Introducing 100 Builders

A 4 week program to support open projects in AI and crypto

Hi everyone,

I'm pumped to announce 100 Builders, a 4-week online program for people to build and collaborate on bold open source projects in AI and crypto, organized by Backdrop and supported by amazing partners.

The battle between open and closed in tech rages on. We have always sided with builders, and builders always side with open technology. We see open source at the heart of building any frontier technology—from AI, to crypto, climate, biotech and beyond. This program is another big step in our journey towards helping people build a better, more community-powered future.

We've distilled everything we’ve learned and all the partners we made along the way to make this program awesome. It is 100% remote, 100% free, and 100% on builders' terms. Just a BIG build-that-thing energy for 100 bold open source projects to get real traction.

We have a lot more to announce, including details about $20k+ (and counting) in sponsorship for participants. If you are big on building more open tech for AI and Crypto, head to 100.Builders to apply. It takes just a few minutes.

Applications close on August 10th.

Thanks as always for your continued support. If you know anyone who would love to join, tell them about 100 Builders for us. And if we've helped you in your journey, we'd love for you to tell people what we're about by boosting our Twitter announcement here.

- Joey

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