The Problem: Now that I’m not posting something every day, I’m now building up an annoying micro-library of content that’s growing less and less useful each day. But two weeks ago, I watched a great documentary about the state of community in our modern society, and I want to tell you about it.
The Other Problem: My posts are way too long for anyone to keep up.
The Idea: Last night I watched Illinoise on Broadway and they were able to convey a great story without a lot of words.
The Solution: So here is, in pictorial essay format, my top takeaways from Join or Die.
Here’s how I made this:
I opened my notebook from notes I took during the film.
I wrote prompts in ChatGPT to generate image in DALL-E based on the notes I took.
I added some light narrative.
Ready? Let's go.
Remember? Our democracy was built on the idea of self-organization.
If only there were a way to prove that community mattered...
Observation: Civic engagement is directly correlated to social capital.
Idea! You can measure social capital by counting clubs.
Observation: People are having fewer picnics
Observation: People aren't join bowling leagues, now they bowl alone.
But! Clubs teach people valuable leadership skills.
And also! Diverse social interactions contribute toward economic mobility.
So why are we still so lonely?
Step up for your community. The fate of our democracy depends on it.
That's it. That was where the documentary ended.
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