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Bankless Card Patrons

April 2024 Patron Update

Apple Pay/Google Wallet Live

The big news in April is that the first BCards are in Apple Pay and Google Wallet. This was one of the top-requested features by our users, and unlocks tap-to-pay for all BCards.

We've also confirmed with Nouns that we will be receiving 10M NOGS to distribute to users of our nounish card. NOGS recently launched their LP to great fanfare (and 525 ETH). We look forward to helping build energy around this token by giving Nouners a way to earn NOGs.

We recently got accepted into Gitcoin Grants and would love your support. Even $1 donation will help considerably.

We expect to launch our public beta in May, and add at least one new community card to the mix as well.


  • 💰 Transaction Volume: 39 users have collectively loaded $4404 onto their cards and spent $2646

  • 💳 Apple/Google Pay: The first BCards are now on Apple Pay and Google Wallet.

  • 😎 Nouns Card: We are approved for a grant of 10M NOGS

  • 🪙 Rewards flow: This is the last piece of the puzzle to launch publicly. Just smoothing out some UX issues and we'll be ready.

  • 👥 Community Card: We've got a few communities ready to roll, including Origin Dollar DAO (stablecoin) and GLOOM (memecoin). We may also permissionlessly launch a DEGEN card to capture energy coming out of Farcon.

  • 🏦 Grants: Donate to BCard on Gitcoin Grants. Even $1 would help a lot!


  • If you are part of a community with a US membership that wants to distribute tokens, unlock passive revenue, or proliferate brand, have them fill in our Community Intake Form

With our public launch a short few weeks away, we will be looking to prove our hypothesis that web3 communities are the new frontier of branding. Accordingly, look for more co-branding communication coming from us, and if you have strong brands that want to extend their reach, send them our way!

— links, Bankless Card Champion

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