
and paste inside it the variables)
fill in those environment variables the necessary information (ALCHEMY_RPC_URL, DATABASE_URL -postgres database, i use one deployed on render-, PRIVY_APP_ID -the same you will use for the frontend, PRIVY_APP_SECRET, PRIVY_APP_KEY)
run the server (node app.js
on the root folder)
now it is time to run the frontend
head to T1, and now clone (git clone
navigate into it (cd third_sojourn_web_app
run the frontend (npm run dev
go to your favorite browser of choice, in my case it is chrome (where i have the wallet of anky installed)
head to localhost:3001
and vualá. you should see this:
all of the code for this system is open source, and you are welcome to contribute since the moment on which you are reading these words.
thank you for your trust.
any questions, feel free to ask them down here.