Chapter 5

The Curse of Hollow Creek

Ashley walked home. 

It wasn’t far. Nothing was far in Hollow Creek. If you just followed the water, you could get pretty much anywhere.

A left turn at the gas station took her past the corner of Main and Big Bear. Following her shadow, Ash continued deeper into the woods, past old homestead cabins and the laden apple trees that hid them from view.

White clouds moved out of the way as lumpy gray ones converged overhead. Gone with the white clouds went the hope of an Indian summer.

Normally, the bus would drop Zach and Ash above the creek, on Apache Way, since they both lived on the dirt road that ran behind the neighborhood. She could cut straight through the three-way stop and arrive home in ten minutes. A light hike down the ravine, across three stepping stones through the creek, up the hillside.

Or, she could give Zach the second chance he didn't deserve.

Ash stepped between the gap in the aspens and cut down to the footpath. She could cross here and go home. Instead, she turned left and began the trek. She counted the felled pines that crisscrossed the creek.







A faint splash tickled Ash’s head. The first raindrop of the season.

She continued on. Past the rusted bear trap, past the sofa boulder, stopping finally at the hollowed out stump.

Where Zach should be waiting for her.

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