Blus Citizen Application Forms Go Live!

Get Cast in Nouns Movie

The casting call for The Rise of Blus: A Nouns Movie begins today, and It has left Mrs. Waxman a bit lost for words.

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Citizen applications will be open for two weeks and run through EOD July 24th, 2023. To learn more about how to submit your CC0 Citizen Application read on below or simply click here to get started.

Step Into The Spotlight

Our goal is to bring together a diverse world of characters that fit seamlessly into the narrative fabric of the city of Blus. The citizen applications are open to all CC0 collections. Whether you are a Goblin, Noun, Lil Noun, XCOPY, Mfer, Uma etc… this application is for you. To participate follow the @nounsmovie Twitter account and fill out the form here.

A Quick Example

In the image below we can see an AI generation of an Uma depicted as a possible character. Feel free to leverage AI or create your own original artwork for your character submissions.

Selection & Notification Process

The Nouns Movie creative team will select approximately 10 CC0 Characters from the submissions received.

This first casting call will be open for two weeks (Until EOD 7/24).

We'll begin to announce our chosen characters on Twitter over the next ~30 days.

We're thrilled about this unique collaboration and can't wait to see your creations, so let your imagination run wild. Your character could become part of the first animated film funded by a DAO!

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