#12: Cabin: A Contributor Roundtable

This week, to mark the end of Campfire’s Season 1, we have a very special episode for you. We’ve invited eight rockstar Cabin contributors on to hear about what brought them here, their work at Cabin, and the future of the DAO.

Tune in to this episode to hear about Cabin’s origins, the unique considerations of working in Web3, Cabin’s programming, and the future of governance at Cabin. As a note, we’ll be taking a short break to regroup before Season 2, where we’ll bring you all the same content you’ve come to enjoy this season and more.

Want to get the latest on Cabin’s plans and progress? Check out our litepaper, and you’ll also get our email newsletter packed with Cabin news and ways to get involved with the community. 



Topics Covered:

  • Introduction to This Special Episode — (01:47)

  • Interview with Kat Dovjenko— (3:15)

  • What’s a Cabin Build Week? — (04:17)

  • How Kat ended up at Cabin — (05:30)

  • The Projects at Build Week — (10:20)


  • Interview with Roxine Kee — (11:49)

  • Cabin’s editorial Direction— (12:05)

  • How the Media Guild Operates — (13:20)

  • The Differences Between Traditional and Web3 Content Marketing — (14:30)

  • The Cabin Mirror NFT Partnership — (17:20)

  • Roxine’s Favorite Article — (19:02)


  • Interview with Jon Dean Keiles — (20:14)

  • Jon Dean’s Role — (20:58)

  • Weekly and special programming — (21:40)

  • Cabin Guild Games — (24:17)

  • The Hopes and Dreams Initiative — (25:37)

  • Jon Dean’s Ideal Neighborhood — (26:46)


  • Interview with Jon Hillis — (31:40)

  • Cabin’s Physical Expansion — (32:20)

  • The Process of Adding a Neighborhood to Cabin — (34:45)

  • How to Visit a Cabin Neighborhood — (36:55)

  • Jon’s Thoughts on Governance Innovations — (38:02)


  • Interview with Charlie Frise — (40:45)

  • Charlie’s Experience at Neighborhood Zero—  (42:55)

  • Charlie on How an Internet Community Can Build Well — (46:00)

  • Charlie Making Videos at Neighborhood Zero — (47:45)


  • Interview with Chalice Stroebe — (48:45)

  • Cabin’s DAO Camp — (49:46)

  • The Importance of Play — (53:05)

  • Holding Space Online vs. IRL — (55:04)


  • Interview with Zakk — (56:06)

  • Cabin’s Product Guild — (56:57)

  • Cabin NFTs and Stamps — (58:40)

  • The Physical Passport Cards — (64:02)

  • The Cabin Token Gaining Utility — (66:13)


  • Interview with Todd — (68:50)

  • Todd’s Role at Cabin — (69:14)

  • Progressive Decentralization and Finances— (71:29)

  • Multi-Signature Wallets — (73:30)

  • DAO Culture — (74:45)

Want to learn more about what new technologies are waiting to be released? Follow us on Twitter or join our Discord to find out what's in store for us and how we make use of Web3 in both digital and physical space. See you at the next Campfire 🏕🔥.

If you have any suggestions for how the podcast can improve, feel free to reach out to Jackson (@JacksonSteger) on Twitter.

Episode Links:

Kat, Roxine, Jon Dean, Jon, Charlie, Chalice, Zakk, Todd on Twitter


Episode Credit:

Hosted by @JacksonSteger

Sound Engineering by @prodcolin

Produced by @PhilippeIze

Distribution by @alisonclaire and @PhilippeIze

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