We want to help you tell your story

Join our new demo experiment, come hang with CollabWORK and Holder tomorrow, advice on CRMtiquette, RADAR is hiring a marketing lead

A new demo experiment is now loading

Standing in front of your project and telling your story can be magic when it comes to getting support and making the right connections. We’ve seen glimpses of that magic in many of the demo days we’ve done so far, and we want more of it.

Doing great demos is a learnable skill. It's about storytelling, clarity of thinking, synthesizing big ideas in small packages. We're experimenting with a cohort starting next week where you’ll refine your storytelling skills, hone in on your narrative, and get feedback from a trusted group of builders on how to use it to open doors. 

We have 5 spots for builders in this initial experiment. Let us know here if you want to participate and we’ll follow up with the details!

Speaking of demos…

Demo Fridays are still going strong - with really amazing demand to participate (we are scheduled through the Summer!). And tomorrow at 10AM PST Summer from CollabWORK will share how they're scaling word of mouth referrals for talent & hiring teams and Drew from Holder and will demo their web3-native CRM and marketing automation platform. RSVP here and come hang.

If you’d like to apply for a future demo day, fill out this short form. 

Other opportunities in the network

As always, if you have something you want me to include in next week’s newsletter that isn’t on Backdrop, just send it to me or drop it here

  • Keely and our friends at RADAR are looking for a marketing and comms lead. View post

  • Lior (platform @ collider.vc) has a portco looking for help implementing a CRM to improve TG and Discord messaging. I know there are a bunch of relevant projects in Backdrop that can help! View post 

  • Aleena and a cool crew of Backdroppers are launching another side quest, this time around building a social dApp store for Farcaster — and they’re looking for help. View post

Check out all of the recent posts at backdrop.so/posts

Thanks as always for everything you do to support us, and each other. Happy exploring!


Please share this with anyone that might be relevant for the opportunities above! And if someone shared this newsletter with you and you aren't a Backdrop member yet, message me or apply to join.

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