Why is community a moat?

Introducing questions, launching the $1000 JokeDAO contest for Backdrop members, our approach to jobs, plus a flood of new opportunities

Vishal Kankani (Investor @ Multicoin) recently posed that question on Backdrop, and the responses already remind me why we are so inspired to keep building. I like Jon Hillis’ (Caretaker @ Cabin) simple response: “Moats are things that are hard for people to replicate. Content, code, etc is becoming easy to replicate. Community is not.” What’s your answer?

On that note, we’re also excited to say that questions as a post type are now live! We’ve seen that questions are a great way to connect with other builders, and that those jams often lead to opportunities and collaboration down the line. I created the first question about what one opportunity would really change things for you right now. Knowing that will help us nudge the network in that direction, and even work specifically to get you that home run.

The JokeDAO ETH Denver race is open

It’s been fun to see people creating posts and jamming in advance of ETH Denver, already an improvement over the typical “drop your ENS if you’re going.” We have some updates planned to make this process of IRL connections even better, but this is a great start. 

If you already created a post and tagged “ETH Denver 2023 Attendee,” we just airdropped you voting tokens for the JokeDAO race to decide which opportunity to send $1000. Head to the JokeDAO page to submit your opportunity to the race, and if you still want to participate or see the current opportunities you can check out the page we made here. I’d also appreciate your help getting the word out to other builders! 

Backdrop members are hiring

Over the past few weeks dozens of awesome job opportunities have been posted to Backdrop, frankly too many for me to list out here. Finding the perfect person for a job is always a “needle in a haystack” problem, and we do think it’s an area where an active network like Backdrop can be very helpful — but we also want to make some updates soon to help those matches and referrals happen a bit better. In the meantime if you or someone you know is looking for a job, scroll through the feed or DM me and I’m happy to directly intro you to relevant hiring opportunities.

Other exciting opportunities in the network

  • Bethany Crystal is working with a charter school in New York and asked a very interesting question about what high schoolers should be learning (and how) to prepare for decentralized careers. View post

  • Colin Armstrong just launched tools for token-gated newsletters at Paragraph (how we send this email), and is looking for some feedback/beta testers View post

  • Tim B (cofounder @ Mailchain) wants to understand the communication needs of builders in web3, and he’s willing to buy you a beer about it if you’re going to Denver View post 

I’m writing this from an offsite with our team, and can’t wait to show you our plans to build an open, permissionless protocol for work. Thanks for continuing to support us in that journey.


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