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Bankless Card Patrons

March 2024 Patron Update

Working through beta and a new card offering

March was filled with user testing and bug fixing. It's been a productive month - our main user flows went from 2/10 -> 8/10 in terms of ease-of-use reported by our Beta testers, so we're improving steadily.

We also worked on our new card offering - a card we can deploy to any community in as little as a few days. This offering will allow us to test more communities faster, allowing us to reach more people sooner.


  • 💰 Transaction Volume: 24 users have collectively loaded $2100 onto their cards and spent $1380

  • 😐 Beta Testing: we've improved our average experience from 2/10 -> 8/10 this month based on user feedback

  • 😎 NounsxFarcaster: We submitted a proposal for a $100K grant to write a Farcaster client found Nouns DAO

  • 🪙 Rewards flow: we have our token claim contracts live on Optimism ($BANK) and Base ($NOGS)

  • 👥 Community Card: our new offering has passed most of compliance and should be ready for order in the next 2 weeks

  • 💳 Apple/Google Pay: we have gone through compliance and may be able to get our cards on Apple/Google pay in the next 2 weeks


  • If you have a Noun, please consider voting for us for NounsxFarcaster (polls end Friday Mar 29)

  • If you know communities with a large US-based membership, connect them with NFThinker (Telegram)

With our rewards flow in place, we will have a compete user journey: get a card, use your card, support your community, get rewards. This is the first of many user journeys we will be adding, but having this will allow us to move to public beta soon!

— links, Bankless Card Champion

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