Are You King or Queen of Your Domain?

from the "It ain't a Seinfeld Quote" department

I had to pause some of the courses just to allow everyone who signed up to catch up before I moved on to the Domain Name System, or the DNS.

Look, everything is distracting right now--what with the US indicting an ex-president for using executive privilege to declassify whatever he wants--along with flat out admissions by the military powers of the world regarding "extraterrestrial crafts" and "reverse engineering them". (Gee, wonder if those two things could be related somehow?) You might think to yourself, "Self, I don't want to screw around with learning stuff right now, because with all this other crap I'm already overwhelmed!" Too bad. If you find yourself in a trench in the middle of a war, you better get busy living, or get busy dying!

Many of you probably realize I've been telling you all of this for over ten years or longer. I am not the first, there have been others even before me who were blowing the whistle on all the stuff that is now seemingly becoming "matter-of-fact".

However, let's assume for a minute that you are a "very advanced species" and you want to "control a population of people" probably because you want "something or another on the planet they reside upon". You could use your advanced power to track down potential problems to this agenda, or--you could just get the cattle to do it to themselves.

Yep, the internet makes the whole "Mark of the Beast" system pretty simple--what with ChatGPT and satellites tracking your latitude and longitude. If only it could somehow be converted to like--a small chip that you could you know--like put in the forehead or the hand. (Don't worry, Elon Musk is on it. Brief aside, I was working on a network once and someone said to me that I probably thought Musk was the AntiChrist. I simply replied back that no, in fact he was simply working WITH the AntiChrist. Didn't stop that person from getting Starlink without asking me, though. Have I mentioned that people are really stupid during this period?)

My next course, over the DNS, concerns how the internet goes about finding websites and is a prelude to my mitigation courses which are forthcoming. Keep in mind, the powers that be would prefer these issues to remain buried and for the public to remain ignorant. Keep also in mind that Big Tech, despite my credentials and experience, will not hire me for anything since I fundamentally disagree with their "synthetic Apocalypse".

As per usual, if you want to sign up for the course, you are gonna have to get in touch with me. There are lots of ways of doing that, and if you can't figure it out or be bothered to do it, this course is most definitely not for you. (also you probably suck and make excellent crunchy cannon fodder)

So, are you King or Queen of your Domain? (DNS)? Sign up and answer the question for yourself!

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