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Touching the first step of the stairs

about the process of starting to write

Bodhilama stood up from his meditation and looked out of his Cave.

He simply had to start. There was no such thing as perfection. The concept of 'right & wrong doesn't exist'. Nothing had to be planned and structured. It is just about getting started.

The last months after his enlightenment, he felt this fire in his chest, but then it got too big and sparks flew everywhere.
He lost sight of his vision & got overwhelmed by his thoughts, ideas & feelings.
He focused more on the results than the process.

His dear partner just brought this one spark to his awareness he needed.
She just told him to just start writing, for 365 days each day.

Everyday, without exception,
without thinking so much what to write about.
Without having a concept.
Without having a goal in mind.
Without even knowing what the next sentence will be.

And then magic will happen.

The only purpose is to bring words on paper, digitalize them & finally send them out into world.
It is just about being. The thinking then happens by itself.

They call it #justbeink.

So, his rules are the following:

  1. Write everyday, 365 days, starting 27.07.2024

  2. Writing each post takes approx. 1 to 2 hours.

  3. No focus on perfection, but on consistency

  4. Just be & be kind to himself

That's it.

Bodhilama's gaze went over the jungle in the valley.

"It was so simple. Yet, my head made it so complicated. However, I feel I had to come to this point.
Life is a process in itself.

At first, I had this fire in me to write.
Than that fire became so big that I wanted to do all at once, only seeing the results, seeking perfection, creating something big. I was Reaching out to the last step of the stairs without even touching the first.
Overwhelmed by everything, I fell into a hole. Everything was to much. My own vision became to big, to complex. I became demotivated. I started to feel like I wasn't good enough to do what I wanted to create. Doubts started to creep into my head and what was left was misery, thinking I could never get started.

But as time passed, so did the feelings.
My mind was able to process and integrate what was going on, and at the end, my Partner caught the right spark in the air and showed it to me.
So now here I am, writing.

Words are forming.
Without a goal.
Just with the purpose to write.

So what I have learned is that a process doesn't have to be complicated.
If it becomes complicated, think about the simplest way.
Yet, sometime
it needs time to see & feel the simple way.
It is okay to take time, to be slow.
Nobody needs to achieve thing as fast as possible.
Plants take their time too. They need their time to grow and become strong.

You can not force them.
So as you, you can not force yourself to be inspired. Inspiration comes through the process of being. And being doesn't know time or concepts.

It as simple as frustrating."

With that being said, Bodhilama put the last dot on the first page of his book. The first words were written, and with that a new journey embarked.

Written with Heart,

These are the Letters of Bodhilama, a guy who lives in a time of transformation.
A guy who felt the urge to write, because nothing else made any sense.
A guy who is a student, teacher & creator of (wild)Planet108.
A solar punk finding his way on the game's journey of life.
Subscribe to become part of the stories he tells.
Subscribe to learn his insights he holds.
Subscribe for the sake of it.

This Text was written, only with the mind & hands of one human being.
Only for refinement DeepL was consulted.
The artworks are made by openArt.

All rights reserved to Bodhilama

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