It’s always a good time to Build

Starting now, Build never stops

Nobody that loses sleep over an idea thinks “I’d like to work on that in a month or two.” The best products are the ones you want to build right now. So today we’re announcing a big change to Build we’ve been working towards from day one — starting now, Build never stops

That means that as of today:

  • Builders can apply to and join Build 365 days a year. We review all applications within 48 hours and you can get started as soon as you’re in. 

  • When one program ends, another begins. And to keep things simple, we’re aligning them with calendar months.

The decision to double down on Build was easy to make. What started as 100 builders in the first program is now 2500 builders from 90+ countries in the fifth. In the first 4 programs alone, Build helped >700 projects launch with a demo video and live product that people can use. Building new projects at the frontier is incredibly hard, and there is something powerful in doing it alongside a growing community of builders.

The real magic of Build is that it gets better as it gets bigger. We support builders alongside a quickly growing list of 50+ of the best and most forward thinking companies in tech — including Google Cloud, Coinbase, Pinecone, Modal, and so many more. Together we’ve helped builders earn >$500k in grants, and thanks in part to our growing Boost network of accelerators and other funding sources, Build graduates have raised >$3M in the past 4 months alone.

The value of builders who can manage to bring their idea to life has never been higher, but as a builder or early-stage team it doesn’t always feel that way. Most builders want to spend their time shipping, not trying to search and sift through the ever-growing sea of products and opportunities that exist. We're here to fix that.

People said we were crazy to run programs with thousands of builders with only a short break in between, and doing them with zero break means we have a lot of shipping of our own to do. But the work is worth it because we can finally say this — whenever an idea hits you, or you have something new in the works, you can plug that project into Build and get access to all the resources we have to get your project off the ground.

See if for yourself at

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