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What the Bible never told you #1

& how you never perceived spirituality

Kissed by the muse, his hands flew over the paper like a storm.
The pages of his journal filled up one after the other.

I have the feeling nowadays many people become very sceptical when they hear the word Spirituality. I perceive that most people see in Spirituality something esoteric, which is far away from Reality or something that is about some Guru & his teachings which you must follow without exception. They think anything in regard to Spirituality have to do something with joining a cult.
On the other hand, I see these fluffy spiritualist who claim they invented a device to measure some energetic chakra stuff, only to charge chunks of monies for it. They say, they can heal with their superhuman abilities. But they don't know sh**t about how Life flows.
Actually, Spirituality has nothing to do with all of this.
One does not need to believe in some energy fields, gods, gurus, believes, systems or whatsoever.

you just have to remember who you are...

How to remember yourself, you may ask, dear journal?
Well, it is all about working on with yourself.
Not hard, trying to optimize,
yet slow & smooth,
steady & flowy.
finding vision & purpose,
be aligned with your core values
become aware of your talents, passions,
patterns, habits and vulnerabilities.
Remember your Inner child,
And always
be kind to yourself.

First get your vision, your purpose in Life, straight.
That means feel into yourself, take some weeks off,
take your journal and sit in the park,
without craving & distracting yourself,
just listen.

Then visualize your higher authentic self.
Draw an image
in your head
of the future
that you envision for yourself.

Following questions can help you to create this image:

What is the best version of myself?
What was my favourite thing to do as a child?
What really drives me?
How would my perfect relationship look like?
How & where do I want to live?
What skills do I want to learn?
What goals do I want to achieve?
What is preventing me from achieving these goals?
What is my biggest challenge right now?

Visualize it & project it from your head into the real world.
Use tools like vision boards and tell others about your vision.
Write it down as clearly as possible. Let your vision become reality.

And remember!
Your vision is your vision!
It doesn't matter how silly it may look..
Don't let anyone get you down & doubt yourself.
Nobody but you knows what's deep inside of you.

That is the first step in taking responsibility for yourself.
You can listen to as many self-development coaches as you like.
Attend as many courses as you want. Blame as many people as you want
Read as many books as you want.

There is a saying from a Zen Master to the student:
I can only show you the river, but you have to cross it.

People, books, courses, teachers, children, whatever it is.
Only for some time do they share your journey of life.
In the end, everybody is walking their own way.
You can support them & they can support you,
and then each of them is going their own path.
Nobody is there to decide for you. Nobody is there to be responsible for you.
It's your choice to cross the river or wait for someone to carry you to the other side.
This is an uncomfortable & challenging truth.

And very often the universe will test you.
So you will fall down into holes.
...into old habits.
...into unhealthy thoughts.
...onto the couch doomscrolling.
...into emotional states of sadness & anger.
...into the demotivation of not following your practice.
...into a group of people you had actually sworn off for a long time.
...under the protective cloak of fear, protecting you from taking any risks.

Just remember, being in these holes is part of the process.
Yet, if your vision is strong, you will always find a way out.
And on the way up, you learn something and you expand.
Falling down is not bad. Actually, bad & right are not separated.
There is sadness in beauty. There are teachings in ugliness.
In the end, both are the same. And you are the one who unites them.

& then you realize...

Doubts took over Bodhilama's heart. The energy flowed into his hand, paralyzing his fingers.
He stopped writing and he put his pen aside. He inhaled deeply. The chair made a creaking sound as he pushed it back and stood up from his desk. A loud sigh escaped his mouth as he exhaled.
He looked into the wide world. Daylight was reflected in the large lake. The trees swayed in the wind. He wondered if he was worthy to preach, to teach and to write down his wisdom as clearly as he had written it in his journal. Did he have the integrity to write about these topics?
Was he fully following it through?

He took a deep breath and said to himself:

"It's okay, be gentle & soft with yourself,
just follow the breadcrumbs to the end.
Perfection is a construction of our minds.
Imperfection is at the core of nature.
I just write what is present.
There is no goal.
Just writing."

After a pause he sat down again, nodded imperceptibly and continued writing.
[to be continued]

Tired greetings,

These are the Letters of Bodhilama, a guy who lives in a time of transformation.
A guy who felt the urge to write, because nothing else made any sense.
A guy who is a student, teacher & creator of (wild)Planet108.
A solar punk finding his way on the game's journey of life.
Subscribe to become part of the stories he tells.
Subscribe to learn his insights he holds.
Subscribe for the sake of it.
Just lean back, relax &

This Text was written, only with the mind & hands of one human being.
Only for refinement DeepL was consulted.
The artworks are made by openArt.

All rights reserved to Bodhilama

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