Our bold new experiment is loading…

Tell us your dream demo, paid community referrals, contribute to the Take Up Space zine, tokenizing a Banksy, and a few other things happening in the network.

There have been an unusually high number of interesting updates and opportunities in Backdrop over the past week, so I’m going to get right to them. But I did want to say that we’ve been working on a totally new product experiment for the past month based on research we've been conducting and recent community calls. It is now in internal testing and will hopefully be something we can invite 10-20 of you into in the coming week or so. As with everything we’ve built, our aim with this new experiment is to help you get the support you need to build the future. I feel nervous and excited about it, which is a good sign! 

Demo days fo’ days

Demo days have been a fun and natural way for builders to get inspired, keep their craft sharp, and meet each other. We now have enough interest to run demo days in their current form through August (!!!) which is just a sign to us that it’s time to think bigger. More on that soon, but in the meantime I’m also keen to proactively facilitate a few dream demos that would be interesting to a lot of people. If there are products you would love to see demoed by their founder (crypto or otherwise) let me know here. And if you’re up to have your product included in the demo day experiment as it evolves, fill out this short form. 

Next week Summer will demo CollabWORK (community-empowered hiring platform) and Drew will demo Holder (web3 CRM and marketing automation platform). RSVP here! Clips from GasHawk and Ambire Wallet from last week are below and the full recap is here.

GasHawk — free, automated, and non-custodial savings of up to 95% on Ethereum transaction fees

Ambire Wallet — self custody wallet built on account abstraction 

Opportunities are flowing

As always, if you have something you want me to include in next week’s newsletter that isn’t on Backdrop, just send it to me or drop it here

  • Brenner Spear (founder @ Metagame) has helped communities like SheFi and Llama.xyz implement earnable avatars, and is looking for help getting referred to other communities that might be keen to experiment with them, and is offering $500-$2000 for any successful referral. View post

  • Paff and the Take Up Space team are launching a Zine with the theme “The Technology of Togetherness” and are looking for contributions of a number of different kinds. View post

  • Lots of exciting updates at Layer3 recently, and Ehsan and the team are looking for a part time data analyst. View post

  • Aleena, Kairon, and Caden are looking for collaborators who want to run some experiments around building front-ends for social protocols. It’s also one of the first QUESTS we’ve seen on Backdrop. View post 

  • DeeBee is — after many months of stealth — launching a tokenized community to buy a Banksy and the house it is painted on and turn it into a collaborative project. As Backdrop members, you’re on the allowlist. View post

  • Abram and the 0xSplits team just launched Swapper — a payable wallet that diversifies any income stream into tokens of your choice (great for tax withholdings). They're looking for feedback on how/if it might be useful for you or a project you know. View post

Check out all of the recent posts at backdrop.so/posts

That’s it for this week! If you made it all the way here and are still looking for more, read this post from Scott Belsky on the age of personalization and then let’s talk about it — I have thots. 


Please share this with anyone that might be relevant for the opportunities above! And if someone shared this newsletter with you and you aren't a Backdrop member yet, message me or apply to join.

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