Wanna Go Camping on a Greek Island? (Cabin’s First IRL Event in Europe)

Cabin is expanding to Europe! If you’ve always wanted to attend Cabin or web3 events but struggle to get to North America, then this is for you.

Even though Cabin was founded in Texas, we have communities all over the world. Our European frens are among the most active contributors and community members in Cabin. But it can be a struggle to make events in the US or in North American timezones — and we hear you!

This fall, we're partnering up with Cabin community member Rudi Medved and his Web3 Travelers community to host our first event in Europe. 15 participants get to go camping on a beautiful Greek island, meet other web3 contributors, and sit in on presentations from top web3 speakers and practitioners.

Before we get into the story behind the opportunity, here’s all the juicy details:

  • Go camping on the Greek island of Leros from September 19 – 23, 2022 with a group of 15 cool folks.

  • The experience costs 210 – 240 € (includes 4 breakfasts and dinners, lectures, and most social activities).

  • Bring your own sleeping bag and tent!

Ready to sign up? Apply for the campout in Greece here.

Want to learn more? Keep reading.

This camping trip is both a web3 unconference and an outdoor vacation. Rudi imagines this 5-day experience as a split between work and leisure. “We see it as a safe, quiet space where one can meet with like-minded people, immerse themselves in a particular topic, acquire new knowledge and share common meaningful experiences.” The experience will include presentations on a variety of web3 topics, including communities, DAOs, web3 growth, DeSci, and ReFi.

Here’s the current schedule for the camping trip (subject to change!):

Sample schedule for the camping trip. Still subject to change!

While there will be internet on the island and participants can continue working on their projects, Rudi recommends that folks clear their schedules as much as possible. This way the campers allow themselves to be present in nature, in the presentations, and in the IRL community around them.

Leros Camping & Diving itself has space for about 50 people. But Rudi and his team are limiting the number of participants to 15, to keep the experience intimate. Panos, the site’s owner, will make delicious Mediterranean breakfasts and dinners for the group.

Camping on Leros

As a Cabin contributor who also works in the travel industry, Rudi knows about the power of bridging URL with IRL. In June 2022 after successfully organizing the first Slovenian web3 retreat, he came to us with the idea of seeding and piloting a Cabin neighbourhood with a camping trip in Greece. Everyone was excited — Cabin could make a huge stride towards the milestone of planting a neighbourhood in every continent, while partnering with and supporting a valued Cabin contributor.

As well as a way to seed Cabin’s first European neighbourhood in Slovenia, this campout as an opportunity to form lasting relationships with founders and builders in the web3 space. He says:

“The goal of our gathering is to get together to have a relaxed social time, solve together the challenges we have in our projects, learn and create new things and brainstorm ideas.”

So there you have it: all the ingredients for a phenomenal Cabin IRL event.

  • A gorgeous, un-touristy location

  • Amazing Mediterranean food, sourced and cooked by a local host

  • Inspiring people from the cutting edge of the internet

A delicious Mediterranean breakfast

Applications are now open for our camping trip in Greece

If you’re based in Europe and have had serious Cabin FOMO because of geography and time differences, then our campout in Greece might be for you!


  • What: Web3 Camping Trip on a Greek island

  • When: September 19 – 23, 2022

  • Where: Leros Camping and Diving in Leros, Greece

  • Who: 15 Cabin community members and contributors (ideally from Europe!)

  • Cost: 210 – 240 €

Ready to apply? Apply for the campout in Greece here.

Curious but hesitant? We have an information session coming up on August 24, 2022. Join our interest list to get notified.

Can’t make it this time? We do multiple experiences each season and this is just one of them. Get on our newsletter to get notified of the next one!

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