#20. Built on Base! 🔥

Hello there, and welcome to the 20th edition of Base Directory's newsletter.

Every weekday, I'll send you a concise email highlighting everything you need to know about an onchain product built on Base, including my thoughts on it and how you can get started using it.

Today's spotlight is on Based Memes (beta), a product that allows you to quickly create and mint viral memes on-chain.

a screenshot of Based memes homepage.

How Based Memes Works:

Memes are the fuel that crypto culture runs on and have been a major driver behind communicating crypto ideas in a way that's accessible to many, cultivating their interest in the space.

Based Memes aims to make it easy to spin out meme images/gifs and mint them on-chain.

For example, I've been creating more memes lately and my process typically involves bookmarking memes I see so I can refer to the formats later if I have an idea for a meme, then go create it on Canva. My bookmarks are a mess as a result.

With Based memes, creating a meme just boils down to:

  • Choosing a meme format from the available templates or uploading one.

  • Adding text, and stickers.

  • Downloading or minting onchain.

After minting, you can share directly to Warpcast.

It's a fun project that any crypto-native or anyone who often creates memes will appreciate. You can check it out below.

To explore other products on Base, visit www.basedirectory.xyz.

Thanks for reading through! See you tomorrow.

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