Building Contxt with the Support of Backdrop Build

Cam Lindsay joined Backdrop Build with a clear goal in mind for his text-based social platform:

"I needed support with accountability and getting exposure for my project. Build delivered on both!"

He recognized the value of having a structured program that could help him stay on track and showcase his work to a wider audience.

Vision for Contxt

Cam's vision for Contxt is to create a consent and privacy-focused multimedia interpersonal wiki, where users can preserve the context of their relationships by capturing moments, digital artifacts, and tidbits that remind them why they love and appreciate their people.

Through Contxt, Cam aims to foster genuine connection and appreciation, ultimately mending the societal fabric that has been torn apart by systems that benefit from polarization, isolation, and hyper-individualism.

The Role of Backdrop Build & its Partners

Cam describes Backdrop Build as "organic fertilizer for your project." He emphasizes that while a project might grow on its own, participating in Backdrop Build provides the motivation to ship consistently and focus on meaningful progress rather than chasing vanity metrics.

One of the key advantages of Backdrop Build, according to Cam:

"Grants and the ability to get support from partners is definitely the top benefit and motivator for me as a participant. The accountability is a byproduct of that; the partners feel like an audience that's rooting for you and will support you regardless and reward you if you finish with a bang."

Success and Future Opportunities

With the successful launch of Contxt, Cam was a finalist in Build's v3 and v4 program. He has also since received a full-ride to the upcoming Edge City incubator in Healdsburg.

Join Backdrop Build

If you're a builder with an idea that you're eager to bring to life, Backdrop Build may be the perfect fit for you. Take the first step towards launching your project and join an upcoming program here.

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