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The Awakening of Bodhilama

Fiction x Spirituality x Web3

The Creations of Bodhilama

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It was a warm, lovely, sunny day.
Bodhilama walked on a stony path,
contemplating about questions like:
"who is he in the digital world?"
"what is his brand about?"
"what is his niche?"

He understood himself in the real world,
at least he could follow the breadcrumbs life gave him every day,
but when it came to digitizing his identity, brand & creativity on the world wide web,
he was clueless, confused, all over the place, not knowing who he was.
Comparison with the rest of the industry fogged his mind.
Hands and actions paralyzed by uncertainty.
Self-Doubts crept into his heart.

Nothing he was.

And suddenly,
with one step he took,
the dots were connected.
He fathomed his digital identity.
He was awake, still the same person,
yet expanded, feeling Joy bathed in bliss.

BlueSky, Farcaster, X, Paragraph
& the NFT he bought for a shit ton of ether,
everything was connected.

His passion for Web3, Spirituality, Solarpunk & Storytelling combined with his need to express his inner world to the outer world, was able to find interoperability in his writings by bringing it onchain.

From then on, he wrote condensed posts on B, F & X about his learnings, which he had gathered in the real World and combined them into longer paragraphs by wrapping them up in poetic fictional stories.

A deep sense of alignment with his purpose, his mission, why he was here on planet Earth, embraced his heart, and from that moment on, every step he took was full of light peppered with a bit darkness.

These are the Letters of Bodhilama, a guy who lives in a time of transformation.
A guy who felt the urge to write, because nothing else made any sense.
A guy who is a student, teacher & creator of (wild)Planet108.
A solar punk finding his way on the game's journey of life.
Subscribe to become part of the stories he tells.
Subscribe to learn his insights he holds.
Subscribe for the sake of it.

This Text was written, only with the mind & hands of one human being.
Only for refinement DeepL was consulted.
The artworks are made by openArt.

All rights reserved to Bodhilama

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