Announcing the Launch of Base Türkçe Chapter: A New Beginning for the Turkish Onchain Community

Hello, world!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the /base-tr chapter, established at the call of dear Jesse Pollak. This new chapter aims to foster a vibrant community dedicated to sharing knowledge, collaborating on innovative projects, and supporting the onchain awakening of many young developers and artists. Our mission is to facilitate their onboarding, solve potential technical problems they may encounter, and enable them to build something amazing.

The Vision Behind Base Türkçe

The idea for Base Türkçe was inspired by Jesse Pollak’s vision of creating localized chapters that can effectively communicate the ethos and opportunities of the BASE to diverse communities around the world. By establishing Base Türkçe, we aim to bridge the gap between Turkish developers, artists, and the global onchain ecosystem. This chapter will serve as a hub for collaboration, education, and innovation, ensuring that BASE’s revolutionary ideas reach and resonate with Turkish speakers.

Key Milestones Achieved

This is Base Türkçe's first day and this day has been nothing short of remarkable. Here are some of the significant milestones we've already achieved:

  • Website Launch: We proudly launched the first version of our website at This site will be a central repository for resources, updates, and community interactions. Moreover, we have made the source for our website open and accessible to other chapters, encouraging them to adapt and build upon it.

  • ENS Domain Secured: To establish a strong digital identity, we have secured the base-tr.eth ENS domain. This will serve as our official address in the decentralized world. As our contributors come forward, we will create a multisig safe to manage base-tr collectively, ensuring transparency and collective decision-making.

  • Twitter Presence: Recognizing the limited presence of the Turkish community on Farcaster, we’ve set up our Twitter account. This platform will be instrumental in disseminating BASE’s message effectively across Turkey, engaging with users, and promoting our activities.

  • Zora Account and NFT Collection: We’ve launched our Zora account and introduced a collection named "Non Fungible Memories." Our inaugural piece, titled “Hello, World,” marks our entry into the NFT space and symbolizes the beginning of our journey.

  • Airtable Database for Contributors: To streamline collaboration and identify potential contributors, we’ve created an Airtable database. This initiative aims to connect with volunteers who are eager to support base-tr. We are thrilled to see that volunteers have already started signing up, demonstrating strong community interest and engagement.

Building a Collaborative Community

The establishment of Base Türkçe is just the beginning. Our goal is to build a collaborative and inclusive community where members can freely share ideas, offer support, and work on groundbreaking projects. We believe that by bringing together a diverse group of talented individuals, we can achieve extraordinary things and contribute significantly to the growth of the BASE network.

Join Us on This Exciting Journey

As we embark on this exciting journey, we invite everyone interested in onchain, blockchain technology, and decentralized applications to join us. Whether you are a developer, artist, or enthusiast, your contributions and insights are invaluable. Together, we can create a thriving ecosystem that not only benefits the Turkish community but also sets an example for other chapters worldwide.

Isn’t this a fantastic start? Let’s continue building, innovating, and spreading the BASE's message far and wide!

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