Papyrus is now Paragraph

Today, we have some exciting news to share regarding the evolution of our company.

We’re rebranding, and changing our name from Papyrus to Paragraph. This new brand better reflects our long-term vision and focus - helping creators publish content, reach their audience, build closer communities, and get paid directly from their users.

Why ‘Paragraph’?

Beyond the obvious reference to writing, graphs are used in mathematics and computer science to represent relationships. Relationships play a large role in the creator economy - musicians have listeners, streamers have viewers, and writers have readers (or newsletter subscribers).

Web3 is fundamentally changing how creators own, manage, and monetize these relationships. As we outlined in a recent post, we believe this direction is the future, so we intend on continuing to build novel ways of connecting creators with their audience.

What This Means for Our Users

All links - including all blogs and posts - will permanently (HTTP 308) redirect from to starting from today.

All newsletters were previously sent by Now, they’ll be sent by

If you have a custom domain, there should be no changes for how you or your readers continue accessing your blog.

If you have any questions, we’re happy to help - just reach out on Discord or via email (

The Path Ahead for Paragraph

This rebranding represents the first of many steps towards our vision of the future of the creator economy. We’re just at the tip of the iceberg - we have big plans to continue changing how publishers grow and get paid, and how closer communities get built. Token-gated access, recurring crypto payments, wallet-to-wallet newsletters, and more ways to engage with readers & writers are just a few upcoming product features on the roadmap.

We also have some exciting news to share in the next few weeks that will help accelerate our goals - stay tuned!

As always, we’re incredibly grateful for your never-ending support, and we’re thrilled to have you along on our journey.

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