Want to launch a fun side project?

Plus how can we make your ETHDenver great? Job posts are live! Circles for web3 founders, and other updates.

Last week I tweeted about matchmaking some side projects, and the responses brought something home for me — so many projects and experiments are just one piece away from coming to life. Finding the right collaborator, knowing what tool to use, or even just speaking the idea out loud and getting some validation that it’s worth doing.

Put simply, we want to help people build more cool shit with people they vibe with, so I’d encourage you to post your idea for a fun project or experiment this week. We’ll do our best to match you with a connection or two as I did with (most) all of the people that messaged me after that tweet. I posted my own idea that I've always wanted to do, an NFT-enabled article/podcast club focused on connection rather than consumption, and I already found a few people that want to help ship it in the next week or two (you’re invited) — the process works!

If you’re in Denver…

Let us know how we can help you get the most out of the week. Whether you have an open spot in a dinner reservation, are looking for people who want to participate in a JokeDAO contest for ideas on where to hike at the end of the week, or post your fun project/experiment idea and grab a coffee with someone who can help you bring it to life. Or DM us if you’re looking to connect with someone in the weeds on a given topic and we can suggest someone. 

Job posts are live

We often get asked by people both in and out of the network about open jobs from members, so we made it a bit easier to find all the stuff you all are hiring for — full time, contract, or otherwise. We’re working on ways to search jobs directly but for now you can see them all by filtering by jobs on the main feed.

Other news and network highlights

The Guild.xyz team is running a Telegram sticker contest, and looking for advice from anyone that has done something similar. And if you’re looking for some structured groups around fundraising or PMF, Fedor at Humans is putting together a few circles for web3 founders. Lastly for all you “how DAOs get work done” geeks (hi), Gaoa.eth is rolling out a new framework that’s like scrum, but for DAOs.

In other news, we released a very simple algorithmic feed and another new post type called “Showcase” which you can use to share the new feature you built, the article you wrote, or anything else that you want feedback on or just want to share.

If you made it here and didn’t find an opportunity that got your heart racing, I’d love to hear what you’re looking for right now. Even if we don’t have it in the network at the moment, we’re pretty good at finding things — try us out.

- Joey

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