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Who the heck is Aridhol, anyway!?

A really random guy who makes games

Hey, who the heck is this guy, Aridhol?

Great question. Let me introduce myself: My name is Joshua Cantrell, but I've been called "Aridhol" online for a long time now, and that's the quick and easy version.

Let's go deeper!

Where does the name "Aridhol" come from?

It actually comes from a book! How... original... right? Yeah, maybe so, but you can't always control what nicknames stick... and it could be worse!

The "Aridhol" name is only a few times mentioned in the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan - you might have heard it barely mentioned on the TV show on Prime! You probably missed it though, as it is a VERY brief mention... it is the abandoned city where Mat finds the cursed dagger, and a few other important things happen there... but I won't spoil anything! Read it yourself, or wait for it to potentially come up again in the show!

So... what does this Aridhol guy do?

This Aridhol guy does... stuff? Its complicated!

I live to go outside and explore, especially with family & friends. I love to volunteer at my local church. I like to write blog posts & reviews for restaurants and local small businesses. I'm an avid American Football fan - let's go 49ers! During the day, I do a pretty solid amount of accounting (boring, lol!) and community management on Discord, and in the evenings I create GAMES!

Games you say?

Yep! I've created games on a few different platforms, and some of them are pretty successful! Most aren't... but hey, I try!

I've created a number of physical board games, a few different Blockchain games on the WAX network, and even an Android app or two!

What can you expect from this blog?

I'd like to share my thoughts and help build a community for those who share things in common!

What does that look like? Well, for one, we've got a discord - its pretty much just started 😬 so don't expect too much for the time being... but please join up and chat! Ask questions, suggest blog topics, etc.

I'll generally try and post a few blogs a week - focusing on these topics:

  • Local small businesses - I live in Billings, Montana, and I really want to write to help grow my local community. If you live nearby, or end up passing through sometime, I hope these local blogs will help you know where to go to shop, eat, or check out the sights!

  • 49ers Sports talk - I am a lifelong 49ers fan, and I've got plenty to say about them. I'm certainly a biased homer, as they say, but I'll criticize the team if I think any decision is really crazy...

  • Blockchain game news - I'll post a blog or two about my own projects and projects that I'm checking out personally. I hope these help give you insights and expand your horizons in gaming!

  • Outdoors posts - I really, really like to go hiking and just... walk. Its more fun than it sounds. Beauty can be found anywhere, but I'm pretty good at finding it! I'll share some pictures and tell you where you can go for a good hike, and whether the internet access is good there! It matters to me, maybe it matters to you, too?

I hope that this introduction isn't too long - and that it helped you understand what to expect from the blog! Thanks for reading!

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