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BCard Patrons

July/August 2024 Patron Update

Reducing UX friction of onboarding and rewards

After doing a round of user tests and analysis on our latest features, we found some major area of improvement that we executed on in July.

The biggest change (which is still in progress) is moving to a digital-first card program. Users are now prompted to immediately add their cards to Apple/Google wallets and load funds, which will hopefully reduce instances of users waiting for physical cards to start using the product.

Our rewards flow has also been updated to allow for gasless claims. This reduces the complexity of claiming rewards considerably, and reduces testing we have to do on browser/wallet combinations. Early feedback has been very positive.

August will likely prove to be a slow month for us, as our card provider has given us some compliance issues to deal with (in progress), and many members of the team are taking well-deserved vacation.


  • 💰 Transaction Volume: 89 users have collectively loaded $13,241 onto their cards and spent $8612

  • 👥 Community Funnel: We have successfully launched PoolTogether

    • We have removed the gating for Nouns, opening the card up to many more people

    • Look for Higher and Treegens launches soon

  • 💳 Card Program: We are moving to digital-first card programs which will (hopefully) improve the UX and reduce costs.

    • We had our card provider call out some compliance issues which we are in the process of fixing

  • 🏦 Finance: Latest cashflow gives us 48 months of runway (mainly due to the digital-first cards)

  • 📱Product: some huge feature drops

    • Gasless reward claims are out

    • Onboarding has been revamped for digital-first strategy, taking user through the steps to add cards to Apple/Google Wallets and immediately loading their card


  • If you are part of a community with a US membership that wants to distribute tokens, unlock passive revenue, or proliferate brand, have them fill in our Community Intake Form.

To find product-market fit, we'll need to definitively prove WHO our market is, WHAT we are offering them, and HOW we deliver that value. Now that we have a working product, our focus is on experimenting quickly so that we can answer those three questions with real product proof.

— links, BCard Champion

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