Unlock the Full Potential of Your Ideas

The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Writer

Hiring a professional writer can allow you to create a compelling narrative, effectively communicate value, and have actionable developed content to leverage when the time arises. Here are some benefits to having a talented wordsmith on your team and some ways to get in touch with them. But first, lets touch on some of the key reasons a writer can help you stand out.

Compelling Storytelling:

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Among thousands of projects, ideas, and brands, those that often stand out in the crowded market have a compelling narrative woven into their culture and community. A professional writer can craft a captivating story and ask questions that force you to develop a deeper understanding of the world you are building. These details allow people to create a connection and understanding of the world they are taking part in. As people enter your world, they begin to find themselves attached to the characters and the environment they live in, which leads to the next benefit of emotional engagement.

Emotional Engagement: A well-crafted story and world will resonate with your audience on an emotional level, creating a powerful connection. Think of some of your favorite characters for a moment and the feelings you associate with them. A professional writer can weave together relatable characters, engaging plots, and immersive settings. Transforming your ideas and evoking emotions of wonder, nostalgia, and more. This emotional engagement not only increases the appeal of your content but fosters a passionate community of collectors and fans. This increased level of passion and connection then feeds into the possibility of expansion.

Longevity and Expansion: A well-developed story and world provide a solid foundation for your NFT project's future growth and evolution. By hiring a professional writer, you'll ensure that your project's narrative is cohesive, adaptable, and one that can pivot into new realms or media formats. The professional nature of a good foundational narrative can also provide a bridge to explore gaming, literature, or film. By investing in a compelling narrative and world, you gain the potential for enduring relevance and lasting appeal.

I want to hire a writer… but where?

Much like looking for a commissioned illustration or animation, the process of finding someone you trust to bring your vision to life can feel challenging. Not knowing where or how to start inhibits so many ideas from developing. To help getting started feel a bit easier, here are some writers to consider.

Garfield Miller:

Whether you have the whole story figured out or are starting from scratch, Garfield can help identify your ultimate goals for a script and ensure your character comes to life in alignment with your vision.

Written in industry-standard screenplay format, the Story Launch Collection will set the tone and voice for an endless world of narrative possibilities for your character. To learn more about who Garfield is, check out the video below.

Script Tip: The general Hollywood rule-of-thumb is that 1 script page is about 1 minute of screen time.

Adrian Reynolds:

You’re excited by the potential of your IP. Maybe a character whose story you want to share – but what drives them, and where does their adventure lead? Have you been captivated by an incredible environment that demands a history, and a population? Let’s discuss the possibilities and agree on specific directions, which will result in a one-page pitch document and a script of around ten pages that introduce the IP and its scope. Depending on what medium interests you, that work could be written in the form of a comic story, a short film, or the opening of a movie or tv pilot. Adrian specializes in forming a connection with those he works with to uncover an “Entity Moment” the point he defines as when the idea has come alive.

William Yu:

This is the prologue to your unique story. The discovery of a disturbing secret. A chance encounter with the future love of their life. The tragic accident that motivated them to don the cape. The Origin Story Collection will provide a striking, scripted vignette that will introduce your character at the beginning of their story and set up future narrative possibilities. Together, we’ll discuss and co-create the internal and external drivers of your character and discover what adventure they’re about to be called to embark on.

William is currently working on bringing the first web3 feature-length animated film to life with his work on Nouns: A Movie

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