Mint Cabin’s Writing NFTs: Access Masterclasses, Support Our Contributors & Cast Your Vote for the Future of Work in Web3

🎉 To celebrate Cabin’s first birthday, we’re proud to announce that we partnered with Mirror to publish three of our most popular articles as NFTs.

Mirror’s crowdfunding platform powered Cabin initial crowdfund. Since then, it’s been our home to build the DAO in public. Today, we’re taking that partnership to the next level.

From now until the end of May, members, fans, and lurkers of the Cabin community have the unique opportunity to collect and mint three of our most popular articles as Writing NFTs and directly support the Cabin contributors behind each article. Here’s the exciting part: Every NFT minted is a ticket to an intimate masterclass taught by Cabin core contributors.

Before we get into how you can mint, you might be wondering ...

Why is Cabin doing this?

Early this year, we outlined a vision for our Media Guild saying,

The Media Guild is a way for [contributors] to build careers in web3 and earn equity in the form of ₡ABIN tokens. Moving forward, we’ll continue to experiment with various compensation structures such as minting articles as NFTs (with 100% proceeds going to the writers) and paying writers in ETH or USDC ...  This allows a writer to earn true passive income, in addition to the fixed rate for each article.

We want to offer our contributors liquidity, apart from selling ₡ABIN. Currently, most of our contributors are compensated in ₡ABIN. Minting articles as NFTs and creating utility for them allows writers to receive more liquid and less volatile compensation for their work.

In the vision article mentioned above we wrote,

How we monetize our content and finance the guild matters. Sure, we can put ads in our newsletter, but that would be perpetuating a system with misaligned  — albeit profitable — incentives. We’re not against putting ads in our work, but we want to prioritize experimentation with web3-native business models that can only happen because of web3.

This is an experiment that will allow us to attract and reward higher quality contributors and contributions than ever before.

Top-class but skeptical professional writers and journalists might be persuaded to dip their toes into web3, crypto, and DAOs and write for Cabin.

Our current contributors will want to put out the best ideas and pieces of content they can and as a result, will want editing and feedback. They will want to hone their craft as longform online writers and Twitter thread writers because this directly correlates with how much the piece gets shared and as a result, how much they could potentially earn from a piece.

Writers will be  able to earn passive income in ETH, in addition to membership in a community through ₡ABIN. This model will make  quality content creation becomes a very lucrative and rewarding incentive.

And what’s in it for minters and supporters of the cause?

  • DAO operators who are building or would like to build DAOs and other web3 communities get training and their questions answered from one of the foremost social DAOs in web3 in terms of operational excellence.

  • VCs, DAO-curious, and other tech folks from web2 to get a behind-the-scenes look into how DAOs operate and what the next iteration of work will look like.

  • Curators and DAO thought leaders can support their favorite writers and own a piece of their work. (If you're sharing an article all over the place, then you might as well brag about your fandom and get rewarded for it, right?)

How do I mint?

We’ll cover the exact instructions but first, there are two tiers available to mint:

Tier 1: Collect the 5/5 NFT Edition

Mint the NFTs below. This reserves you a live spot in the online workshop for that topic. You’ll also get a recording and additional resources from the workshop.

  • Each post can be minted for the ETH equivalent of $200 with a gas cost of ~$0.50

  • Each post will have a supply of 5

  • 100% of funds go directly to the authors who wrote the article and the artists who designed the art

  • Make sure to fill out this form afterwards so we can get your email and contact you about the workshops!




Tier 2: Collect the 100/100 Writing NFT

Go to the articles below, click “Collect”, and follow the instructions afterwards:

This allows you to showcase the article in your collection. While we’ve reserved live workshop spots for 5/5 NFT minters, minting the 100/100 means you get a recording and additional resources after the workshop ends.

  • Each post can be minted for the ETH equivalent of $5 with a gas cost of ~$0.50

  • Each post will have a supply of 100

  • 100% of funds go directly to the contributors of the article

  • Make sure to fill out this form afterwards so we can get your email and contact you about the workshop recordings!

Tl;DR How to mint NFTs & get access to workshops

  1. Mint the 100/100 Writing NFT or the 5/5 NFT Edition following Mirror’s instructions. You can mint the Writing NFT from each article’s site. You can mint the 5/5 NFT Edition at the end of this section..

  2. Fill out this form with your email address, the wallet address you used to mint, and the article/s you minted. (This allows us to send you the link for the workshops)

  3. Check your inbox and confirm your subscription.

  4. Sit tight! If you minted ...

    • The 5/5 NFT Edition, we’ll get in touch via email to coordinate the details of the online workshop for sometime in June ‘22.

    • The 100/100 Writing NFT, we’ll keep you in the loop and send you the recording and resources after the workshop happens.

What’s next?

This is a way for web3 enthusiasts and optimists to invest in the future of the ecosystem, namely in a future with NFT utility and contributor liquidity. Cabin is using this as a test to divorce token speculation from IRL financial liquidity of its contributors. This is also a way to incentivize contributors and bounty hunters to hodl their token, instead of selling it. We're doing everything we can to allow committed community members to tangibly demonstrate their long-term commitment to Cabin's community and vision.

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