“The whole reason I bought this Azuki in the first place was that he seemed like a main character in this kind of setting”

Steve entered the Atrium discord with conviction, excitement, and clear intent for the world he wanted to bring to life. Some of his first messages consisted of mood boards and video references for the feeling and tone he wanted to convey. There was something unique about the way he could articulate his vision, the thought process and attention to detail that he conceptualized. As a Principal Product Designer by profession Steve always had a deep appreciation for art and aesthetics. This passion is what ultimately drew him into web3, but it was clear creating NEON GARDEN was a new step forward.

The Original Vision

I had a very clear vision and aesthetic in mind. Being a massive fan of Cowboy Bebop and other 90s-style anime, I drew inspiration from those iconic shows, along with some movies such as Blade Runner 2049, Ghost in the Shell, and Drive for their noir style and soundtracks. I envisioned creating something dark, gritty, and violent - something I haven't really seen yet for the Azuki IP, which perfectly suits my specific character.

It was clear that Steve wanted to make something that stood out in the Azuki community. When he would talk about NEON GARDEN there was a sense of responsibility he felt as a holder to do his part.

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“We gotta do our part while the Azuki team is killing it. The community & team in tandem is unstoppable” - Steve

It was early statements like these that really set the tone for the level of detail and focus that was to come during production. Steve shared the following in a twitter post during pre production.

Twitter avatar for @SteveG60117

SteveG. @SteveG60117

I have a running theory that each individual Azuki character can come from a different world or time, taking the red bean allows them to enter the garden - a unique realm where all of these separate worlds converge into one shared place and timeline… @AzukiOfficial 🧵👇

7:59 PM ∙ Jan 30, 2023


While NEON GARDEN is the world that Steve has created, it seems clear that it is just one of many that could exist with the garden. Will we see other Azuki holders follow suit?

What Part of Neon Garden Stood Out to You?


I'm proud of the entire thing to be honest, but one part that stands out to me as particularly epic is when the camera shifts outside the building. Providing a scene reminiscent of the famous Oldboy hallway sequence. It's truly a badass moment that captures the essence of the gritty style we are going for. I also love the reveal of Valentine’s character at the end, a perfect cliffhanger to get people excited for chapter 2.


Steve had a vision about  the color palette, and theme throughout the early stages of production. It was really important to me that we found a color correction that matched not only the mood and feel of the animated content, but something that also matched the protagonist as well. I was really happy when I found a slightly purplish shade to match his jacket.

That being said, I did also create a black and white version that is a personal favorite as it conveys an extra sense of darkness and feels a bit vintage in nature.

The Legend of Phuncal:

Many people within the Azuki community know the quality that Phuncal is able to produce, but his work expands far beyond that.

When asked about why creating animated content was important to him. Phuncal responded:

“For me, animated content is mastering the craft of bringing imagination to life, and that has been one of the most fulfilling feelings.”

This sense of commitment to helping a vision become a reality lies at the heart of NEON GARDEN. A new setting, a new style, and a new direction spawned from a community members conviction and curiosity.

What’s Next?

Episode 2 of NEON GARDEN is already in production, with an estimated release date of late April to mid May. As the production process continues keep an eye out for new previews and updates before the reveal of the second chapter.

Can’t get enough of NEON GARDEN? More is on the way, but how much more is up to us. If you haven’t minted yet, be sure to do so before it closes.

Twitter avatar for @SteveG60117

SteveG. @SteveG60117

Welcome to NEON GARDEN, a new animated series featuring my @Azuki #6699. This is just the beginning. Open edition mint for chapter 1 is now live for 1 week, learn more at NEONGARDEN.XYZ Mint Price: .01 Eth Founder: @SteveG60117 Animator: @phuncal Studio: @AtriumNft

11:05 PM ∙ Mar 21, 2023


Episodic Content & Azuki

The idea of episodic content represents a growing shift in content creation. Steve took the first step in building the world of NEON GARDEN, now the community can step in to support the continued growth of the story. Anime isn’t the niche that it once was and access to creating your own Anime will continue to rise. As the digital collectible community continues to look for ways to introduce new members to the ecosystems, content is poised to be one of the most consistent ways to capture the hearts and attention of others.

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Are you developing like it’s 1999? What can be done differently now? Typically, a producer with a property or an idea does this — Attach writer Work up a pitch Maybe package it a bit Pitch it to a network Close a deal Network owns everything This misses the opportunity to communicate with the audience to get feedback and make properties famous early. Our…

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a year ago · 3 likes · Roy Price

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