BPM Bot is here đźź 

Add the BPM bot to your Discord!

Update: The !BPM airdrop from contributors to this article has been completed! You can still support the article, but please note it will not result in a !BPM airdrop. Thank you!

Two Fridays ago, I learned that YouTube had forced the most popular discord music bots to shut down their services. In a fit of rage and enthusiasm, I sprung up a crowdfund to rectify the situation.

The thought went as follows: if web2 platforms such as YouTube and Spotify aren’t happy with us streaming their music in our Discord calls, then we must build a bot of our own.

A web3 music bot.

And so we did…

It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you → bpm.gg

First up: BPM v1.0

BPM v1.0 streams Catalog 1/1 NFTs into Discord calls.

The bot is a community-funded public good. It is available for everyone to use, thanks to the beautiful souls who funded its development.

Not only did the bot’s crowdfund reach its stretch goal, but @raihan and @JesseGrushack both sweetened the deal by throwing enough $FWB into the pot so the developer who built it could join Friends With Benefits!


Daniel Rojkind (@drojkind) is that very developer, who slid into my DMs the day after the crowdfund to inform me that he already got a functional bot up and running the night before!

After running the beta bot for a week or so in a handful of Discords such as Songcamp and FWB, we now have a V1 ready for all to use. Daniel whipped up this awesome little landing page at bpm.gg where you can add the bot to your Discord server. (Be sure to hover over “community-funded” with your mouse on desktop for a fun little easter egg.)

Next up: BPM v2.0 + Club BPM

This is the public beta release of BPM. We still have soooo many ideas for how we can improve music playback in Discords, as well as paths to value realization for the artists that we’re streaming.

We will also launch *Club BPM *soon — a suite of Discord voice and text channels in the BPM server where we intend to host parties, test out new features + versions of the BPM bot, and build out the hottest club in the metaverse.

To gain access to Club BPM, you’ll need 5 $BPM tokens.

meme by @shamanic

How do I get $BPM?

The $BPM token was first created and distributed during our crowdfund. Those who contributed ETH to the crowdfund received a portion of $BPM tokens in exchange.

This token’s first use case is as the entry ticket to Club BPM: the hottest club in the metaverse. But we can see it growing from there. As mentioned in the initial crowdfund…

Should this Discord bot product be successful, I’d love to build out a bigger collective to fund and create more Discord bots for the web3 community. Should we stand up said DAO in the future, it would make sense to recognize and reward $BPM holders as the initial backers of the collective’s genesis project.

There are 2 ways to recieve $BPM. You choose:

  1. “I’d like some $BPM as soon as humanly possible”

    Well, alright! We want more beautiful people to join this burgeoning lil’ community. At the top of the page, you have the ability to collect an editioned NFT of this article. If you collect any edition by next Monday October 11th at 1pm ET, you’ll receive 10 $BPM (Update: this airdrop has already taken place!) I’ll take a snapshot of the supporters at that time and date, and airdrop you the BPM then (as in next Monday). These funds will go to the continued development of BPM!

  2. “I’m not in any rush, but I’d like some $BPM before Club BPM opens”

    There is no need to contribute ETH to receive $BPM! Well before our debut party at Club BPM, we will present ample ways to obtain the 5 $BPM needed to access the club. No action to take just yet, except jumping into the BPM discord server. More updates to come on this front soon!

And of course, don’t forget to add BPM bot to your discord.

If you’ve got questions or feedback, please drop them in the #feedback channel on the BPM server.

Let’s build a new wave of public goods for musicians and music-lovers! Together as an Internet family! 💽 🧡 💽 🧡 💽 🧡 💽 🧡 💽 🧡 💽 🧡 💽 🧡 💽 🧡 💽 🧡 💽 🧡 💽 🧡

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