Builder Week V1 is live

Our new experiment to bring builders together, and what else happened this week in Backdrop

Thanks to those of you who expressed interest or gave feedback last week on our new experiment around helping builders get feedback from and connect with relevant people. It has helped us continue to iterate quickly on what we are currently calling Builder Weeks. We're pretty excited about it.

You can read more about Builder Weeks here and apply for an upcoming group. The TL/DR is that we curate groups of builders that are relevant to each other and work together over the week to produce short Loom demos. We then circulate the videos that come out of those groups to other relevant people in our network that have offered to give feedback. 

We kicked off this week with 3 projects centered around community tooling — Kazm, CloudScouts, and Guild — if you know any community leads, product geeks, or others would be keen to check out the latest from those and give feedback, we're looking for some additional reviewers!

Live demo day next week — Privy and ArkRunr

We’re very excited to have two very cool projects doing live demos next week. ​Lucas is showcasing Arkrunr, the future of virtual performance production. And ​Noel is demoing Privy, a library of tools for easy web2 to web3 onboarding. RSVP here and come chat about topics like airdropping assets to a user before they’ve created their first wallet 🤯

If you missed last week’s live demo with Drew from Holder and Summer from CollabWORK, you can check out the recap and clips here. And if you’d like to apply for a future demo day, fill out this short form. 

Other opportunities in the network

  • Does UX research exist in web3? Is it meaningfully different than web2? Famousnobody wants to know. View post

  • Keenboo has been looking into the intersection of music and fashion NFTs, and how a shared drop might work. There are some great connections happening here already! View post

Check out all of the recent posts at

If there’s anything we can do to better help you or showcase what you’re building, let me know! 


Please share this with anyone that might be relevant for the opportunities above! And if someone shared this newsletter with you and you aren't a Backdrop member yet, message me orapply to join.

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