Hi there! Atomic here!

I publish every week—but why?

Hey there!

Yash Aka Atomic here. I write a weekly blog on Substack, and as a web3 guy, I'm bringing my blog on-chain.

To start things off, let me tell you why I write a weekly blog.

What is the goal of such a trivial activity?

It’s pretty simple: get better at writing. To see my progress over time and hear what you all think. That’s the basic idea, but I’m aiming for something more.

I want to become a Level 5 writer. It’s something that I came up with while researching different writers.

Let’s break down what it means to be a writer into five levels:

  1. Level 1: The Starter – You find writing really tough. It's like trying to start a car that just won’t turn over. For example, you sit down to write a birthday card and struggle to find any words beyond "Happy Birthday."

  2. Level 2: The Casual Writer – You write occasionally. Some days are good, and some days the words just aren’t there. Like when you want to send an angry text, sometimes it flows easily, and other times it’s a struggle to write even a few lines.

  3. Level 3: The Communicator – You can get your thoughts down, but linking them into a smooth story is a struggle. It’s like telling a story about your day—it has all the events, but it doesn’t quite amaze or flow well for the listener.

  4. Level 4: The Storyteller – You can put together a good story and back it up with facts, but coming up with fresh, original ideas is hard. For example, you might write a solid article about climate change using existing research but struggle to present new insights or angles.

  5. Level 5: The Innovator – You’re the one coming up with ideas that everyone else talks about and follows. Imagine writing a piece that introduces a new concept or perspective that then becomes a reference point for others in the field.

Right now, I’m at Level 4. I’m working on reaching Level 5, where I can be a true innovator in writing. It’s tough, but I’m finding creative ways to get there.

This blog is my workspace for stretching my thinking muscles. It’s about sharing stories that matter, creating narratives that linger, and crafting sentences that you’re compelled to read twice.

I've got 45+ blogs out in the last 11 months, and I'm proud of how my Substack looks at this point.

Despite reading being less popular these days, I hope to be the kind of writer who makes people eager to read more.

Every post I write is a step toward becoming not just a good writer but a unique voice in my generation—one who might start new ways of thinking and writing.

I don’t just want to be the best, I want to innovate. I want to be the writer who doesn’t fit into categories but creates new ones.

I know this sounds too dreamy, and all over the place, but as they say, you miss 100% of the shots you take, so I'm taking my shot at becoming the best.

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