Is the Bear Market the Right Time to Build?

What are crypto traders and airdrop hunters up to during this bear market? 

Maybe they’re just waiting for the market to turn green or excitedly shouting that it’s time to buy.

We've always believed in having a builder's mindset: focus on building, find a problem, and create a solution.

Now is the best time to take a break from watching the market, upskill, and build something that can make a positive impact in the crypto world.

Don’t settle for crumbs. Aim to create a product that can attract millions of users. Remember what our founder, Eric Annan, said in muAccra, “The goal is to have 100 million people use the product you build. That's where the real value is.”

Now walk with us as we share July's highlights and reveal what's in store for you in this newsletter!

📍 Past Events

X-space (muAccra & Devconnect Experience)

In July, we had two incredible spaces. The muAccra experience was particularly exciting, triggering fond memories and highlighting lasting connections and networks. Many builders continued to collaborate on amazing projects. If you missed this space, you can listen here.

We also hosted the Devconnect Scholar Experience, where past Devconnect Scholars shared their experiences and the challenges they faced with visa applications. It became clear that much needs to be done for African builders, and we know we are one step closer to solving this with a collective mindset. If you applied for the Devcon Scholar program or plan to in the future, you should listen to the recording here.

Onchain Builders Workshop

We hosted an Onchain Builders Workshop at the AyaHQ Builders Hub, attended by over 90 builders. Three amazing communities—OneRamp, DeFi Africa, COMPSSA UoG, and Cina Official—partnered with us to make this event a success. During the workshop, we launched OneRamp.

📍 Ongoing Event

AyaVersity Founders Program

The AyaVersity Founders Program has officially begun! Over the next five weeks, over eight projects will receive mentorship, training, and tailored guidance to scale their Web3 ideas, preparing them for the market and ensuring scalability.

📍Upcoming Events

We have exciting events coming up in the community, including brainstorming sessions, mental health sessions, workshops, IRL events happening at the AyaHQ Builders Hub and X-spaces. You definitely don’t want to miss these events!

AyaHQ Builders Hub

AyaHQ Builder Hub Africa's first dedicated space for builder activities, including hackathons, product launches, and incubation. It offers all the resources you need in a setting that feels like home. For those seeking a productive environment away from home, AyaHQ Builder Hub is the ideal choice. 

If you have upcoming IRLs and are in Ghana, consider hosting them at the AyaHQ Builders Hub.

Builders Convo

We are launching a new series called Builders Convo, featuring various builders. This series will be filled with fun, excitement, and knowledge, offering an opportunity to network with other builders. This event will take place live in our builders' community on discord.

Aya Talent Collective 

Are you part of our vibrant builders' community on Discord?

We're a hub of excitement, insight, team building, and collaboration. 

Join us now to become part of our community. We're excited to showcase remarkable builders, community members, and projects in the near future.

Keep reading to uncover the project that earned a spot in our cheer corner.

Cheer Corner! 🎉

Let’s give a round of applause to OneRamp, the project featured in our Cheer Corner. OneRamp launched during the Onchain Builders Workshop and operates as a bridge between crypto/web3 applications and users' physical wallets. It enables users to withdraw their crypto assets from your dApp and transfer them to their mobile money wallets, ensuring a secure and efficient process for managing funds.

Your project could be featured next month! Share your work in our builders' community for a chance to be showcased in our Cheer Corner

You've reached the end, and you're our real MVP!

Please share your thoughts on this newsletter with the community. If you want something included in the newsletter, just talk to one of the leaders or teams, or send us an email info@ayahq.com We really value your ideas.

Cheers to a “no bull shit zone” in August! 🚀

For now, goodbye until we write to you again!

Keep building! 🚀

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