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FarHouse space transcript 6/26/2024

@artlu on @stellabelle's /cryptoart-school space


All right, welcome everyone to the Cryptoart School, where we, where learning is number one. And today we have a really special guest, someone that I've been noticing on Farcaster. Hello, Farc Far Chiver and Angelika Kollin, our first two guests for today, I have been noticing like Art Lu is going to be our main speaker today because I actually haven't tried the alt clients, but I noticed that, that certain people have, have tried, or they're, they have like extensive knowledge of about the alternative clients.

So we are going to wait till artlu comes because really that's, that's the main, the main deal for today. I'm interested in learning all about the alt clients because I want to see if it's a better experience or like we could all get behind one. I also. Well, I'm not supposed to say anything, but there's another one being made for the art community and that one, of course, they're going to have their own everything by the time it's built and.

So we are waiting. If there's anyone that wants to talk, we're waiting for artlu because, because really that's the main source of information. So how's it going? Farchiver and Angelika, if you want to say hello,

wait till artlu gets here.

Angelika Kollin

Yeah. Good morning, everyone. I just Farchiver posted in a chat that he or she is the artlu, the, what you're waiting for.


Oh. Yes, I didn't realize that


hello. This is artlu. If you can hear me, please give a shout out, but I can


hear you I was I was waiting for artlu. What the heck? Well, you got another you got another alt account, don't you?


I've got several alt accounts. Farchiver is a business that I started about a year ago to, to download your Farcaster history onto your computer.

And I co host a a podcast called The BCBH Show. So operate that account, which is a show.


I was... something real quick about that. It's, it's a very cumbersome letters to remember. Like, it's very difficult to kind of like, I don't know, remember those, those letters for the client. I don't know. Have you ever thought about changing the name?


Yeah. Well, well, we, we tried to pick letters that roll off the tongue. And we couldn't. So we ended up with this. B. C. stands for BeavChris, who is my co host, christin, and I am BArt-Head. It started off as the Beav, it used to be longer, The BeavChris and BArt-Head Show, Light Client, L I G H T, and I shortened it to L I T E, and people were complaining they couldn't say BeavChris.

They could always say BArt-Head, But sometimes they accidentally said butthead and it made me feel bad


But it, just rename it to butthead. I think I want to remember that.




While we're on the topic we might get there I just, I want to thank you for making that little cheat sheet. Everyone should go out later and check out artlu.

I'm telling you that's, that's the person that I know.


Right. So apologies. I'm not showing up with the right PFP. And I can, I know, I know it does overlap a little bit with what we wanted to talk about, but I wanna


to get to one part that I found absolutely hilarious. You said it's too bad we're on audio because I'm so good looking.

So you, you have to post a photo of yourself. Come on. Let's see the goods. Let's see.


I don't under, I don't understand why everyone thinks it's so funny. Like,


no, because, because people are like, kind of like bred to be kind of humble or like, at least, at least that's how it was in my family. Like you don't brag, you don't brag.

It's a, it's a happy Midwestern family. Like we have values, loyalty, humble, you're supposed to be humble, you're supposed to We're not. Brag about yourself. And here you are, aren't you Artlu. You're bragging. You're bragging. You don't know who you're talking to. I was a Tokyo high fashion model.


Yeah. I heard that. I'm excited about that. I'm excited.


But I'm, I've, I've really gone downhill. I'm older. So like, I, I mean, I never used to brag. I never used to brag about any of that shit. It was like, yeah, I'm a model, whatever. But then now that I'm ugly and fat, I'm like, yeah, fuck. I used to look good.


We are in the same boat.


Wait, you used to be a model.


No no, no, no, no. But I used to be good looking. Now I'm old and ugly.


And now we have to brag because we never bragged before. Is that it?


Yeah. I, I actually bragged before, but yeah, ,


we still, oh my God. You're just like a braggart. You've got to show, okay. Okay. After the thing is over, we need to. Do a full, get your best photo and, and post it. We're going to have a, I used to be hot.

I used to be hot. People will want to see that.


This would be a funny thread. It would be a very interesting thread on Farcas. On Warpcast this is how I used to look, and this is how I look now.


We're gonna start the train. You're gonna start it, or I will start. I'm an instigator.


Yeah, there is a meme of before Farcaster and after Farcaster.


Okay, yeah, yeah, we can show our ugly selves now, right?


Well, yeah, I think it's very nice to be authentic. I think it's great to show who we are




worked for many many years In a situation where I couldn't show my face, or I convinced myself, I couldn't show my face.




I thought it was a very important on decentralized social media in our podcast to actually show our faces


Yeah, I know not that many people are doing it cause I'm kind of shy though.

Like I never, I never got into the whole, I like to dress up and pretend like a kid, you know, like I still kind of like that, but I don't like to like do selfies and like do thirst traps. Although like I could have. Like, I believe I could totally exploit that, but I, but it feels, it feels shitty to do that.

Like, I don't, I don't want to do that. Like, I don't, that's not, that's not my thing. You know what I mean?


Yeah. If it's not your thing, don't do it, but I have nothing against it.


I don't either. I just, for myself, I don't feel comfortable.


A bunch of men were showing their their musculars. And it was amazing.

I loved it. And you know, now we have women showing their different body parts. And I think that's great if they want to do that. That's that's perfect,


but but then it gets like you don't there is kind of a thing where You don't know who's real kind of true because actually I I do mess around with filters and I like to show people that hey this this is not me.

I like to show people what What the filters do. And then like, Hey, no, this is what I actually look like. So you should never really trust a photo because you can just make yourself look so different, you know, but anyway, that's another side topic. We should just get into it. So I love how your little poster that you created the little infographic let's be precise here.

You have, I love how you started out. It says Warpcast sucks. And here's some. That suck too, but let's explore.

I just thought like, I thought like when I, before we met and everything, I kind of was observing what you were, Putting out there on Warpcast. And it's, I was like, this guy's smart. There's something about you that has like an edge. I couldn't really figure out exactly what, but I was like, you're smart.

You're witty. You make fun of stuff, but then you're also like highly intelligent. So that's what I thought. And now you're good looking on top of it. What the hell? I'm just joking.


Yeah, exactly. I haven't told you yet. I'm six foot four.




And I'm, like, massively rich, so


Ha ha!

That's weird because, like, I'm six foot, which is really tall for a woman, but I shrunk a little bit.

Now I'm 5'11 And, yeah, I'm filthy rich, too. So, like, this is, like, perfect.


All right,


so it's no big deal that we're good looking.

Yeah, like forget about being good looking. We're rich. We're tall. We're, you know, genetically strong, whatever. I'm just being shitty. Like whatever.


Thank you for the kind words. I do appreciate it.


So like, if we're so rich, what the fuck are we doing on like this podcast thing or whatever?


Speaking with a bunch of internet friends.


We care about community, right? We appreciate it. I'm joking about that, but I actually do, but you know, I want to have a robust community where we know each other.

We know how to, we can trust each other like over time, like finding high quality individuals. That's part of my goal in life. Trustworthy people anyway.


So I want to add that trustworthy people are, they come from everywhere. They don't necessarily come from the places you expect, and often you can find them in places that if you have an open space, those people get to rise.

And if you don't have an open space, well, maybe you miss out on finding some people that you would have liked to discover. Exactly. Because they have value, they have talents, they have things to share.


And they're literally from all over the world. I've got friends in like so many countries that I've known for years in like the decentralized social media, the crypto space.

Like Nigeria, my friend, shout out to Yanga. He's like one of the best artists that I, that I've come in contact with, you know,


shout out Nigeria. I, I spoke on my podcast yesterday for five plus minutes about my favorite Nigerian who's a Nigerian American Hakeem Olajuwon, and we have many, many Nigerians on Farcaster.

Some of them are not openly sharing their origin, but many of them are proud. And I, I'm very happy that they're proud. And I understand if people also want to maintain anonymity for where they're coming from, like it all works. And maybe let me get into the alt client space and why I'm interested and I'm really excited that you reached out to me to talk about this.

Warpcast is, well, sorry, Farcaster has been around for a couple of years now. And I did not join at the beginning, I joined at the time it felt like I joined very late. And it was fascinating to me to find that there was a protocol and there was a, a signature client on the protocol. And there were many other clients who had equal access to the data on the protocol.

So it was called permissionless. And that was very different from Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, et cetera, et cetera YouTube, in that it, things were permissionless, things were cozy, they were exciting, and there was this proliferation of experiments in the form of different ways to mix and match, and remix the data, and present it in different ways.

So you could say, at that time, this was like, Over a year ago that if you didn't like the way things work, you could go and. Do something completely different, but use the same underlying information as well as the connections that we had as human beings made with each other in a text based medium. And there were like two image focused clients that were coming out that were just for people to share their photography and their visual art.

So you could have a space that had very high resolution images. Shown because, you know, you know very well if you upload something that you've slaved over into a little tiny JPEG and it gets shown in a strange aspect ratio or with artifacts around it or hidden maybe behind a click. That doesn't feel as good as if you can show off the care and attention that you put into the, into the artwork in this, in the expression.

So there were several attempts at image only clients, and I can talk more about them and my, my observation of what happened with them. And there were several clients that that gave you access to the work cast and the, and the, and the back and forth conversations. In ways that were slightly different from what was presented on Warpcast.

And they were just very interesting to me as a data nerd, that it was just like, it was a catnip. It was just the most amazing thing that anybody could get the data right at around the same time. Twitter was locking down their APIs and Facebook had locked out their data and they were all closed ecosystems.

And this space was open to And free and available for everyone to participate. And this was about a year ago. And as you can see in this chart here, there are many, many live, viable, open clients that let you access Warpcast data through other means. And in this list that fills up a whole screen. More than two thirds and maybe four fifths of them have been around and under active development with the devs, well known by the community, continuing to contribute with great reputations, and they just continue to plug away.

Let me highlight some of the. Older ones herocast started off as a solo project that was subscription based. It was fairly expensive. If I remember right, it was like 70 a month and it was meant to be really high end. And then he pivoted to a free and open source model free and open source software.

And so the, HeroCast was one of the first alt clients. Anytime the Warpcast team came up with a new feature, HeroCast and some of the other clients would try to quickly copy them, implement them. remix them, compose them, add new things. And that was a very exciting time. What I think ended up happening was Warpcast or Farcaster grew from maybe 500 active users to 1500 active users to this one kind of snapshot date, which was the Farcaster OG NFT snapshot date.

If you were an active user, so there, there used to be a badge called the active badge. If you were an active user,


I remember that. 'cause I think I started, right at the time I had an active badge. So I got used to that idea.


That's right.


Active. You have like, what was it, 2000 followers or something? Was


It was 100 followers.


100, okay.


Yeah. So it was like this big race to get to 100 and as long as you had been sharing information, if like, you know, right now they're, they're saying they want you to cast in streaks. The active badge encouraged you to cast in streaks. It encouraged you to cast a lot and you need a 100 and then you would get an active badge.

And there was one drop of an NFT, which at the time was worthless. And that that enticed some growth to the network. So lots of people saw that the team was dropping NFTs, which were worthless. But at one point, I think that Farcaster OG NFT traded hands, Above 10, 000 for one NFT.




Yeah. At one point somebody sold one on OpenSea, so it's all open and you can see it you can see who bought it, who sold it as well for 10,000.

And of course there were many people in the world of crypto and the world of social media who thought, Hey, that's great. And shortly after that $DEGEN launched, which was dropped to the original Farcaster community and then started to be used and then distributed even way, like way beyond, I think anybody's wildest dreams and it grew into a very large ecosystem.

And today we have These large ecosystems, but they bring with them different problems and challenges and the wordcast team has evolved from the active badge, which did not scale like a hundred followers did not scale. They said, well, let's make it 400 followers, but they realized it's just going to be it's going to continue to penalize new users for no real benefit.

But there's no, there's no way to give a badge to someone with 400 users because that's also too easy. So they came up with the concept of the Power Badge. And that Power Badge was a different Power Badge than the one we have today. And Warpcast started to very actively suppress different kinds of activity that had not been suppressed before.

And this is both a blessing and a curse.


So let's talk about that just for a second. What kind, what are you talking about exactly? I will tell you something that I've noticed from the beginning and that anything artistic never makes it to the trending page. Have you noticed I've been looking at that?

Cause I've had some of my posts That are viral, have a lot of engagement, especially roll my roll call that I do in the school. That's just to give a little scoopy snack to anyone that shows up. It's like an attendance, you know, you show up for class, you get a little, you know, tip or whatever. It's just to keep people engaged, you know, those never make it to the trending page.

So people don't even really understand like what I'm doing because none of my posts. Ever make it to the trending and I've analyzed what makes it to the trending. It's like all of handpicked what Dan and those people want and what their, their world is about. And so like nothing different ever makes it there.

And it's, is that what you mean by suppressed? Or what do you, how are you, how are you defining what, what they're suppressing and how are they doing it?


Yeah. So first off, absolutely. I have noticed this for art content that it has a very hard time becoming getting highlighted inside the community. And I think many artists have had to gather together to support each other because it's a, it's a very challenging environment to to compete for attention.

You might get a picture of food becoming viral way more so than something that somebody has put an immense amount of skill and effort and talent Into and I'm just picking


just the popularity popularity contest, meaning there's certain accounts that just are on trending, but you know, yep. So


I think they do have they, they, the, the team, the Warpcast team sees themselves as tastemakers and they, they, they were curating very carefully, even The people who could participate in Warpcast at the beginning, right?

The first set of people had to be invited and then they started to give out invites to try to get the people they had invited to invite good people like minded people. And then because we're in crypto, we went to permissionless and then lots of people came in with no preexisting connections or friends or communities.

And. And it's a challenge to fight, to let people find their communities as well as to to maintain some of the values that they clearly they clearly see, like one of the strong values in Farcaster is thoughtful conversations. And I would, I would say back to you that when I looked at the trending feed at different points in time, I saw no evidence of thoughtful conversations.

And I saw many visual casts of, let's say, free mints of low effort AI generated artwork, which did make it too trending.




So, I don't necessarily think they blocked visual art, but I think they maybe had some of the ultra viral stuff become so ultra viral that could not be cleanly knocked out.


Maybe they have like a Greenlight account that they can go on trending, because it's certainly not based on engagement. I can tell you that for sure.


I I don't know the details of the algorithm for trending. What I do know as a client developer is that there are many different algorithms for any client to shop around and present to their users.

And that's also a challenge because people are used to a certain experience And if you go to another client and you find something that's completely different, that's very jarring. If you don't see your friends, for example, you go, Oh, like, have I landed in a different country? If you see everyone, if you all of a sudden see that everybody is talking about Degen.

Whereas before you had not seen that, that might be very surprising. And also if you see people are speaking in different languages, that might be very surprising. So it's a, it is definitely a challenge, but the, but the message for you is that the client developers have a choice of different feeds to choose from and work cast, they have their own feeds.

They are actively developing. Machine learning models to present the best experience to compete in this open marketplace for attention, and they think that their approach is the right one, which will lead to growth of the network growth of the protocol. Enrichment of the right people and elevation of the right people.

And, you know, it is an open economy. So if the wrong people get enriched, that happens, that actually does happen. And that's up to just the market to decide. But it is not a free speech space in the sense that they do shape the experience that people have in the same way that all these clients shape the experience.

So let me go into the alt client experience. I got pushed into trying the other client. So when I first joined Warcast, it was overwhelming and I thought this is like Twitter, but it's not like Twitter. And there's different people here. There's different conversations here. I don't have time or mental space to figure out another client.

And there's many things to think about and pursue. That have nothing to do with other clients. Like you might want to make money. You might want to get a job. You might want to find a dates. You might want to do all kinds of things. I think trying out other technology when the existing technology is used by 98 percent of the other people there makes very little sense.

And that's a challenge for all of these developers who have Spent blood, sweat, tears and money to make these other interfaces. And so each of the clients has, from what I could tell, a very unique approach to try to entice people to use them, possibly entice people to pay them. And to give features that that are unique that you can't find elsewhere, or they're new, or they give access to different communities that you wouldn't find elsewhere.


Hey, I was wondering if we could go if I could ask you a few questions just while we're what are the daily active user numbers for these alt clients, for example, supercasts, and also, Is a nook, did it go under because of server costs? Like, I think I would think it'd be very expensive to actually do this.




As far as hosting the data and stuff like that. So that's,


that's a very good question. There are certain artifacts that you can find on chain to tell you which clients are being used to cast or to react, you know, to like and recast and quote cast. And so those numbers are shown in various Dune dashboards.

I haven't looked very closely at them in a long time. I would open up that question to Woj, who is the developer behind Supercast, to share whatever private information he collects. But my understanding is that Warpcast Traffic makes up something like 98 percent of the traffic on the network. So the client space is very low.

Nook, you mentioned was a very short project that came, it was VC backed. The two guys who built it are really of high reputation and pedigree within the crypto space. And they shared, as they were shutting down, they shared the numbers. That they got of users in Nook. And I would encourage people not to listen to me, but to look at the stuff that was shared on chain in Dune dashboards to see what was going on.

But my recollection was that Nook had just launched. It was in test flight. It was hard to sign up but they had something like a 100 daily active users, right? And, and you had asked about server costs. So Nook was VC backed and they wanted to grow very fast. One of the founders, the one of the co founders had built something called Flink.

F. L. I. N. K. Which had gotten something like 000 users. It was big. And he thought, you know, based on that experience, he should do it properly and, and go for a real alternative client that could challenge Warpcast. And after a short period of time, they were at 100 daily users and not, and from me just eyeballing the graph, it was not growing.


And also I heard it costs 2,000, 2,000 a month.


Yeah, it was something like that. And he's, he's actually been so good as to share the code base.

And there's different, there's different projects thinking of forking that and re implementing that. To me, 2, 000 a month is a lot to spend.




It's I emphasize that they were VC backed, so they did not have the luxury of time.

They did not have the luxury of slow organic growth and they wanted to spend so that they could focus on delivering features that would drive very fast viral growth. And so why did they just fold like so fast? I don't know. They haven't shared that. Sorry. They have talked in a lot of detail in different casts about the general thinking, but the, the basic idea, I think is like that, that's That particular business model did not make sense for those particular people.

They have other opportunities that they're looking to pursue. And I'm really excited to see whatever they come up with that they thought would be more worthwhile of their own time than building Nook. But, you know, in my table, I made, A very clear column for business model, which I think impacts your choice of which which client to use, not just because 10 a month is a lot of money for some people, but also because you want a sense if you're going to be investing in something in building a community somewhere that that place is going to remain there.

So a lot of these, you know projects have been around for long enough that you imagine they're either going to survive for a long time or they're going to go bust pretty soon.


I just, I wanted to also mention, I did I reached out to Woj of Supercast and he just, he couldn't make it today, but he said, I said, well, Hey, you know, let me know when we can have one just with Supercast because that's helpful later.


The TLDR of Supercast is that for end users, it costs 10 a month. They try to justify


desktop, right? Only


right now it's desktop plus PWA. supercast is my daily driver on my iPhone


what's PWA?


So PWA is you go like on my iPhone, I go to Safari and I go to the website and then I click a little button at the bottom that says, save to my home screen.

And it makes something that looks just like an app, but it's actually a wrapper around a website and it's not as powerful as a native app, but it is optimized for mobile use. So his code will show one set of screens on desktop where you have a big screen, but it will show a different set of menus on your phone so that you can see everything and do everything that you need to.

So supercast is my daily driver on my iPhone and I think it works perfectly. There's one little caveat, which is that because it's a website running inside an app, the notifications. Do not work the same way as they do for a proper app, which can send notifications to your phone and they show up next to also,


also I want to let people know something that I just learned.

I didn't realize I had been direct casting to Woj of supercast on Warpcast and he does not get those messages because. At the protocol level, those direct casts are not going through to him using super cast and he didn't even know that I'd been messaging him. That's something I didn't understand at all.

So don't message people that are using different clients. Cause I don't think it works.


Well, no, that,




the messaging is, I guess you were around before there was messaging, right? So they added messaging on top. It was not part of the original conception of the early, early startup of building something to compete with Twitter.

And so messaging lives in Warpcast only. They're starting to open it up. So here's something funny. Supercast can send direct casts, but it cannot receive them.


What? And so you can't receive any direct messages when you're on supercast?


Well, while you're logged into the supercast app, you will not receive direct messages, but like when I'm on my desktop, I have one screen open for Warpcast and one for supercast.

And I flip back and forth between them and you know, I see my messages. So I use Supercast as my daily driver, but You can find me on Warpcast because I think most people who use an alternative client have to keep one foot in Warpcast away from the alternative because of these unique features that have not been rolled out yet.

And the funny thing about the one way sending of direct messages is that that's just the first step before they enable you to receive them outside of Warpcast. So that should be coming at some point in the future. It's just that they're doing it in phases. And so Supercast can send. It cannot receive it.

Woj is a particular case because he is actively dog food in his own product. So he's, if he can't exist, then how can he expect, you know, his, his clients to, so he's, he's feeling the pain of not being contactable and he's encouraged to, to address that as quickly as he can.


Yeah. We actually had to go on telegram to communicate.


Yeah. Yeah. That's a, It's something that, that we have to do. And you know, we are so early. Yeah. So there are, there are different there's different business reasons as well as different technical reasons for all of this, but you raise a good point that messaging is not in clients. Channels is not in clients.

So follow channels, it's not on the protocol. So if you follow a channel in Warpcast, the other clients can see that you followed the channel but and so they can show you that channel that you followed There's no way for another client to allow a user to follow a channel. So if you are a channel host and you want subscriber you want followers in your channel. You basically have to talk to your community as if they are at least coming back to Warpcast to, to follow your channel.

And, by the way, that's also just an intermediate stage. They're working on decentralizing it, so at some point, they will open up channel follows. To other clients, at which point, you know, everybody will be able to see which clients have active development because they, they'll be racing to implement it.

And then you'll also see which clients are kind of dead. Like the dev, developer has moved on or given up because you'll see, oh, it doesn't have this yet. The other guys do like, for example, frames. There's a lot of clients that don't have frames and frames have been around since february.




and if you if you haven't been working on it since february, you probably haven't built frames. If you just started working on it like me in BCBH Show Lite Client, You haven't gotten around to it, but if you're somewhere in between it's a choice to, to not do it because you're doing something else.


So which, which Alt client has the most users. Is that Supercast?


Yes. Supercast has the most users. My two daily drivers are Supercast and Recaster. And recast yeah recaster was very new.


I think I think the japanese community I remember eiteen is here. Ohayou gozaimasu It's probably late for her. Oh,


it's very late.


Yes. Thank you. Thank you for joining

I just wanted to say, you know, something in Japanese kind of sucks. It's like at a third grade level, but I, I think I remember something about recaster that the Japanese community was looking into that particular app or client.


Yeah, I did not know about that. So let me speak briefly about recaster.

It's very new. It is react native. So all the things I said about notifications don't apply. You can have like deep links straight into the app, just like Warpcast, and it, it's designed as its first phase to look and feel very much like Warpcast. So unlike the other clients, which are all trying to do different things.

Recaster to me feels very much like Warpcast. And that's kind of why I like it. I like to use that it's it's got some slightly different choices and let me highlight them to two of them. One of them is that the power badge as used to filter out. You know, people you don't want to see is an easy flip in recaster.

So you can say use priority mode on, use priority mode off. It's not hidden inside several layers of settings and it's not global. It's just whatever you feel like at the moment, you, you, you look at your feed and you look at your replies. And if they look like they're too spammy, there's too many. You flip priority mode on and you see what's there.

You flip priority mode off and you see what you missed. But it's like it's right there. And that's, that's really nice to me because I try to interact with people who don't have the power badge. And the other nice thing about recaster. Is that within the action button, there's a, there's like a very native translation option.

So if you see a cast that's in a language that you don't read or understand, it sends you off to Google translate and it can handle all the languages that Google translate can handle. So it's like, it's a, it scales very, very well and it does not cost the developer or the project. A lot of money to continue to pay for AI translation.

They're just bootstrapping or they're piggybacking off of Google, which makes its money in other ways. So in recaster, I find it, I guess what I see is the Japanese community finds it easy to read English language casts because they can translate it right there. The English speaking community can find it easy to traverse.

Non English speaking discussions, because the translation is right there. Now, by the way, in Warpcast, there are actions that let you translate in very much the same way. So it's not a recaster only feature and in Supercast on my iPhone. I just highlight the text and the iPhone itself says, Hey, would, would you like me to translate that for you?

And I click on translate and my phone does the translation.


Yeah, there's, I mean, at this point, that's what I thought it was so ridiculous when we don't need to go into that really. Cause I think we all know what we're talking about. It's so absurd and obscene to say what, what Dan said, because honestly, we need to welcome everyone from the whole world.

And like this exclusionary mindset, this elitist attitude is really what's causing the growth to decline in my mind because it really pissed off entire countries. And I think that's, I think that's the wrong approach. That's like the wrong mindset. That's the wrong person. Like, what the fuck was that?

Seriously? Like, Come on, what kind of fucking asshole are you? Like someone needs to get it out there and just say, you know what, go fuck yourself because that's not right. You know, we have a sense of what's right. And what's wrong about treatment of other human beings, humanity, right? Yes. And, and this is not the future of being an elitist and saying you have to speak English.

Well, go fuck yourself. Cause no, we don't.


No, I appreciate you for saying that stellabelle.


No, I, I'm so, I will call out, I will call out asshole behavior because it really indicates to me sort of I know this sort of elitist bullshit cause I'm here in the United States as well. There is a thing in Silicon Valley.

There's, there is a thing though. The people there are not like grounded in, in what I would say is basic human values. They don't seem to have it a lot of the people because they're, they're into money and especially like when you're VC funded, imagine the pressure. You've got so many millions, and now you have to, now you have new people to an, you have new gods to answer to, which is the money God.

And when you get into that, you're going to it. You're, I don't know, like I think it, it really messes with people's minds. But I don't know. I couldn't, I actually was in disbelief when that happened. Yes, I couldn't grasp. Were you in disbelief too? So


yeah, I have in the past said to different people in the ecosystem to go fuck yourself.

And, Sometimes the people, the other people that I'm not talking to choose to tune me out.


Me too.


And like, I, I kind of, Happy to say to them, go fuck yourselves as well. But


on top of that, that's why I thought, Hey, I can get along with you because, because, because it's okay. It's this basic thing. When people are in power, you get. Okay, the masses, the majority of the people are afraid, okay? They're afraid of those who are in power. This is the primary problem, this is one of the major problems in society.

People are afraid to call out something when it's not right. All I'm saying is you treat people with decency and you respect other cultures. You don't, you don't try to be a colonial person and And it's like saying, Oh, you have to do things my way, my language, my, this, my, that, no, go fuck yourself.



You know what? I appreciate that you are saying this with your Midwest accent as an American, it's important for the rest of the world to know that Midwesterners are not all fucking assholes. Yeah. It's not the middle that that looks down on the rest of the world. No, it's not the middle of America.

It's the elites.


It's the elitist. It's the elite fuckers who think that they can just like decide for the rest of us. No, and


it's not common either because I am on the coast. I'm in New York city. Okay. We speak so many different languages as you walk down the street here and you smell and you, you have every single kind of interaction.


And it's richer. It's a richer life when you have different people, different languages, different cultures intermixing. It's way more interesting.


And we, we are on the internet and we're trying to make this new society so that we can derive value from interacting with people all over the world. And maybe let me get off my soapbox with one last thing that these The Warpcast sucks in very specific ways.




The alt clients, they suck in different ways.


I love, I love that so much. And I think, I think, well, let me, let me go back to one thing in New York. Like New Yorkers are very, you're in New York city maybe?




And like, Yeah. Yeah. When I think of New Yorkers, I think of like, they're very critical. They, they lash out because there's no time.

Like get the fuck out of my way. You know, give me a coffee, give me a coffee right now. Or it's like the mid and you don't think of Midwestern people, like people have this idea of people in the Midwest. Like they're, they're like a certain type of person I'm telling you, like, it's not, you can't, you can't just categorize people like that stereotype people because I'm, I'm very radical, right?

Like in a way, but I live here because I value things like water, clean water. I have clean air. Guess what? I have the ability to grow food. These are things that are like going to be extremely valuable in the future. Like in 20 years, people are going to want clean air, clean water, and the basics of life.

We have that here. I used to live in California. Guess what? It never rains out there. I, it scared the crap out of me.




I love the ocean and everything, but fuck, I don't want to live in a place where I don't have access to clean water. Like we have the, one of the best water sources underground, it rains here and it's like, I've never appreciated it as much as I do now, having traveled to Beijing, having traveled to New York city, having traveled, lived in California.

It's like, you know, the basics are here and I think people in the cities and the future might think twice about what they're doing because you don't have the basics there. You have so many people, tons of concrete. I mean, what the fuck? That's not for life. You know, that's for something else. But that's, no, no


for, for everyone who came here to hear about alt clients.


Oh, .


We've talked about supercast and recaster.




There are a couple here in my list that I do not know very well, but have very large communities, so they're. There's a set of them that are not pure Farcaster, but they integrate with Lens, CyberConnect, like different other communities. There's one called U3, which is a team that was combining all kinds of aggregation, and they have launched, kind of in parallel, Degencast, which is a new, it's a new product, but that team has been building in the space for a long time, and it is absolutely beautiful.

And it is designed with lots of really cool things that are interesting to the DGEN community. And then there's one that didn't make it on my list. It's called MemeCaster. And MemeCaster is focused on any meme coin community. So if what you're doing on FarCaster involves a lot of meme coin related information and interactions, There are clients that will make those much easier to accomplish because they will present the information to you right where you want it, when you want it, etc.

Now for artists, it is a bit I think it's a bit more challenging. I'm not an artist myself, but my wife is. And so I have a sense, like she's on Instagram and Xiaohongshu. And like the, the possible experiences in web3 for someone like her are very, very different. One of my friends, Chris CoCreated has launched a co creation centered client community.

I think he launched it today. So if people are interested, Chris. Is an artist and he's like a I don't want to talk bad about his dev skills, but he's an artist.


Hey, I'm on the topic. I'm going to, I'm going to like just enter to there. There is something on the horizon. I'm not allowed to talk about it, but for art, for the art community, the entire community, which you have to acknowledge collectors are a huge part Yes. Part of that curators and people that share art like myself and blue cockatoo.


Blue cockatoo.


There is something that is on the, you know, on the verge of being built. And so there is something that we, they'll probably do a far house in the future. Yeah, that's exciting. Yeah, it's exciting because it's artist led, but then there's developers and stuff too.


Yeah, I will definitely use it.

Can I just say, I'm sorry, I have a hard stop in five minutes cause my son is getting out of his last day of school and I must pick him up. Okay. But can we open it up to any questions?


Wait, there's still school. Okay. Nevermind. Any questions? Any questions? You're, you're the expert. And I know that I know there's other people on the stage that will want to talk.

So let's open up to questions. Anyone have questions?

Fractal Visions

Hey, how's it going? Okay. Yeah.

Farchiiver. Have you heard of the client called ClubCast?



Fractal Visions

Another client that I got put on to a little while back, but I really haven't touched it and I think like I have to access through my browser and then it asked me to like install some unorthodox way other than, than an actual app Like the long hold to add to the home screen or something like that.

But it glitches out on me all the time. So I'm having some issues. I was just wondering if anybody else had heard of Clubcast yet.


I think I saw it in the feed, but I haven't tried it myself. So I'll leave it for people who have done more research.

Fractal Visions

Right, right on. And I was trying to dig up a there's like a document or a resource. It's like a GitHub repo with all of the clients that are on Farcaster. I'll see if I can find that.


Yeah, that would be useful to share. What I found was that those lists have a lot of dinosaur bones. I think I guess there's two, there's two tips for people who are poking around at new things. If the app does not let you do sign in with Farcaster, or sign in with Neynar, or sign in with your Farcaster account through Privy, Or sign in with Farcaster through Dynamic.

So there's four really solid ways that are very, very safe. That's sign in with Farcaster, sign with Neynar, sign in with Farcaster through Privy and sign in with Farcaster through Dynamic. Those ways are very, very safe. There's alternate ways that people have kind of had to hack together. And if you do try those out, be more careful.

But if you see that it's going through Privy, Dynamic, Neynar, or Farcaster itself, those are on the safe, safer side of the spectrum. The second thing is, as you're looking at these these other clients, you can, it's hard to get a feel of who's using it because they're all talking on the Farcaster protocol, right?

So the clues I look for are quote casts, which was a relatively new feature. If those are handled in a proper way, it was tricky to implement it. So if they put the effort to implement it, that's a good sign. Frames, if they have frames, that's a sign that they're, they're live and active. And, and then also people casting about it.

So if, if there are lots of people who love it, for example, FarQuest. FarQuest is a, is a game, which also has a client and a community, those, those places have support. And so, so it's useful because those those GitHub or the repos or the webpages, they'll show you that there are 30 to 50 alt clients.

And yeah, some of them are dinosaur bones.


All right. So any more questions? Cause you have to go in two minutes or something, right?




artlu. And What is your name? Is it Art or what should I call you? Far Chiver.


Yeah, you, you could call me Bart Head or my, my name is Art. My last name is Lu L-U.


Oh, art, okay. Yes, I can remember this. . Any more questions?

Anyone in the audience have questions for art or anyone on this speaking stage? I think I'm gonna, Geoff?


I wanna confirm that he really is six foot three. He's jacked in really good looking.


Thank you. The tip's in the mail.


And you're taken, right? You're married, so this isn't like the crossover dating app, right?


I am happily married. Yes.



Angelika Kollin

Which alt of Artlu should we follow?


All of them.

Angelika Kollin

Just say the top three.


Top three. Give us the top three, Art.


Artlu and BCBH show. So we have an account as well as a channel under BCBHShow. We, we speak once a week on Unlonely. And we have our episodes mintable on chain on base via Zora, please follow BCBHShow


and you, something about unlonely. I was kind of digging into that a little bit. What, what are you on unlonely or something? You said that


Yes, yes. Yeah. So, so we stream our podcast on un lonely for about 30 minutes.


What is un lonely, just in a nutshell? What is that?


Unlonely is twitch for farcaster. If, if a FarHouse is Twitter spaces.




Unlonely is Twitch for forecaster.


Oh, okay. All right,


And if you love my sense of humor, you'll love the Unlonely founders.


Oh, I kind of was looking at that Brian G or whatever it was like.




He's trying to date people, or, I don't know, like, what?


Yeah Brian and Grace, they're, they're great. They're brother and sister, and they have a really engaging sense of humor.


Okay, I'm gonna open it up. Anything goes, so someone take over. I was interested in hearing something from Geoff? Is that how you're saying your name?


Just Jeff, as though it were spelled J E F F.


How do you pronounce your name?


The same way that, you know, if it were spelled J E F F, so just Jeff.


Jeff, okay. So what's your, what's your I think I read something that was, what was it, yesterday? That was funny what was it?


It couldn't have been this guy.


No, no, it wasn't funny, it's, you did, tell us something, come on.


Oh, just, you know, D W R. DWR and I are our best friends.


Wait, what?


Hey guys. Oh, thank you so much for tuning in and listening to me ramble. I wish I could stay here longer, but thank you very much. And send us messages or comment on the threads. We'll share information where amongst everyone who's interested.


Thank you so much for all this knowledge.

I've paid you a thousand dgen. I probably won't up it.


Thank you, Stella.


Check out their shows. It's a really great show. The one that he was mentioning earlier, the make sure you're following the account and check out their show on unlonely. It's fantastic.


Yeah, this is really good to thank you so much. Art have a great day. I appreciate it. OK. Show those photos of your hot. Self later. Bye.

That's the best part is that we're gonna have a before and after, We'll show like our best photos or some shit. I don't know.

Okay, someone talk. This is awkward There's no more awkward silences

Fractal Visions

Hey stella I, I just want to continue on the conversation with something that was mentioned at the end about logging into different clients. And, and how some of them might be outdated or have like some sort of hacked ways to, to log in.

I think that is like something that I. Was kind of concerned about with different clients, like knowing if there is any sort of audit done to the different clients as they're building. I mean, even on, on Farhouse here I I'm not sure if there is actually been an audit done on the client that we're on here.

So that's something that kind of came to mind if, if you're building one of these clients.


Yeah from my interactions with the, the developers of this FarHouse app they seem very legit. Like I don't, I know what you mean though. I'm very hesitant to log into places. So I think Neynar is really like, if that's, I think art actually went over the, the good ones, like.

We don't have to be afraid of Neynar, for example, when we're logging into different apps and things. But yeah, I know what you mean. Like, I'm also very cautious about, I won't like log into alt, like I need to do my due diligence before I trust an app and I met the developers of this app. And they honestly, like, wow, they seem very good.

I mean, very trustworthy, honest people from what I could gather. Yeah.

Fractal Visions

Yeah. Yeah. No, not saying this app, I'm just saying every app we're even building our own platform and currently like going through the auditing process with a team of auditors and, and yeah, it's, it's a really important step and, and VAR house.

Is app that we've worked with and actually funded through our, our grants as well. So, so we support far house. I'm not saying that it's like sketchy or anything like that. But there's still at some point, like needs to be a proper audit done. And, you know, if. If teams are given big amounts of funding, like the, the other speaker was saying, like the platform Nook was VC funded then these are, these are things that I think are, are kind of important to, I think, focus on if the, if the platforms do want to have any sort of, Like longevity to, to their life form.

Cause, cause from the sounds of it, people are spinning up clients and, and then eating eating the bills and then it's not going so well. And they're having to sunset.


Yeah, it does seem like that because, I mean, the elephant in the room is how can you compete with something that has. I don't know how much funding now it's millions.

Like they got 30 million, like the last one. I mean, how, how does that work in reality? Like, I mean, how can you run something unless you, you've got to have the best of the best

Fractal Visions

to me, it's mind blowing because we're coming from the opposite end of the spectrum as like a traditional business coming into the space, trying to adopt.

Web three and then bootstrap the development of the product for our, our business completely without any VC funding, like turning down VC funding along the way. Because we know the, the, the pitfalls that that can, can have, I mean, we've seen it time after time again


have you experienced it yourself?

Fractal Visions

Yes, absolutely. Well, what do, what do you mean?


Let's about that for a second.

Fractal Visions

What do you mean? Like as far as like the VC funding? Pitfall.


Yeah, like the pressure that you start getting after you accept $30 million. Like what is that?

Fractal Visions

Right. I mean, I've, I've had like offers to come into a different ecosystem for a, a certain amount of funding, like over to the Bitcoin ecosystem instead of developing on optimism and, and base.

And. I mean, there's like certain trade offs, but you got to realize that like there, those investors, those VC funders, they're looking for a return no matter what on optimism when I'm getting like funding through their retroactive funding program, there is, there is no Ifs, ands, and buts, you know, any qualms or quos about how you spend that funding.

You don't actually have to spend retroactive funding on the development of your project. We just continue to do that with the funding that we're getting from Optimism. Even the airdrops that we've gotten, we've put like into development. And, and it's kind of like come back. To, to benefit us in a way where, where they see that we're doing that.

And then we get more rewards from the, the little bit of, of the rewards that we get, we throw back into the pot. And, and these other ecosystems do not have that. Sort of set up like even Arbitrum, for instance, there is no incentive for us to build there because there is no retroactive mentality that us and our developers are working towards.

And, and take for instance, like we just got accepted into this current round of retroactive funding on optimism. There's no VC that's backing us. The retroactive funding is helping bootstrap our development completely. And as we continue to dump more. of this funding that we get back into development. We get more rewards from doing that and attracting people to build on the network.

So the sustainability flywheel for us is not like, it's not there in the beginning of development, but eventually, you know, hopefully it will be there because some of the other. Entities that are in this program. They're like bigger protocols that are on optimism or base or, or the other networks, they're getting a large, very large allocations of this funding, which they could just go spend it on hot dogs if they wanted to.

And some of them, yes, there, there is questioning on. On them returning and getting this funding because they are actually VC funded as well and a lot of conflict and controversy has arisen from that subject about Should VC funded projects get retroactive funding for public goods? because there is A backer that's looking for a return.

So if they're getting retroactive funding is the, is the VC actually getting a cut of that too? I mean, you could also take a look at it from the other end of the spectrum where like. Optimism itself is backed by A16Z same with like, you know, apecoin opensea. Many of these things have been backed by a 16 Z as the main V.


They've got their fingers in all the different pies.

Fractal Visions

Right. So, so I mean, I mean, they're all over the place with, with trying to get incentives. I think the, the best use case that we're seeing though with retroactive funding even like quadratic funding and very small forms of, of grant funding are, are Pretty great to, to receive as a development.

But not as, as much in scale as the, the retroactive funding is. So that's what we've experienced building in the space and then competing with projects that are VC backed and, and, you know, they literally get all the attention and, and have all the power


because they have a lot of the media behind them too, because they have the, their investments all across everywhere. So it becomes like a coordination thing,


Fractal Visions

Yeah, you see that with blast.


Everything is very coordinated behind the scenes. Whereas like an independent project is like, doesn't have all the coordination in all the different fields. I've, I've been like studying this, just how this all works too.

Cause it's just, yeah, that's interesting. So y0b we're going to slightly change the focus a little bit. We have two topics for today. Alt clients, and then y0b was going to talk about frames or something of that nature, but. y0b, what did you what did you decide on? How's it going, by the way?


Hey, well, actually at the end I didn't prepare anything to talk about frames I I thought that this topic of alt clients is really cool And I even just signed up for a supercast or yesterday just to test it out And one thing I have to say that was really pleasantly surprised with supercast was that it does, Hashes and uploads all the images to IPFS when you post.


Oh, really?


That's really cool. Because what happened is the text of the cast, of course, you know, be saved and the hubs and stuff and the images will be a link to, you know, whatever service the client is using. So it was like Imgur, I guess, for a while. And then warpcast is using, I don't know, image delivery, whatever that is.

But Supercast sends them to IPFS, so that means that, You know, your images are, have a hash on chain, so to speak. And they won't, they potentially can be retrieved in others, not, not so much. It's not so easy for them to get lost.


Yeah. Wow. I didn't know that. That's interesting. Is it slower? Because that's what,


yeah, it's slightly slower.

It's slightly slower. That's true. So, and also a funny thing is that then if I go and look at my cast on warpcast, they do make a copy on their, you know, fast cache, whatever server. But on the cast itself, like if you look at, you know, the, the text, the link, the original link is the. You know, the IPFS link, but then when you look inside the app of webcast, then you get served, like their kind of, they, they swap whatever for like their fast loading one.


So the IPFS, the image that is stored in IPFS, you're saying a copy is made Of that

to go on image delivery or is that


they just, I think it's just for their own, like, you know, speed cache purposes, but on the original cast that all the hubs, you know, well, if you look at any client, the original link is the IPFS image.


That's interesting. Yeah. Cause I think there was a question I saw yesterday. Someone said, why are we, why aren't they using IPFS for all the image delivery? And then someone said it's slower.


It is. Yeah.


But it's more stable. Like, I see what you mean because yeah.


Anyway, I'm really, I'm, I really love preservation.

So I actually. I'm trying to figure out if there are like historic nodes already going on. Like, you know, nodes there hubs, sorry, hubs there are just kind of like saving everything, even if it's not like immediately available online. But let's say, you know, I want to retrieve a cast that was lost because it was too much, you know, to fit in the storage of someone.

And only later I realized that that was kind of historic and important information, but it's been lost. I would love it to be historic hubs somehow set up that you can say, okay, like we can go and retrieve that.


Yeah. Like we need like a way back machine already.


Yeah. Something like that.


Is that what you mean? Like maybe that would be another project for someone to do.


I'm trying to find out if someone is already doing it so it can maybe, you know, help in some way, but I haven't been able to figure that out yet.


Hmm. So I guess we're not allowed to talk about the, yeah. Nevermind. I keep wanting to bring it up and then it's like, Oh crap, I'm not supposed to talk about that, but I don't know, like I, I'm trying to like learning about all the different alt clients and everything, think like longterm, how are they going to be sustained? I'm even looking at supercast. Like I really do think supercast is a good tool. Right. The one thing I need to, we need to have a full FarHouse with Woj of supercast to kind of go over everything. I think what I think the missing component for me is that there's no free trial period.

So I think if, if Woj would study the Runway ML. The, that, that trial format, because like, I, I don't like subscriptions. Like I'm, I'm just sort of. I don't really like them, but with RunwayML, I actually got a subscription to that, but only after I tried a free trial. And so, without having a free trial, I think he's really missing out on a lot of people like myself, because I just don't want to pay $10 off the bat without trying it first.

It's like a natural thing, right? I don't know. So, you could have credits. Your credits when they run out or something, or maybe it's a month after one month, then you have to start paying for it. But at least that would get more people trying it. Do you like it so far? Have you used it much? The supercast?


Well, I just, I just started yesterday, so, oh well. So for example, just now I was looking at like a mint something frame and, and it has like a forbidden, like I cannot click mint, so I dunno if that's because it's not working, it's not implemented. I'm just starting to try it and, and I just. Okay, I'm going to use it to do like like I didn't want to join the streak thing because I'm kind of have my inner rebel, as someone put it, that I hate being told what to do.


So to do, I know, I know that you're like that too. I'm kind of like that as well. Like,


but some people, some people is the opposite. They, you know, that's what makes them do stuff, right? Like have some kind of like incentive


Pressure. It's kind of like pressure. Right. So,


so what I figure is like, I'm just going to schedule all my streak for the whole week, so I don't have to do it actually is all like scheduled on supercast.


Oh, okay. So you're still doing the streak thing? Oh, I just, I find it annoying to get those little, little reminders. You're gonna lose your streak if you don't cast now or cast now to keep your streak, it's like diapers. What, what we really need is like, well, Okay. I'm not going to go there, but I kind of, I kind of sensed that he's, he's kind of losing the plot here with his elitist attitude.

It's, I mean, if you can look at Worpcast, the, the fake, the parody, W O R P C A S T, you can kind of see what's happening by looking at the lens of parody is that this kind of elitist attitude is sort of rubbing people the wrong way. And that's not good for growth.




Hello? VCs like, you don't understand that, you know, but I'm just, I'm just a nothing burger. Right. I don't matter.




So none of this really matters. Right?


Well, I I love, I love the parody account. Like it doesn't have many followers. Yes. Actually it reminds me, you, you are from, you know, the OG crypto art team? Stella. So you remember Whale Shark, right?


Yes. Yes, I remember Whaleshark.


Someone created this amazing parody account of Whaleshark.

And it was called like Whaleshart or something like that.


Shart, yeah!


Yeah. It was hilarious, but then I guess somehow, I don't Exactly. Remember how like WhaleShark kind of like pressured that person to, you know, I think that he's steps, he started like blocking people who follow that account.


Yeah. Cause he's, he has that annoying personality where like he's into retribution and he does, he can't laugh about himself.

I have this rule that I don't trust anyone who can't laugh about themselves. You know, like at a certain point, I mean, I laugh about my own flaws all the time. Like it's self deprecating humor is a huge part. So if you get someone who's so ego driven, they can't even laugh. They can't even find humor about how ridiculous they are.

I mean, I don't trust them. I think that they're immature or something.


So anyway, I know what's gonna start was like that. Yeah. I dunno what's gonna happen with like, you know, the parody account for, for Dan if he has, you know, if that is that kind of person or not. So let's see what happens.


Yeah, I think it's funny. I, I think it's just like a natural. It's a natural thing that always happens when you get this little dictator type of person, like, you know, it's like, it's just, it's naturally going to happen that there's going to be someone making fun of you because, you know, he's an easy target, really. If you think about it, I'm not saying that like everything he does is dumb, but his attitude is really weird to me.


Fractal Visions

Whale shark and Farrokh were the worst combo back in the day.


Wait, what was that?

Fractal Visions

Oh, I said whale shark and Farrokh were the worst.


Oh God. Don't get me started on Farrokh. I'd actually forgotten about that guy, but he really triggers me like. I like more than anyone else. I don't know why, but I did like a deep dive on him because I was wondering like where he came from.

And I find it, I found it very curious that he never mentioned how he made his millions. He was an Instagram influencer and he had this cheesy like website called like millionaire lifestyle or some shit. That's what he, how he made his money. And I just think like. He's like pimping Rolexes and shit showing, Oh, this luxurious lifestyle of all these rich and famous people, or just rich people, actually.

And it's like Oh, and he never mentioned, like, why are you never mentioning, like, how you made your fortune? It's like, are you not proud of that? Like, he'd made a whole new persona that, that was different from his past. But his past was like six months ago or some shit. I don't know, like, I, I just found that so weird and, Bizarre.

Oh, decentralized maxi and then, oh, millionaire lifestyle blog. It's just like an easy target for me, I guess.

Fractal Visions

Yeah, the weirdest plot twist I think was Beanie is now just like an everyday character on the timeline.


What timeline are you talking about?

Fractal Visions

On, on crypto Twitter,


Oh, back in 2021?

Fractal Visions

No, no beanie. Like he's active now and everybody just like, doesn't even care that beanies back. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah. He, he's been back for a little while though. It's, it's kind of shocking.

But hey, you know, there's a bunch of celeb meme coins. I can't keep up with those anymore.


Yeah, yeah, I don't know. y0b, what else is new? I don't know what to say.


Well, I actually have to leave soon But it's always fun to come to your Farhouse spaces.


Because why I think that the way it started out, I think, I think it was good because we're cracking up about we're all rich, all good looking.

We have, you know, it's, it's like, it's like, we're, we're the parody of these, like, The culture, which is, which in my mind now, I understand why normies dislike the crypto world. It's disgusting that the person that gets attracted to this kind of stuff is like, I see, I see why people hate it. It's really easy to, to dislike the, the main culture because it has been like seriously degraded if, if I was to compare right now with like 2017 or something like, I guess the ICOs sort of, that was the first indicator of where things are going.

If anyone lived through the ICO days, oh my God, it was. So similar to, like, everything that's come afterwards. Just the amount of scammers that just got ignited. It was like,


yeah, I remember


in the ICO days,


yeah, long old days and actually, so before I leave, can I do like a shameless plug for my conceptual art token?


Of course. Yes. Go for it. Yeah. So I just kind of pput live an airdrop for all my followers. So you can claim my conceptual art token, which is called the relief of being too late, short for $ROBTL. So yeah, it's completely useless. It's just conceptual art. It's not like speculation or anything.

It's just for fun. And 52 percent of the supplies now in this airdrop for my, for my followers. Followers, so if you're my follower you can go and claim that.


Oh, that's awesome. So Can you describe what your conceptual art project is?


Yeah, mostly like so far is just the title of the token You know embodies this concept that everybody needs to be early and then you're not early early And then it's awful, but then maybe actually you You were too late and that's a relief and, and that's actually a good thing because, you know, you were not dumped on things like that.

So the airdrop, I think this airdrop is called "late is the new early". And I had an experimental airdrop before that was called, The stress of being early. So it's just kind of, it's just like food for thought really. Yeah, that's conceptual art for you.


Wow. That's cool.


So you can claim, and I made like a special NFT that you can only purchase with $ROBTL.


Oh, okay. So where do we, is that on your feed? Where would we find information?


Yeah just go to my feed and it should be there.


Okay. We're all going to rush out and one big FOMO to get this.


And if you don't follow me, just message me and I'll send you some $ROBTL as well.


It's called $ROBTL is the coin name?


Yeah. Yeah.


Fear of the joy. Oh, Jomo, have you heard about that too? That's the joy


Joy of missing out.


The joy of missing out. Yeah. That's how I heard about it first was the jomo. Okay. We've got


Alright, ciao-ciao


are you leaving now, y0b?


Yeah, I gotta leave. Thanks so much for having me!

Angelika Kollin

y0b, can I quickly tell you, I went to check, I do follow you, but your AirDrop does not work. Okay, because I just want to let you quickly know, even though I follow you.


So send me a message and I'll check if the wallet I have for you is working.

Angelika Kollin

Okay, yeah, I just wanted to let you know.


Yeah, sure.

Angelika Kollin

Thank you.


So did you, yo, can I ask you a question, quick question before you go? Yeah. Is how did you do the airdrop? Did you whitelist our ETH addresses or how did you do that?


Yeah, I just, I just like did like a Dune query for all my followers and their Farcaster connected wallets. And then I, if you have several wallets, I use the first wallet. I don't know if that's the best, but I had to choose one. And then I just put that in the allow list.


Okay. And then. Okay, that's that's good to know. I was just wondering because I'm going to be doing an airdrop too and I'm wondering what the best way to batch. I think i'm going to use manifold. Have you ever used that?


Oh, well that that will work for like, Nfts, but this mine is just like, you know, erc20 token.


Yeah, that's right. Yeah,




That's right. What tool did you use? Just Dune and then what?


No, the airdrop I did on mint club.


Mint club. Okay. Mint club. Yeah, I see. So it's about claiming. Is that right? We have to claim it.


Yeah. You connect your wallet. And then if you're on the list, the wallet is on the list. You'll be able to claim a thousand.

Angelika Kollin

Yeah. I was able to, I was able to claim with my second wallet. Just


perfect. You had several wallets as what?

Angelika Kollin

Yes. Thank you.




Oh, okay. Okay. Well, we're going to all claim. It's good to hear you tell us to claim because if you're like me, I just assume everything is a scam until I hear otherwise. I mean, it's getting horrible. Like I, and I'm very paranoid if you guys didn't know, I just. I have extreme paranoia.


No, I think that the Mint Club is pretty legit, I guess, if you're playing through them.




Haven't heard of scams, anyway.


I just, I miss the days when it was all clean, there was no bots. Remember those days? It was so pristine.

Old days, oh, the good old days. Oh, we're so old. Okay.


I know. All right, I gotta go.


Okay, bye, have a good day.


Ciao, ciao.


Thank you.

So, okay. I have to go in about 10 minutes, but if anyone has anything, if they want to share information or Angelika, do you have anything that you want to talk about?

Angelika Kollin

Not really, not really. It was like really great information. I liked that you touched on a topic, how you feel about how things are currently going. Because, you know, I I mean, I come from kind of like diverse background. I come from sort of, yeah, you can safely say poor country, you know, I've seen like different aspects of life.

And I know what is right and what is wrong. And



Angelika Kollin

I, it's not right. What's happening at the moment. So I just wanted to say that. And for like a future request, if you have any intention to do a space about jam, but you know, like when people can like share their own experience with it, like, you know, like sometimes you find a really interesting, useful information.

That would be amazing. Because I hear so many great things about it and I read a little bit here, a little bit there, but it's always so useful to hear actual experience from people with a similar background. I'm referring to, you know, people who do arts mainly.


Yeah. I don't have any experience with jam. Are you talking about the project? Jam?

Angelika Kollin

Yes. Yes.


You might ask someone else to do that because I don't, I don't have any interest in it at all. The aesthetics bother me. Like, so I stay away from things. Yeah, but I know there's a lot of people that have experienced like Jen's a little loopy. She did a full tutorial on that.

I don't know. So you could, you could have it, you know, find someone that has expertise and then do that

Angelika Kollin

because I hear really good things about it. That's why I'm keen to spend some time and actually look at it because I hear so far you're the first one that say that because


I don't have anything against it. I'm very particular about aesthetics. So when I see something that's not designed well, or that doesn't have an aesthetic that appeals to me, I, I just, I'm not interested in it. I can't help this. This is my over overly detailed detail oriented mind that, you know, gets in the way of, of life, but it also keeps me like focused on things that.

I find like fascinating or, or intellectually stimulating or something like that. So when I find things that don't appeal to me, I just don't even see it. I don't know,

Angelika Kollin

but and really quick question, do you know of any other client besides supercast that has a feature where you can schedule your casts?


No, you'd have to ask someone else. I actually don't. I don't know. I know that. Supercast, but I don't know if any, anyone else,

Fractal Visions



what's one,

Fractal Visions

The platform. Yup.

Angelika Kollin

Oh, really?

Fractal Visions

You can schedule, you can schedule posts on yup. And you can also log in to different accounts on yup. But I have had some issues with that client.

Angelika Kollin

Oh, then it's already. Yeah. Maybe not.


What about recaster? I don't know. It sounds like that's a clone. of Warpcast, but

Angelika Kollin

No. Well, the reason I'm asking, Supercast does have scheduled costs and they work, but there are like issues with, with them, and we're not really able to get them to address it, and so I'm always thinking, okay, it's fine, but I will be, like, searching if there's something that works better, because we pay money.

Monthly fee. So I think it's a small thing to fix. So that's why I'm kind of like browsing around seeing what else is available.


Yeah. Our, the, the person that has all the, the experience is gone. That was, yeah, I'm not an expert in this. I just, I just know that I wanted to learn and I knew that there was a lot of other people too, that, You know, 90, well, I needed to understand that metric.

98 percent of us are using Warpcast. Like, that's crazy. That's a crazy amount, right?

Angelika Kollin



that's what I was thinking.

Angelika Kollin

Which, by the way, with that new feature that rolled out a week ago, I was so excited, the narrowcasting, and I'm trying desperately to get somebody to help me because it doesn't seem to work for everyone.

So I was so happy about it, and I thought, yeah, now I can cast in some channels that kind of look not really attuned to what To my mainstream, so I went and I casted a picture in Banana Channel and then suddenly people were commenting and I was like, there's no way those people are on that channel.

That is how I found out it doesn't work for me, so I need to Wait,


what feature, what feature are you talking about again?

Angelika Kollin

The narrow casting, so basically it gives you ability to


Narrow, okay, narrow.

Angelika Kollin

Yeah, but for some people it doesn't work. So today I did another test and sure enough, everybody can see it.

It doesn't work for me. So it's a very exciting feature, but it's not working for some people.


Hmm. Yeah, I haven't tried that yet.

Fractal Visions

Maybe they need to change it from narrow to fat casting.

Angelika Kollin

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, like, you know, I don't, nothing wrong with posting bananas, I just don't need them in my regular feed. It doesn't work.


Yeah. I know what you, yeah, I know what you mean.

Angelika Kollin

So yeah, that's another thing I'm looking you never know, you know, it's worth mentioning it in a, in a, in a space like this because you never know, most people are extremely knowledgeable and somebody always knows who to contact and, you know.


Yeah. All right.

Does anyone have any questions from the audience? I think I'm gonna, I have to leave now. I'm at my, my breaking point of talking. It always happens. So I got to recoup my energy, but we, like I wanted to men, I wanted to wrap things up by explaining sort of what, what I'm doing and what the, I run the cryptoart-school, I mean, run, I don't know if it's running, it's just that's what my interest has been over the last like eight years and just, you know, learning together and providing an environment where people can ask questions.

A lot of like, A lot of the crypto culture I find really disgusting because it's all pump and dump and selling and buying and, and it's like all that culture of selling and buying, I find really sort of, it's, it's like anti intellectualism. It's like the opposite of who I am in a way. I really don't enjoy selling.

I'm more of a a person that likes to learn and share knowledge. Like, that's my core self. I, I mean, I'm, I'm, I am an artist as well, but I just, it's embarrassing to sell. It just, it feels, I never figured out how to overcome the, strange feelings I have when I try to sell a piece of my soul. It just feels weird.

I may just start keeping my art and get a job at McDonald's. Just so I can keep my integrity alive. You know, I don't know if people can tell when I'm joking or not, but anyway Yeah, so crypto art school is really designed for artists, but anyone can come to roll call and things like that. Every week we have a different topic.

I did, I occasionally skip a week cause you know, life happens and stuff. So every week we're trying, we're having a different topic of interest to people and nothing is like, you know, Like, you don't have to worry about saying something in opinion because we all need to express ourselves and rant.

Like I did a rant earlier because I need to get this stuff out. I don't like to hold things. It's like, that was my past life earlier. I, I never liked to say my honest opinion because I was afraid of confrontation. So a life led like that leads to someone like me now where I'm just like, let it all out because it actually is very bad for us to keep our true feelings inside, especially when it comes to things like.

How you treat people. People need to be treated with respect. I don't care who you are. I will just give you how I want to be treated. And it's very simple. I don't know where, where people lost that, but it's just, don't, don't treat people like shit based on something like where they live, what language they speak.

Everyone deserves respect. The to be treated, right. And anything that veers off of that, I'm going to call it out. I don't care if you're the, the top of the, you know, the Pico top of whatever food chain, I'll, I'll still call it out because I know right from wrong that I was raised like that. I can feel it inside.

I feel it. It's very visceral and I'm intolerant of people, mistreatment of human beings. So if I'm around it, I'm going to call it out. It's just as simple as that. So just treat people with respect and, and things are going to improve. We can like have a decent society if it was just based on that. So yeah, I like the focus to be education based instead of money based because money corrupts people.

That's just how it is. 90 per I think it's probably like 95 percent of people can just be bought off. And I've seen it all. I've seen it from my time as a high fashion model in Tokyo. I've seen all this shit before. It's not like, you know, I was never in a corrupted environment. I was, I came from an environment that was full of corruption and money and all this shit.

So. I'm very familiar with it. So and it's, it's gross, you know, it's just, it, it feels gross. So I just never wanted any, like, I just, I don't like that environment. It makes me feel uncomfortable. I like an environment that's based on learning. So anyway, once a week, usually it's on Sundays, but We, we, we made it a different time for Art because he didn't want to do Sundays. Yeah, so I'm not sure when the next one is. Cause I haven't, I haven't organized it and figured out which day. So I'll, when I do that, I'll figure out the topic. And so, thanks to everyone for coming and listening and thanks to all of our speakers and everyone that participated. And I guess, I guess that's how I'm going to close it up.

Anyone have any final thoughts or anything? Let, let me know.

I guess not. Okay. See you guys all on Warpcast or whatever.

Fractal Visions

Cheers, thank you, Stella!


Yeah. I hate to be so serious, but you know, sometimes it's required. I would much rather just laugh about everything, but you know Okay, I can't wait to see everyone's hot photos, because Art said that he's good looking. So I guess that's what we're gonna do next. Maybe we'll do a quote train or some shit like that and, and you know, show our hot photos from the past.

I don't know. All right. See you guys the next time. Bye. Haha. Thank you.

Bye bye. Someone say something, then we can go.

Fractal Visions

Okay, like

Sorry, I need, I need something to drink. I have extremely dry mouth.


Okay. Alright, go drink. Bye bye.

Fractal Visions



Cheers. Bye.

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